Borough of Poole
Planning Committee
List of Planning Applications
14 April, 2011
Planning Committee
DATE: Thursday 14 April 2011
1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore no certain advice can be provided about the time at which any item may be considered.
2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made.
3. Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee but who wish to attend to make comments on any application on this list or accompanying agenda are required to give notice by informing the chairman or Head of Planning and Regeneration Services before the meeting.
4. Councillors who are interested in the detail of any matter to be considered should consult the files with the relevant officers to avoid queries at the meeting.
5. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or by contacting their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting.
6. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting.
7. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report, “background papers” in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received (including correspondence from all internal Borough Council Service Units).
8. Councillors are advised that if they wish to refer to specific drawings/plans which are not part of these papers to contact the relevant case officer at least 24 hours before the meeting to ensure these can be made available.
9. Members are advised that, in order to reduce the size of the agenda, where conditions are marked on the plans list as Standard these will no longer be reported in full. The full wording of the condition can be found either in hard copy in the Members rooms, or via the following link on the Loop http://bopwss3/sus/ww/Shared%20Documents/Standard%20Conditions.doc
Planning Committee
14 April 2011 at 9:30 am
Hamworthy Recreation Club, Magna RoadNot before 09:30
01 / Land West of Bearwood/off Magna Road, Poole BH11 9NB / APP/10/01493/F / JRG
Committee Suite, Civic Centre
Not before 14:00
02 / Nuffield Recycling Centre, 94-98 Nuffield Road, Poole, BH17 0RS / APP/11/00025/Y / JRG
03 / RNLI Stores/Car Park, West Quay Road, Poole / APP/11/00225/F / DM
04 / 78 High Street, Poole, Dorset BH15 1DB / APP/10/01629/F / EM
05 / Mary Tudor Cottage, Market Street, Poole, BH15 1LW / APP/10/01644/F / DM
06 / Mary Tudor Cottage, Market Street, Poole, BH15 1LW / APP/10/01645/L / DM
Not before 15:00
07 / land at 36 Brownsea Road, Poole, Dorset BH13 7QP / APP/10/01483/F / KAC
08 / 5 Shore Road, Poole, BH13 7PH / APP/11/00047/F / DH
09 / 49 Oakley Hill, Wimborne, BH21 1QQ / APP/10/01619/F / CHP
10 / 30 Ridgeway, Broadstone, BH18 8EA / APP/10/01578/F / LA
Not before 16:00
11 / 15 Gordon Road South, Poole, BH12 1EF / APP/11/00210/F / LA
12 / 36 Upper Road, Poole BH12 3EN / APP/11/00115/F / EM
13 / Flat 2, Braidley, 31 Cliff Drive, Canford Cliffs, Poole / APP/11/00162/F / LA
ITEM NO / 01
SITE ADDRESS / Land West of Bearwood/off Magna Road, Poole BH11 9NB
PROPOSALS / Use of land as football ground to include; two playing pitches, erection of stand and pavilion, erection perimeter fencing, installation of flood lighting, formation of 156 space car park and vehicular access. Additional information received 02/02/11.
REGISTERED / 2 February, 2011
APPLICANT / Poole Town (1991) Ltd
AGENT / Tanner & Tilley Planning Ltd
WARD / Merley & Bearwood
CASE OFFICER / James Gilfillan
This application is brought before committee due to the history and significance of the proposals that constitute a Departure from the Development Plan and the Head of Planning and Regeneration does not consider it prudent to exercise delegated powers.
Recommendation for Refuse
Use of land as football ground to include two playing pitches. Erection of stand and pavilion, perimeter fencing, installation of flood lighting, formation of 156 space car park and vehicular access.
Compliance with the Development Plan in relation to use of land. Sustainability of use. Vehicle movements and parking, noise and disturbance, proximity to SSSI protected habitats.
The application site is open grassland used for grazing and some equine associated leisure activities. It is located to the south of Magna Road, between the west edge of Bearwood and the properties accessed from Wheelers Lane and Canford Park Arena.
It is safeguarded by the Development Plan for potential future use as employment land. Land to the north, south and west is designated as Greenbelt in the SE Dorset Green Belt.
To the south is Canford Heath SSSI, SPA and to the south-west is the Frogmore Wood Site of Nature Conservation Interest.
