Recent Death : Bridie Godley, Ballyfinogue, Rathanny.

Masses during the Week:

Vigil : 8.00pm - Clogher, Henry, Jerry and Paddy Breen, Caher (Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Johnny (18th Anniv.) and Kathleen Murphy (5th Anniv.)


Mon. 7.30pm - Clogher, Patrick McKenna Jnr., Gortatlea (14th Anniv.)

Tues. 10.00pm - Clogher,

Wed. 10.00am - Ballymac,

Thurs 7.30pm - Clogher, Nora, Patrick and Con Sweeney, Broughane and Tylough


First Fri. 7.30pm - Clogher, Maurice Culloty, Clogher (1st Anniv.)

+ Exposition 7.00pm.

First Sat.11.00am - Ballymac, First Holy Communion for O’ Brennan N.S. &

Flemby N.S..

Vigil : 8.00pm- Clogher, Mary (5th Anniv) and John Brick (20th Anniv.) Ballincullig,


Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Teresa Mc Carthy, Maugha (1st Anniv.)

Rota in Clogher & Ballymac Churches for 4th / 5th May 2013.

Ministers of the Word : 8.00pm - Bob Rearns

Eucharistic Minister : 8.00pm - Madeline Woulfe

Ballymac 10.00am - Mary Moynihan

Altar Servers Rota : 8.00pm - Team C:Tommy, Dáire, Dylan, and Daragh.

Ballymac : 10.00am - Rachel, Paul, Joseph, Áine, Cáit, Cian & Niamh.

Weekend Offertory Collection: Total = € 890.00

of which weekly Parish Envelopes = € 634.21

Collectors in Clogher Church for May:Patsy Scanlon, Bobby Fitzgerald and James.

Trócaire Boxes: This year marks the 40th Anniversary of Trócaire. Many thanks to those who have returned their Trócaire money. To those who haven’t already done so, we ask you to bring your Trócaire money as soon as possible and put it in the collection boxes or drop it into the letter box in the presbytery. For all information on Trócaire visit

First Holy Communion: Saturday, 18th May 2013, at 11.00a.m. at St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher: Scoil Nuachabháil and Clogher N. S.

Collection for the Education of Priests : This collection will be taken up at allMasses next weekend, the 4th & 5th May 2013

O’ Brennan N.S. : With the official opening of O’ Brennan N.S . in June 2013, the school is hoping to publish a history of the school. If any past pupils or individuals have any articles, old photos or memorabilia the school would be delighted to receive them. (The school will return any items). Please contact Mike Sweeney at O’ Brennan N.S. on 066-7137448. Thank you and the school looks forward to hearing from you.

Marriage : We congratulate two couples who celebrated their marriages in our parish last weekend. Firstly, last Friday, 19th April 2013, Laura Reidy of Knockeen, Castleisland (Ballymacelligott Parish),and Cian O’ Mahony of Listrim, The Spa, Tralee, did so in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher. The following day Saturday, 20th April 2013, it was the turn of Christiane Mueller, a native of Germany now living in Sandyford, Dublin, and Donal O’ Brien of Clonmore, Co. Carlow, to do so in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott. We ask the Lord to bless both couples in every possible way, both now and in the future, and grant them very, very happy marriages.

Marriage Encounter Ireland : This year marks the 40th anniversary of Marriage Encounter in Ireland. We are part of a world-wide organisation which promotes enrichment in the quality of the relationships of Marriage couples and engaged couples. A flyer is being distributed to all parishes in the diocese which invites parents of children attending pre sacramental meetings to take time to enrich their couples relationship. Contact

Spring Clean 2013: Ballymacelligott Spring Clean 2013, this weekend 27th & 28th April 2013. Bags and Hi-vis jackets are now available in Ballymacelligott Post Office. All rubbish collected to be brought to Ballydwyer Creameryfor collection on Monday 29th .It’s amazing what a difference the Spring Cleaning makes to your area, so go on make a difference

Irish Blood Transfusion Service: 3000 units of blood are required every week. 1000 people receive blood or a blood product every week. 1:4 of our population require blood at some point in their life. There will be a blood donor clinic held in the Community Centre, Castleisland, on Wednesday, 1st and Thursday, 2nd May 2013 from 6.00pm – 9.00pm.

Lough Derg Pilgrimage & Retreats : This Year of Faith journey to Lough Derg, where pilgrims have been gathering for over 1.000 years, and celebrate your faith with people from every parish in Ireland. For information contact your Diocesan Representative Fr. Martin Hegarty, Tel 087 2589682 or Maureen in the Lough Derg Office Tel: 0719861518 /email :

Walk With Me: Copies of the Easter edition of “Walk With Me” are available in both churches. If you think you would use it at home please feel free to take a copy away with you. We read from it regularly at the weekday Masses in the parish.

Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimageto Lourdes: This Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Biill Murphy, to celebrate the Year of Faith. Theme: “Lourdes: Doorway of the Faith” , 2nd - 7th September 2013. Flights Ex Kerry Airport. All booking must be made by post to Mrs. Janice O’ Sullivan PilgrimageCo-ordinator, “Droum “, Nohoval Upper. Rathmore, Co. Kerry. Tel.: 064 7758219 e-mail:

Catholic Social Teaching, Pope Francis: ‘ Please, I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill : let us be “protectors” of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.’

