Fiction:Stimulus- ‘Silly Billy’, ‘Operation Night Monster’
  • Character description
  • Comprehension- answering questions about the text
  • Sentence construction
  • Punctuation including full stops and capital letters
  • Using conjunctions including ‘and’.
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Letter writing
  • Writing a new ending for a story
  • Write own story based on experiences
  • Identify favourite lines from a range of poems
  • Identify simple rhythm and rhyme
  • Decide on suitable vocabulary choices within a poem
  • Identify patterns in poetry
  • Produce a class performance of a poem
  • Create and evaluate own poem
Non-fiction: Stimulus- ‘All about Orang-utans’
  • Ask questions about a text
  • Collecting facts
  • Research another animal and present findings
  • Using imperative verbs and recognise how they are used in command and instruction
  • Design and write own non-fiction book or report
  • Make book or report into and eBook- on the computer
Live Unit:
  • Write news reports as ‘newshounds’
  • Read and discuss new stories
  • Write news reports to develop writing skills
  • Use past tense and noun phrases to write captions
  • Write questions using punctuation- capital letters and question marks
  • Edit, proof read and publish work
  • Discuss success of news stories
/ From A to B...
1/2 & 2NS
Autumn Term 2014/2015 / PSHCE- Golden Rules
  • What would make our classroom a happy classroom?
  • Sign the class charter
  • Why do we need rules?
  • What are our school rules?
  • What rules do we have at home?
  • What rules do grown-ups have?
Seal: Getting on and Falling Out
  • What makes a good friend? Read and respond to ‘Rani and Leroy’s’ story
  • Giving and receiving compliments
  • Points of view and accepting others points of view
  • Listening to and accepting others views to make up

  • What human and physical features do we have at school
  • Journey to school what human and physical things to you pass on way to school
  • Use directional language to plot a journey
  • Create train journey around country using maps and atlas
  • Find differences in ways cars and trains travel
  • locate 7 continents and 5 oceans
  • characteristics of Eng, Ire, Scot, Wales and capital cities of UK and surrounding seas
  • Weather- seasons, daily patterns, hot and cold areas in relation to equator and north and south poles
/ D&T
  • Plan, make and evaluate a clay medal to present to George Stephenson ‘The Father of Railways’
  • Explore materials, tools and products to produce a mode of transport- use Kinect to make chassis
  • Create badge for transport using ICT

  • BMW ‘expression of Joy’ – painting with tyres
  • Boat collage in style of Turner/ Monet
  • Portrait of famous transport inventors
  • Paint transport scene in style of famous artist
  • Futuristic painting to capture speed and movement
  • Design new vehicle/ mode of transport

  • Timeline of car manufacturing
  • Comparing old and new transport
  • Research about aeroplanes and Concord
  • Label parts of a plane
  • Debate strengths and weaknesses of a commercial shuttle
  • Evolution of trains including inventor George Stephenson
  • Comparing George Stephenson to invention of Google car
  • Celebrating milestones in transport invention.

RE- Belonging
  • What does it mean to belong to a family?
  • Why is it important to have values and rules in school?
  • What are similarities and differences between Christian and Jewish believers and you?
  • Why does someone have a special book?
  • What are the different ways you can show forgiveness to someone?
Harvest- Why is Harvest a special time for Christians?
Diwali- What happens at Diwali?
Christmas- Why is Christmas a special time for Christians?
  • Number and place value in tens and units
  • Mentally calculate +, -, x, ÷ questions.
  • Properties of 2D and 3D shape
  • Use Carroll diagrams to record findings
  • Use, order and record amounts of money in £ and p
  • Use position and direction including N, E, S, W.
  • Measure using length and height in any direction.
To know 2,5 and 10 times tables to 10x10
Science- Materials
  • Identify materials
  • Similarities and differences between properties of materials
  • Investigate most suitable material to patch a hole in a boat to make it float
  • Create a fair test to decide how to make and fly a paper aeroplane
  • Forces- using pushes and pulls to move objects

  • Gymnastics- balancing and movement
  • Dance (Wednesday afternoon)
  • Swimming