/ Tilbury Area Public School
September 2017 – Welcome Back / /
Tilbury Area Public School
Telephone: 519-682-2260
Mr. L. Balkwill, Principal
Mrs. R. Shea – Vice Principal
Mrs. D. Blair, Secretary / Tilbury Area Public School Website
Lambton Kent District School Board


Message From Mr. Balkwill

We are off to a great start to the 2017-2018 school year. On behalf of the staff of Tilbury Area Public School, I would like to welcome everyone back and welcome our new students and their families. We also have some new, staff that I encourage you to meet.

I am also looking forward to continuing the positive relationships with students, parents, guardians, School Council and community partners.

School Hours / Break Schedule

9:00 / Yard supervision begins
Do not drop off students before 9:00
9:15 – 11:15 / Classes
11:15 – 11:35 / Gr. JK- 3 eating time
Gr. 4 to 8 recess
11:35 – 11:55 / Gr. JK- 3 recess
Gr. 4 to 8 eating time
11:55 – 1:45 / Classes
1:45 – 2:05 / Gr. JK- 3 eating time
Gr. 4 to 8 recess
2:05 – 2:25 / Gr. JK- 3 recess
Gr. 4 to 8 eating time
2:25 – 3:35 / Classes
3:35 / Dismissal

2016-2017 school year calendar is available at:


Staff for 2017-2018

Office Staff
Principal / Mr. Balkwill
Vice Principal / Ms. R Shea
Secretary / Mrs. Blair
Homeroom Teachers
JK_SK / Mrs. Richards & Mrs. Christian
JK_SK / Mrs. Chinnick & Mrs. Evers
SK/1 / Ms. Rivard
1_2 / Mrs. Marshall
2 / Mr. Ternosky
2_3 / Mrs. Westbury
3 / Mrs. Brown
3_4 / Mrs. O'Neil
4_5 / Mr. MacDougald
5 / Mrs. Fenlon
5_6 / Mrs. Johnston
6_7 / Mrs. O’Rourke
7 / Mr. Munroe – Math
Mrs. Coulter - Language
8 / Mrs. Dittmer
8 / Ms. Bolohan
ALLP / Mrs. Chamberlain
Non Homeroom
French / Mme. Stennett
Gr.7 & PE / Mr. Munroe
French & Arts / Mrs. Davidson
Arts / Mrs. Yates
LRT & Arts / Mrs. Belicka
LRT / Mrs. Martinho
Support Staff
Educational Assistants / Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Benoit,
Mrs. Verrall, Mrs. Rivest,
Mrs. Laforest, Mrs. Buston
Custodians / Mr. and Mrs. Moison

Meet and Greet the TAPS Staff September 14th 4:00 -6:30

Please join us in meeting the TAPS Staff Team on Thursday, September 14th. Classrooms will be open for a visit from 4:00 – 5:00. The Optimist Club of Chatham will be here to serve food at the following prices from 4:00 – 6:30.

Fries $3.00

Hot Dogs $2.00

Drinks $1.00 (pop, water, juice boxes)

Save the date and hope to see you there!

Book fair

The Scholastic book fair will run from Sept 14 to 19 and will also be available from 4:00 – 6:30 on Sept 14 during meet the teacher night.



The LKDSB has a policy regarding volunteers and volunteer drivers. The following volunteers require a Vulnerable Sector Criminal Background Check (C.B.C.) every five years at their own expense and must undergo the formal screening process and provide an annual Offence:

a) Parent/guardians and community volunteers who assist in the school on a daily or weekly basis

b) Elementary parents/guardians and community volunteers on overnight excursions of any kind

c) Parent/guardians and community volunteers accompanying secondary students on overnight excursions with exceptions only to be approved by the principal.

d) Non-parent, non-guardian volunteers not known to the school community

e) All volunteers drivers of all students

f) Others, as deemed necessary by the principal.

A copy of the document must be given to the principal and need to be screened by the principal. Below is the link to the ONLINE Chatham Kent Police Background Checks or this check can be obtained at the CK Police Station.


School Council

Please join us for the first meeting of the year on Monday Sept 18, 2017 at 6:30. All parents, staff and community members welcome.


We currently have students who have life-threatening allergies. Products containing peanuts, tree nuts, hazelnuts (Nutella) must not to be brought to school. Products that mimic these are also not permitted.

Snack Program

Based on funding grants, we will continue to offer a student nutrition program and will be delivering snacks to each classroom twice each day.

Lunch Sales

Milk will be available for purchase for $1.00 during both nutrition breaks starting Sept 12. Popcorn is for sale for $1.00

Responsible use of technology

The Board is making great strides in advancing our Growth Mindset and has invested time, training, and a significant amount of funding toward our Technology Plan. Each classroom has iPads available for students to use. The Board has provided each Grade 7 & 8 student with a personal iPad Mini to be utilized for research, collaboration, organization, creativity, communication, and independence. It allows students to communicate with experts around the world, access information from a variety of sources and express their learning in unique ways. The iPad is also a powerful tool for collaboration amongst peers. Safe, responsible and appropriate use of electronic devices remains a priority.