(Homily of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, Saint Peter’s Square, Tuesday 10th March 2013)

Carers Group: A Carer’s Support Group facilitated by the local Primary Care Team, NEKD, Carers Association and the Rosemary Centre will take place every Tuesday,from 2.30pm – 4.00pm at the North and East Kerry Development Centre, Crageens, Casleisland (building before the Riocht). The group takes place in an informal friendly environment. Carers who wish to attend are warmly welcomed. For more information please contact the Public Health Nurse on 0761083020. Weekdays 9.30 am – 10.30am..

Confirmation : This weekend we congratulate the 30 young people from the primary schools of our parish, who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher last Wednesday, 17th April 2013. As we congratulate them, we ask the Holy Spirit to continue to bless and guide them as they journey through life. We also ask the Lord’s blessing on their parents / sponsors and other family members and on their teachers and anyone else who helped them to prepare for that very special occasion in their lives. We congratulate the young people themselves and compliment them on their singing and doing everything else which was asked of them so well on the day. Their art work around the church is really beautiful and is a credit to both themselves and their teachers. We thank Monsignor Dan O’ Riordan for administering the Sacrament and the other priests who concelebrated the Mass with him : Fr. Nicholas Flynn,Canon Eoin Mangan, Fr. Anthony O’Sullivan, Fr. John Laide, Canon Denis O’ Mahony and our own Parish Priest, Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch. Fr. Pat would like to say a big “thank you” to Sr.Bernardine and the choir and musicians for the great contribution which they made to ensure that the singing and music was of a very high standard during the Mass. He would also like to thank the altar servers and those adults who played key roles in the ceremony. Special thanks to all who helped to prepare the Church and its environs for Confirmation Day, including Nellie Brosnan who decorated the sanctuary so beautifully with flowers for the occasion. Finally a word of thanks to anyone else who helped to make this such a special day, a day these 30 young people and their families will, no doubt, remember forever!

Scoil Nuachabháil: David Daly, David McCarthy, Hazel McCarthy, Leah O’ Neill, Áine

Rice. Teacher: Anna Mason.

O’ Brennan N.S. : Tadhg Brick, Tiernan Brosnan, Kieran Coggins, Philip Corkery, Cathal Dunne, Cillian Gallaghar, Rachel Godley, Kaylin Griffin, Dáire Keane, James Mc Donnell, Michaela Murphy, Tara Murphy, Josh O’ Keeffe, Eric O’ Sullivan, Claudia Ward. Teacher: Andrea Brosnan.

Clogher N.S. : Tommy Brosnan, Darragh Clifford, Róisín Downey, Mary Healy, Therese Keane, Claire Kenny, Kevin Lenihan, Oonagh O’ Keeffe, Jordan Quinlivan.

Teacher: Peggy Linnane.

Home School : Paul Fitzgibbon. Teachers : Michael and Mary Fitzgibbon.

S.V.P. shop at Friary Lane, Tralee: S.V.P. is dedicated to alleviate poverty and support

those who experience crises in their lives. They help in all cases of immediate need, on a ‘person to person’ basis They are dependant on peoples’ generosity so please support their shop which is now open on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm.Tel 066-7122706.

For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact them at 087-7848825 or 066-7128021

Used Postage Stamps : These can be handed in to St. John’s Pastoral Centre, Tralee or Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee, in aid of the Missions.

Alcholics Anonymous : Are you worried about your drinking habits?

Do you think you may have a drink problem? Contact your local AA meeting or telephone 066-7127820 or 087-0522911 for information or advice.

Feis Maitiu Success : We congratulate Marie Woulfe of Clogher who won the Margaret Dillon Trophy at the Feis Maitiu Competition recently in Cork. This much-coveted trophy is awarded to the singer who achieves the highest marks across 4 categories namely Early Music, Lieder, Opera and Oratorio. The competition was open to all ages and there were competitors from all over Munster and beyond. This was a superb achievement on Marie’s part and she has done herself, her family and her parish proud once again!

Kerry Brosnan Family Reunion: From 25th to 28th July, 2013, a Kerry Brosnan Family Reunion, as part of the East Kerry Roots Festival 2013 will take place. An invitation is being extended to all Brosnan clan members locally, nationally and internationally to join this ancient clan and celebrate their proud heritage. This four-day gathering gives Brosnans from around the world, and anyone with Brosnan ancestry, the chance to rediscover their roots. For more information see:

Seats in the Porches: The seats in the porches of both churches were put there a couple of years ago by the Parish Pastoral Council to accommodate parents with childrenwho might be noisy or a source of distraction for other Mass-goers. We would ask that those seats be reserved for such please.

Altar Servers Rota forClogher :.

Team A : Thérese , Claire, Eoin and Alusin Jah.

Team B : Lisa, Maurice & Darren.

Team C: Tommy, Dáire, Dylan, and Daragh.

Team D : Oonagh, Róisín, Laura,

Ballymac:.Rachel, Paul, Joseph, Áine, Cait, Cian & Niamh.

Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea: The Cistercian Monks welcome people from very varied backgrounds to their Guesthouse, a place of peace and serenity. Some may just want a quiet time to reflect and rest, away from the stress of everyday life, while others may be seeking solace in distress or trying to discern the Lord’s will for them.

Whatever! Why not avail of the experience that the serenity of the place and the calm of the Guesthouse gives to nourish you during your stay and, hopefully, stay with you when

you leave and return to your everyday life. There are also many fine walks around the grounds, giving the visitor time and space to enjoy the peaceful landscape of this area. If interestedphone 050525600 or Email
