Dear Valued Partners,

Greetings from The University of Scienceand Technology of China (USTC)!

The University of Science and Technology ofChina (USTC) is pleased to announce that the "2018 USTC Future ScientistInternational Summer Camp (USTC FSISC)" will be held from July 1 to 14,2018, designed for excellent undergraduates majoring in natural sciences andengineering.

I. Program description

USTC FSISC aims atwelcomingexcellent undergraduates all over the world to the campus of USTC in Hefei, Anhui, China for anexceptionalsummer experiences thatcombinecutting-edge reports in science and technology advances, hands-on science and technology research experience, altogether with Chinese culture seminars, field-tripsto local cultural sites, andopportunities to collaborate and interact with USTC students.

USTC has been helding "Future Physicist International Summer Camp" (FPISC) and the"Future Chemist/Biologist Summer Camp"(FCISC) annually since 2014. From the year of 2018 on, we are happy to include a new camp, namely "Summer Camp onArtificial Intelligence(SCAI)" forundergraduates of information and computer sciences and technology and other AI-related disciplines. The three camps of FPISC, FCISC and SCAI will eachoffer30 slotsto excellent international undergraduates. We are thus expecting a totality of 90 international students gathering at USTC at the beginning of July, 2018.

2. Eligibility

Interested applicants are required tocomply with the following eligibility:

- Registered full-time at home university;

- Complete at least one-year undergraduate

- study at home university

- CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of‘B’ or above

- English Proficiency: TOEFL iBT 85, IELTS(Ac) 6.0, or above, for non-native English speakers only

- Non-Chinese nationality

3. Fellowship, allowance and sponsorship

A. International travel

During the two-week summer camp, eachparticipating student will be provided with the FSISC fellowship to cover theirinternational travel. The FSISC fellowship will be granted according to thegeographical location of the home university for each participating student, asfollows:

North America / RMB 12000 per student
Europe / RMB 12000 per student
Oceania / RMB 8000 per student
Asia / RMB 4000 per student
Otherareas / TBD on individual case

B. Local living

The expenses of accommodation for 14 nightsfrom July 1 to 15 will be covered by USTC.Each student will be provided with a USTCsmart card credited with 500 RMB for local living on the campus of USTC.

4. Online Application

Each applicant could choose one package to apply.

- For Students who are interested inFPISC,please submit yourapplication through the following website. The deadline for the application isApril16, 2018,China Standard Time.

- For students who are interested inFPISC,please submit your application through the following website. The deadline for the application isApril 16, 2018, China Standard Time.

- For student who are interested in FAISCplease submit your application through the following website. The deadline for the application isApril 20, 2018,China Standard Time.

We would like to ask for your kindassistance in circulating this information to your undergraduate students in reletive disciplines, as this would definitely be an unforgettable experience to them.

For queries, please feel free to contactFPISC, FCISC orSCAI Organizing Committee.


Tel: 86-551-63606727



Tel: 86-551-63603683



Tel: 86-551-63601819


We look forward to receiving applicationfrom your institution.

Best regards,

Office of International Cooperation, USTC