CHM 605 Quiz 1
Aug 28, 2008
first name (or as much as fits) / last name (or as much as fits)
Mark any/all responses you believe to be appropriate in an order you believe to be correct/appropriate. Use 1 for the first thing to do, 2 for the second thing... If there are actions which could/should be done concurrently if multiple people are available, or seem interchangeable in order, give them the same number.
Some of the responses will not be necessary for some of the situations. / Leave immediately. / Use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. / Pull the fire alarm to evacuate the building. / Begin CPR or other first aid. / Assist injured person(s) / Call the Building Deputy. / Begin spill response and clean-up of area. / Call 911, explain details, request assistance. / Remain available to answer questions.
0. (example) A violent explosion has occurred on other side of your lab, there is a lot of fire and smoke, and you can see that a person is down and not moving. You are close to the exit door and to go closer to the down person and fire would be risky. / 1
1 / -
- / 2
2 / -
- / -
- / -
- / -
- / 3
2 alt / 4
1. Approximately 100 mL of a toxic, irritating and strong-smelling chemical has been spilled on the floor in your lab. Everyone’s eyes are beginning to water and feel irritated. / 1 / 2 / 3
2. A co-worker has cut her hand very badly with broken glass. She has come to you, dripping blood, to ask for help, but now she has fainted, fallen to the floor and apparently stopped breathing. / * / 1 / 2
3. You had a fire in a 100 mL beaker containing 50 mL of hexane, and you extinguished it by placing a larger empty beaker over it. / 1** / 2
4. You have tried to put out a beaker fire but it fell into the sink, and now the sink is burning, the foam insulation on the pipes is starting to burn; the Plasto-Mat ® is melting and catching fire….. / 1 / 2 / 3
5. Water (or something which seems to probably be water) is dripping from the ceiling onto your lab floor. / 1 / 2
6. A colorless liquid which smells and behaves rather like an organic solvent is dripping from the ceiling onto your lab floor. / 1 / 2 / 3
7. You smell a very strong odor that makes you think “gas leak.” / 1 / 2 / 3

* if you are trained in first aid and know what to do....

** calling the Fire Dept business line is acceptable, if you know it. But 911 is fine for this too.