CoDA Texas State Assembly Board Meeting Minutes
Nov 5, 2016
La Quinta Inn & Suites
Tyler, TX
Sat 9:00 am – 12:15 pm
Attendees: Gary G. (Chair, Houston), Cindi S. (Richardson), Marilyn B. (Kingwood), Mavis D. (Katy), Charlotte S. (Treasurer, Austin), Theresa K. (Jr. Delegate, Houston), David L. (Houston), Calista M. (Tyler), Carol M. (Tyler), Debbie T. (Denton). Came in later: Tonette M. (New Braunfels), Bob M. (Tyler)
Gary G. opened meeting with Serenity Prayer at 9 am. The 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions were read. Everyone introduced themselves. Marilyn made a motion to use majority vote instead of quorum and that everyone present could vote, seconded by Charlotte, Results were 8 For, 1 Abstained, Vote Passed.
Secretary’s Report
2016 Spring Board Meeting Minutes
Marilyn B. read the minutes. Charlotte motioned to accept the minutes as amended & Theresa seconded.
Passed Unanimously.
2015State Assembly Board Meeting Minutes
Marilyn read the 2015 State Assembly minutes. Theresa motioned to accept the minutes as read & David L. seconded. Passed Unanimously.
2016 State Assembly Meeting Action Items from the Secretary’s Report
Marilyn made note of some new Action Items:
- Marilyn and Karen G. will try to recreate the historical documents lost on the thumb drive by the previous Secretary.
- Check with Karen to see if the By-Laws and Procedures Manual Changes are actually reflected as posted on the Website. Also to check to make sure Retreat Procedures and Budget were also
included in the Procedures Manual.
Treasurer’s Report
Charlotte read the 3rd Quarter Treasurer’s Report as of 11/3/2016. She commented that the Retreat did
make a profit of $1,082.28 even though the balance looks negative but it’s because the money was
distributed in 2015 and 2016. 7th Tradition donations are down significantly & Tonette M. said they had
voted to add a line to their preamble in Colorado which asks for more donations and what they are used for. David L. suggested we ask groups to ask their members to increase their donation by $1-2. Checkbook
Balance as of 11/3/2016 is $10,668.48. Marilyn asked about what the $250 Discretionary Funds in the
Prudent Reserve is for and the response was it’s been passed down from Treasurer to Treasurer,
check with Karen G., (Historian).
2016 State Assembly Meeting Action Items from the Treasurers Report
Marilyn made note of some new Action Items:
- Find out about what the $250 Discretionary Fund is in Prudent Reserve.
- Tonette will check on the line added to the Preamble in Colorado to increase 7th Tradition Donations
and present it to CoDA Texas at the Spring Board Meeting.
David motioned that we accept the Financial Report & Theresa seconded, Passed Unanimously.
2016 Retreat Report
Marilyn B. read the Profit & Loss Statement & CoDA 2016 Spring Retreat Report as given to her by the former Retreat Committee. Theresa motioned to accept Retreat Report, Charlotte seconded, Passed Unanimously.
2016 State Assembly Meeting Action Items from the Retreat Report
Marilyn made note of some new Action Items:
- Retreat Committee needs to make a motion at the Spring Board Meeting to carryover Retreat Income and Scholarship Funds and set out a Budget to be included in the Procedures Manual based upon their projection of the Program.
Old Business
2016 CSC Report
Linda B/F. (Sr. Delegate) was not present but Theresa K. (Jr. Delegate) gave their report with a summary handout. Kudos were given for the stellar performance by Denny H. (CoDA Inc. Treasurer, former Texas Sr. Delegate) and David L. (CoRE Committee Chair, Houston Intergroup Chairperson). Linda B/F. gave a report for Texas regarding our number of groups and yearly activities and highlighted our 2016 Retreat. The 2017 CSC will be held in Minnesota in October and the 2018 CSC will be held in San Diego.
Major Motions:
- Approved to make English the primary language of CoDA, Inc.
- Did not vote to allow the Spanish Outreach (SO) to develop their own website, but did add $8000
to the budget and the board agreed to work with the web designer to help the SO Committee with
the Spanish version of the website.
- Add to the By Laws the clause about what happens to the remaining inventory and funds should
CoDA, Inc. become solvent.