Planners are valuable teaching tools and an excellent communication device between home and school. For those who received one, the cost is $2.00. Thank you to all who have already sent in your payment.

Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance

The Lambton Kent District School Board does not insure students. For your convenience, the Board has made arrangements for families to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance provides protection against unexpected costs arising from accidental injuries.

For more information or to apply online, please visit www.kidsplus.ca, or speak with a Kids Plus™ Client Service Administrator at 1‐800‐556‐7411.

Communicating with you

We will be taking advantage of the increasing availability of electronic ways to keep you informed about school news and events. This will help us to meet our goal of reducing paper to be environmentally friendly and fiscally responsible. Our School ‘s web address is http://tilbury.lkdsb.net/

Don’t forget about the LKDSB web site, the LKDSB you Tube Channel the LKDSB Twitter and Facebook as sources of valuable and reliable information.

The Canadian anti-Spam Legislation requires us to receive your consent to send e-mails to you. If you wish for us to be able to send you an electronic message, you must sign and return a consent form.

Bus Transportation

Only students who are registered with our transportation department may ride the bus to and from school. Bus drivers are responsible for picking students up and dropping them off only at their assigned stop.

Our school is in Zone 7.

Please listen to CFCO AM 630 or CKSY FM 94.3 for information on snow or fog days and school closure.

Student Information Verification form and Permission to Photograph Students

It is essential that we have the most up-to date and correct information about your child. Please take care in reviewing the information we are sending home to you, make the necessary changes, and return the student verification form as soon as possible. This is the information we use to contact you for safe arrival and in emergencies.

Throughout the school year, we may photograph, audiotape or videotape students involved in activities and may recognize them in our newsletter. In addition the newspaper or local media may be present to cover certain events. Some of this information may be posted on our web site. Please check the “Yes” or “No” box on the Permission form to indicate your preference.


We request that parents notify the school by 9:15 a.m. that the student will be absent for the day(s), using one of the following methods:

·  telephone the office at the school (682-2260), an answering machine is available to pick up calls 24 hours per day.

·  send a written note to the school in advance

·  send a written note with a sibling to give to the teacher or the school secretary

Your child’s safety is important to us. It is very important that we have current and correct contact information. If you do not report your child’s absence, the school secretary will need to contact you.

Terry Fox Run Saturday September 17th

Please support the Terry Fox Foundation and join our TAPS team at the Tilbury arena on Sept 17. Find the TEAM TAPS table and register between 10:30am and 12:00 pm.

Medication At School

If it is necessary for your child to have medication during a school day, an Authorization for the Administration of Medication form must be filled out and signed by a doctor and parent and reviewed each school year. These forms are available in the office. All medication is kept secured in the school office. In consultation with parents, students will be permitted to carry their puffers or Epi-pens with them.

If your child has a particular medical need (i.e., severe allergy) that requires special emergency attention, please inform the school. An “Individual Medical Emergency Plan” will be put into place.

No Child Without– Medic Alert

Canadian MedicAlert Foundation’s is offering medic alert tags at no cost for students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 to 14. If your child has a medical condition, you should consider this program. For further information come to the office for a brochure or go to www.nochildwithout.ca.

School pictures by Lifetouch

Picture day is Monday September 18 –

All classes JK to Gr. 8.

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

In accordance with board policy, routine checks for head lice are conducted during the first week of school and periodically as needed throughout the year. Every effort is made to prevent the spread of pediculosis. Some students may need to be sent home and may be readmitted after the appropriate treatment has been administered.

Fall Fundraiser – Fresh From the Farm – Orders due October 2.

In keeping with our promotion of healthy eating, we will be selling Fresh From the Farm potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes onions and apples. Delivery to the school will be in November. Information and order forms will be sent home soon.

Drinking Water Regulation

Provincial government changes to drinking water regulations for schools

The Ontario government has made amendments to Ontario Regulation 243, which came into effect for schools in 2007 and is intended to reduce children's exposure to lead in drinking water. Effective July 1, 2017, amendments to the regulation make it necessary for samples to be collected and tested for lead content at every drinking water fountain and every tap that is used in the preparation of food or drink or to provide drinking water for consumption by children under 18 years of age by 2020 in elementary schools and 2022 in secondary schools. Prior to July 1, the regulation required school boards to sample and test water for lead annually at only one location in the building.

During the summer, the LKDSB installed new signage and developed plans to complete the flushing and testing protocols in keeping with the ministry’s timelines. Stickers have been placed at water fixtures throughout our school. Green check mark stickers for “drinking” fixtures and red X stickers for “non-drinking fixtures” are posted.As always, the health and safety of our students, staff and visitors to our buildings are our number one priority.

For more information, please read a letter from Director Jim Costello: http://www.lkdsb.net/Documents/June14_Water_Regulations_Directors_Letter.pdf

PA DAY Friday, September 29th.

There will be no classes for students on this day.