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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-003 (REV.09/2011)
ilsb-cfird-nov15item01 / ITEM #09


Update of the Science Framework for California Public Schools: Progress of Development and Revised Timeline. / Action
Public Hearing


The revised timeline of Science Framework for California Public Schools (Science Framework) is presented for action and establishes a schedule of events for completion based upon the approved extension per Senate Bill (SB) 625 (Chapter 148 Section 60200.9), signed on August 7, 2015, which will require the State Board of Education (SBE) to consider the adoption of a revised curriculum framework and evaluation criteria for instructional materials in science on or beforeJanuary 31, 2017.


The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the SBE approve the revised timelinefor the completion of the Science Frameworkin Attachment 1.


Revising the Science Framework to align with the new science standards is an important component in the implementation of the Next GenerationScience Standards forCalifornia Public Schools (CA NGSS)adopted by the SBE in September 2013. The revision of the Science Framework is a multi-step process involving the Science Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC), the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC), and SBE.

At its July 2014 meeting, the SBE approved 20 members of the Science CFCC and the “Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Guidelines for the 2016 Revision of the Science Framework for California Public Schools.” The CFCC began its work in September 2014 with a two-day meeting on September 9–10. That was followed by meetings on October 9–10, 2014, and November 5–6, 2014. Recognizing the complexity of the task, the CDE, the IQC, the CFCC, and the California Science Project (the writers of the framework) agreed to reschedule the meetings of the CFCC in order to gain more time for writing and reviewing the chapters of the framework.

In 2015, the CFCC met January 22–23, 2015, March 26–27, 2015, and May 20–21, 2015, thereby extending the timeline of CFCC meetings by five months. This allowed the IQC to review the draft document and prepare the draft document for the first 60-day field review as required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR 9515).

The proposed timeline will bring it into alignment with the extension provided for inSB 625 (Chapter 148 Section 60200.9), signed on August 7, 2015.


July 2014:The SBE appointed 20 members of the CFCC and approved guidelines to direct the work of the CFCC on the development of the new Science Framework.

January 2014: The SBE approved the timeline and Science CFCC application form for the 2016 revision of the Science Framework. The Science CFCC application was available online from January 15 through April 18, 2014.

November 2013: The SBE took action on the middle grades learning progressions.

October 2013: Governor Brown signed SB 300, requiring the SBE to consider the adoption of a revised curriculum framework and evaluation criteria for instructional materials in science on or before January 31, 2016.

September 2013: Pursuant to SB 300 (2011) and SB 1200 (2012), the SBE adopted the CA NGSS.

January 2008: The SBE adopted new 5 CCR sections governing the curriculum framework and instructional materials adoption process.


The cost to revise the Science Framework is anticipated to be a total of $349,700 over two budget years, 2014–2015 and 2015–2016. This cost includes the expenses of the focus groups, the CFCC, and the meetings of the IQC and Science Subject Matter Committee.

The expenses are also comprised of the costs of a contracted Science Framework writing team and other costs associated with the procedures mandated in 5 CCR regulations for the adoption of curriculum frameworks. In addition, the CDE budget will cover the anticipated $1.54 million in CDE staff costs. Costs to revise the Science Framework will be paid by State General Fund dollars.


Attachment 1: Revised Schedule of Significant Events for the Update of the

Science Framework (4 Pages)

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Attachment 1

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Timeline for Update of the Science Framework for California Public Schools

Approved by the State Board of Education on January 15, 2014

Recommended Changes for November 4–5, 2015

Proposed additions are italicized; proposed deletions are struck through. The bracketed comments have been added to conform to CDE Web posting accessibility requirements.

