54 Topics for Reflective Recount

Your first kiss

Your first cigarette

Your first day at school

When you fell in love

Getting your first bra

Going to your first rock concert

Being betrayed

A great victory

A defeat

Starting a new job

An interview

A holiday disaster

Starting a new school

An adventure

Getting a body piercing or tattoo

Learning to drive

The consequences of getting drunk

Getting a pet

Your experience of death

A children’s birthday party

Going camping

An excursion or expedition

An embarrassing moment

Stealing something

A visit to the dentist

A visit to the doctor

Having a childhood disease

Getting a bad haircut or a bad hair day

An experience with a friend or friends

A first date

You as a naughty child

Learning to ride a bike

Learning to tie your shoelaces

Fights with siblings

Your experience of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny

Losing a tooth

Giving up a dummy / blankie / comforter

An accident

Breaking a bone

Staying away from home

Wetting your pants or bed

Mean teachers


Getting detention

Placed in Time Out

A childhood fantasy

A scary experience

Playing in a cubby house

An argument

A supernatural experience

Getting nits


Copy these sheets onto different coloured card to make as many sets as you wish to have groups in the class.

Oral task: In small groups shuffle and deal out the cards to students. Each student then has 3 minutes to tell their reflective recount based on their allocated card, to the rest of their group. If they have no experience of this topic then they can choose another card or tell of the experience of someone they know. The aim is to engage their audience as much as possible.

Brainstorming task: Deal out the cards to the students. They then have 5 minutes to fill in a Y chart based on the allocated card. (i.e. Looks like / Feels like / Sounds like) If they have no experience of this topic then they can choose another card or tell of the experience of someone they know.

Share these Y charts with a small group.

Written task: Deal out the cards to the students. They then have 3 minutes to write the opening of a recount based on the allocated card. If they have no experience of this topic then they can choose another card or tell of the experience of someone they know.

Then swap the stories with writing partners or small groups for critical feedback i.e. what worked well, what could be developed further, what was confusing or needs some clarification etc.

Planning task: Deal out the cards to the students. They then have 3 minutes to write the plan of a recount based on the allocated card. If they have no experience of this topic then they can choose another card or tell of the experience of someone they know.

Share these plans with writing partners or small groups and discuss any possible amendments to the plans and if such changes would improve them.

Designed by Alison Robertson, Wilderness Scho