Theresa read the ICC Report. Marilyn motioned to accept the Delegates CSC Report, Charlotte seconded, Passed Unanimously.
Discussion of CoDA’s Excess Funds
David L. reported CoRE will send a package to Spanish and new groups along with the Starter Packet. Cindi S. said Dallas has a strong Spanish following thanks to Yara R. She asked if Houston Spanish speaking people could start a meeting. David said the Spanish meetings in Houston haven’t been able to keep the meetings going. We discussed contacting the former Spanish meeting contacts to start up a new meeting, adding a comment to the Newsletter or even approaching the Catholic Churches in Houston for assistance and possible locations. He said CoRE could send some Spanish Literature to them.
2016 State Assembly Meeting Action Items from the Excess Funds Discussion
Marilyn made note of some new Action Items:
- Marilyn will craft a paragraph to add to the Newsletter about increasing Donations and present it
at the Spring Board Meeting.
New Business
2017 State Assembly Location
Last year, Dallas volunteers elected not to host State Assembly in 2017. Linda B. volunteered Houston to host the 2017 State Assembly last year. An official motion was made by David L. (Houston Intergroup Chairperson) for Houston to host the 2017 State Assembly, Theresa seconded, Passed Unanimously. After that, Dallas will pick up on the rotation of State Assembly Locations in 2018 and then Austin in 2019. He also stated that the date should be after CSC in October. Many thanks were given to the Tyler Group for hosting this year’s State Assembly and doing a terrific job.
Officer Elections
Four positions are up for election: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretaryand Jr. Delegate
New officers nominated and elected are:
Chairperson: Tonette M., (New Braunfels)
Vice Chair. Marilyn B., (Kingwood)
Secretary: Cindi S., (Richardson)
Sr. Delegate: Theresa K., (Houston) moves from Jr. Delegate
Jr. Delegate: No Volunteers, may need to solicit people outside of Houston along with Alternative Delegates to be selected at the Spring Board Meeting
David L. motioned that all elections be approved, Theresa K. seconded, Passed Unanimous.
Gary G. will be removed as Chairperson from the bank account (after the new chair is added) and Tonette M.will be added as new Chairperson. They will contact the bank and handle the conversion.
2017 Budget
Charlotte S. read the 2017 Proposed Budget. We discussed the importance of having double signatures on all outgoing checks and that expenses need to be approved before the Treasurer writes the check for reimbursement. David L. motioned that financial reimbursement on expenses go to the Committee Chair for approval, then to the Treasurer who gets approval by CoDA Texas Chair before writing the check. Theresa K. seconded, Passed Unanimously.
Marilyn B. motioned to increase Jr. and Sr. Delegates expenses from $850 to $1,000. David L. seconded, Passed Unanimously.
Charlotte included in the Budget the cost for the DBA. The CoDA Texas Board should investigate the current status with the Secretary of State. Are we up to date on Tax Filings /Income Reported, are we incorporated? If CoDA, Inc. does become solvent, we should be incorporated to protect our funds and resources. Gary G. volunteered to research this.
2016 State AssemblyMeeting Action Items from 2017 Budget Discussion
Marilyn made note of some new Action Items:
- Charlotte S. will revise 2017 Proposed Budget for increase in Jr. & Sr. Delegates expenses at CSC from $850 to $1,000.
- Charlotte S. will revise Total Proposed Expenses to -$12,000 and Proposed Expenses over Proposed Donations to -$520.
- Gary G. will research the current status of CoDA Texas and incorporation.
Theresa K. motioned to accept 2017 Proposed Budget as amended, Cindi S. seconded, Passed Unanimously.
Literature and Print Support for New Groups & Spanish Meetings
David L. will send Spanish and new groups the Meeting Starter Packet and Spanish Literature from CoRE. Marilyn B. will try to contact the previous Houston Spanish contacts and ask if they can start their meetings back up as well as, add a comment in Spanish & English to the Newsletter. The Newsletter item will discuss forming a Spanish Meeting in Your Area and asking if they need help with existing meetings.
Potential Projects
Theresa K. volunteered to put together a Group Contact List for all CoDA Texas Groups and asked everyone present to submit Group Representatives, Contact Names and Email Addresses to her for the list. Marilyn B. will give her the Houston Area information.
Closed at 12:15 p.m.
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