Event / Schedule
State Board of Education (SBE) Approved CA NGSS, K–12 / September 4, 2013
Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 300 into law / October 2, 2013
Focus Group recruitment letter and application distributed to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), scientists and stakeholder organizations, and institutes of higher education / October 2013
Recruitment of Focus Group members, pursuant 5 CCR, section 9511(c) and Education Code section 44013(a) / October–December 2013
SBE action on middle grades learning progressions / November 6–7, 2013
Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Approves Schedule of Significant Events, Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) Application / November 21–22, 2013
Superintendent appoints Focus Group members / December 2013
SBE action on a timeline and CFCC application form / January 15–16, 2014
CFCC recruitment letter and application published/released online for LEAs, Science stakeholder organizations, and institutes of higher education / January 2014
Focus Group Meeting Locations, pursuant to 5 CCR, section 9511(c):
  • Exploratorium, San Francisco, Saturday, January 25, 2014, 10 a.m.–noon
  • San Diego County Office of Education, Thursday, January 30, 2014, 5–7 p.m.
  • Orange County Department of Education, Friday, January 31, 2014, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
    Video Conference Included (Los Angeles, Riverside, Ventura)
  • CDE, Sacramento, Tuesday, February 4, 2014,
    4–6 p.m.
    Video Conference Included (Siskiyou, Shasta, Humboldt)
  • Fresno County Office of Education, Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 4–6 p.m.
/ January–February 2014
Recruitment of CFCCmembers (at least 90 days pursuant to 5 CCR, section 9513) / January–April 2014
IQC meets, establishes Science Subject Matter Committee (Science SMC), reviews Focus Group Report, and recommends CFCC members and guidance for revision of theScience Framework to the SBE / May 15–16, 2014
SBE appoints CFCC members, receives Focus Group Report, and approves guidance for revision of the Science Framework / July 9–10, 2014
CFCC meets, six 2-day meetings in Sacramento, to develop draft Science Framework
The CFCC meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
  • September 9–10, 2014
  • October 9–10,2014
  • November 5–6, 2014
  • December 11–12,2014 Rescheduled
  • January 22–23,2015
  • February 26–27, 2015 Rescheduled
  • March 26–27, 2015
  • May 20–21, 2015
[The word “Rescheduled” after the December 11–12, 2014, and February 26–27, 2015, dateswas italicized and was an addition. The March 26–27, 2015,and May 20–21, 2015,dates were italicized and were additions.] / September 2014–FebruaryMay2015
[The word “February” was struck through and proposed for deletion. The word “May” was italicized and was an addition.]
Science SMC reviews draft Science Framework in preparation for full IQC review / Early April 2015 August 27–28, 2015
[The preceding date, Early April 2015,was proposed for deletion. The new date wasAugust 27–28, 2015.]
IQC approves draft Science Framework for initial 60-day public review period / May 2015 September 24–25, 2015
[The preceding date, May 2015,was proposed for deletion. The new date was September 24–25, 2015.]
First 60-day public review period prior to IQC recommendation to SBE, pursuant to 5 CCR, section 9515(a)(3) / June–July 2015November 17, 2015 – January 19, 2016
[The preceding date, June–July 2015, has been proposed for deletion. The new proposed date is November 17, 2015 – January 19, 2016.]
Science SMC analyzespublic review results and staff recommendations for edits to draft Science Framework / August 2015 February & March 2016
[The preceding date, August 2015, has been proposed for deletion. The new proposed date is February &March 2016.]
IQC recommends draft Science Framework to the SBE. / September 2015May 19–20, 2016
[The preceding date, September 2015, has been proposed for deletion. The new proposed date is May 19–20, 2016.]
Second 60-day public review and comment on IQC’s recommended Science Framework section 95159(c) / October–November 2015June–July 2016
[The preceding date, October–November 2015, has been proposed for deletion. The new proposed date is June–July 2016.]
SBE action on IQC’s recommended Science Framework, includes public hearing / January 31, 2016,
Statutory Deadline
Per SB 300September/November 2016
[The statement, “January 31, 2016, Statutory Deadline Per SB300” has been proposed for deletion. The new proposed date is September/November 2016.]

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