AWH Pages 238 - 243
1. Who invented a machine that could spin cotton into a strong thread in 1769?
2. Textiles were a cottage industry at this time (1769). What is a cottage industry?
3. Name the person who invented the following new machines.
Flying shuttle - _______________________
First steam engine - ___________________
Improved the steam engine -__________________
Power Loom - _____________________________
Rail service in England - _________________________
Telegraph - ___________________________
Steel Converter - _________________________
The Telephone - __________________________
The incandescent light-bulb - ______________________
4. Thus began the_________________________, a gradual transformation of work, workers, and
workplace. For about 150 years, it would _____________ from the modernization of ______
to the invention of new __________________ such as the telegraph and radio.
5. What year did the English Parliament start to regulate the factories ?
6. What groups of people sat at the top of the lower class of society? (Name three)
7. What was the one major drawback of the new machines that had been invented?
8. What year did Britain notice that more people lived in the cities than in the country?
9. Who was the leader of a group of men who raided factories at night to destroy as much
manufacturing equipment as they could?
10. What was the name given to the followers of Ludd called?
11. What three reforms were part of the Factory Act of 1833?
12. Karl Marx is said to have made this statement… “Factory owners (capitalists) will always seek to pay
labor as _______________ in order to maximize ________. The only way for workers to receive _______________________ is to take over the ____________________.”
13. What three new technological discoveries powered or fueled a second industrial revolution?
14. Who was the inventor of the gaslight created by producing a flammable gas by heating coal in a
closed vessel akin to a teakettle?
15. Who discovered that if you move a magnet through a coiled wire you can produce an electric
current in the wire?
16. Who was the person who was quoted as saying…”I have heard him crying out when getting within a
few yards of the door, “Mother is my supper ready?” and I have seen him, when he was taken from my back, fall asleep before he could get it.”?
17. Who pioneered the technique of sending a “wireless” message using radio signals? This came about
at the end of the 19th century by an Italian.
18. For better or worse, the industrial revolution introduced an emphasis on ________________ and
__________________, or so-called “__________________________,” that vexes and rewards us to this day.
19. In Ireland, how long could a farmer feed his family on a single crop of potatoes?
20. What two diseases came to depopulate many Irish villages from eating the rotting potatoes?
Date: ___________/2012
1. Who invented a machine that could spin cotton into a strong thread in 1769?
Richard Arkwright
2. Textiles were a cottage industry at this time (1769). What is a cottage industry?
Where spinners and weavers worked at home making the cloth from wool
3. Name the person who invented the following new machines.
Flying shuttle - _________________ John Kay
First steam engine - ___________________ Thomas Newcomen
Improved the steam engine -__________________ James Watt
Power Loom - _____________________________ Edmund Cartwright
Rail service in England - _________________________ George Stephenson
Telegraph - ___________________________ Samuel F.B. Morse
Steel Converter - _________________________ Henry Bessemer
The Telephone - __________________________ Alexander Graham Bell
The incandescent light-bulb - ______________________ Thomas Edison
4. Thus began the_________________________, a gradual transformation of work, workers, and
workplace. For about 150 years, it would _____________ from the modernization of ______
to the invention of new __________________ such as the telegraph and radio.
Industrial Revolution progress traditional industries trechnologies
5. What year did the English Parliament start to regulate the factories ?
6. What groups of people sat at the top of the lower class of society? (Name three)
Factory workers, highly skilled workers, and heads of butlers of the wealthy
7. What was the one major drawback of the new machines that had been invented?
They required fewer workers to run them, so workers had a harder time finding work
8. What year did Britain notice that more people lived in the cities than in the country?
9. Who was the leader of a group of men who raided factories at night to destroy as much
manufacturing equipment as they could?
General Ned Ludd
10. What was the name given to the followers of Ludd called?
11. What three reforms were part of the Factory Act of 1833?
It called for minimum working age of 9; limited working hours for children, and prohibited
children under 18 from nigh shifts
12. Karl Marx is said to have made this statement… “Factory owners (capitalists) will always seek to pay
labor as _______________ in order to maximize ________. The only way for workers to receive _______________________ is to take over the ____________________.”
Little as possible profits fair treatment factories
13. What three new technological discoveries powered or fueled a second industrial revolution?
Electricity, Chemicals, and Oils
14. Who was the inventor of the gaslight created by producing a flammable gas by heating coal in a
closed vessel akin to a teakettle?
William Murdock
15. Who discovered that if you move a magnet through a coiled wire you can produce an electric
current in the wire?
Michael Faraday
16. Who was the person who was quoted as saying…”I have heard him crying out when getting within a
few yards of the door, “Mother is my supper ready?” and I have seen him, when he was taken from my back, fall asleep before he could get it.”?
John Allen
17. Who pioneered the technique of sending a “wireless” message using radio signals? This came about
at the end of the 19th century by an Italian.
Guglielmo Marconi
18. For better or worse, the industrial revolution introduced an emphasis on ________________ and
__________________, or so-called “__________________________,” that vexes and rewards us to this day.
Productivity efficiency “creative destruction”
19. In Ireland, how long could a farmer feed his family on a single crop of potatoes?
One year
20. What two diseases came to depopulate many Irish villages from eating the rotting potatoes?
Typhus and Cholera