Access to the site is from the existing light-controlled junction on Magna Road, with Knighton Lane. There is an existing track across the fields used by the Car Boot sales to the application site.
The ground rises to the south, away from Magna Road.
Tatnam Fields.
2004-2008: Planning applications for toilets, refreshment facilities, covered spectator stands and associated facilities have been approved. These include an extant permission to extend the existing club house and changing facilities.
Branksome Recreation Ground
Dec 2009: Planning application Ref:09/00936/F to use Branksome Recreation Ground as football ground with multi use games areas (MUGAs) including the erection of 2 m perimeter brick wall, erection of 160 seat stand, covered areas, toilet and tea facilities, refurbish existing pavilion and install flood lighting, was refused due to the loss of public open space, the detrimental impact on remaining open space, detrimental impact on the character of the area, conflict with Local Plan Policies and the harm to important trees on the site.
Application Site
Nov 2009: Planning application Ref:09/01060/C to use fields for car boot sales on Sundays and Bank Holidays was approved for a temporary period of 3 years.
A concept meeting was held with representatives of the Football Club to discuss the decision on the Branksome Rec scheme.
Subsequently numerous meetings have been held between Planning Services and the applicant. Alternative sites were considered and planning advice given. Prior to the submission of the current application advice was given interpreting policies NE6 'Safeguarded Land' and PCS30 'Poole's Green Belt', their relevance to the proposals and that an application on the land at North Poole would be likely to lead a negative recommendation.
The applicant has engaged with the Bearwood community, inviting approximately 1000 households to a public meeting, held in July 2010, at the Hamworthy Engineering Sports Club on Magna Road. 120 people attended the meeting. (Nb - it is unclear from the evidence whether these were local residents or supporters)
Issues raised: Impact on sensitive habitats around the site;
Anti-social behaviour;
Compatibility with employment uses;
Land ownership and establishing a precedent;
Harm to and loss of trees;
Continued use of Car Boot sites;
The conclusions of that meeting reported by the applicant were:
The community benefits offered by the shared facilities were welcomed;
Employment opportunities for the local area were acknowledged;
Preference for the football club over the employment proposals.
The Head of Transportation Services: Is satisfied that sufficient parking and access arrangements are provided. Supports the principle of a Travel Plan. Acknowledges the poor public transport links and raised some concerns over the use of this site with the extant Car Boot Sales - see report below.
The Head of Leisure Services: Supports the application for providing new and needed facilities, making up for a shortfall as identified by the Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy and for assisting in their drive for greater participation in sport.
The Head of Environmental and Consumer Protection Services: No objection.
English Heritage: No objection.
Environment Agency: No objection subject to conditions relating to drainage, foul and surface water disposal and contaminated land.
Natural England: No objection subject to conditions securing the recommendations in the applicants Basic Species Assessment.
Sport England: No objection. Believes the applicant has addressed the loss of employment land and urges the Council to take fully into account the significant sporting benefits to the local sporting community. Indicates that the All-Weather pitch would meet a shortfall in facilities identified in the Bournemouth & Poole Sport and Recreation Built Facilities Strategy and Action Plan (2008).
This consultation incorporates the views of the Football Association, who recognise the project as a County priority for Dorset FA and for the S-W region. They acknowledge that this site has the potential to accommodate the improvements required to allow the club to progress further through the football pyramid.
Wessex Water: No objection.
Over 380 representations have been received supporting the proposals. These are broken into 3 groups.
140 petition letters supporting the proposals.
150 copies of the same letter submitted via e-mail, supporting the proposals.
95 individual letters have been submitted, from residents of Poole Bournemouth and Wimborne, Bearwood School, UKIP, Hamworthy Club expressing support for the proposals on the following grounds;
· The site meets their needs without harming the character of the area or neighbours.
· The town needs a club with greater presence
· Benefit of providing facilities for the community and youngsters.
· Provide an asset for the town.
· Time that the club were given the support of the Council.
· The club deserve the facility.
· Better use of land than housing or Tesco.
A petition of 59 signatures has been received, objecting to the loss of natural habitat, harm to the natural character of the landscape, increase in noise and light pollution, lack of residential privacy, harm to SSSI and SNCI
5 Letters of objection have been received from local residents, including residents of Wheelers Lane. They object to:
· Noise and disturbance to local residents and wildlife, from activities, vehicles, PA systems and amplified music.
· Harm to protected species and habitats.
· Intrusion of lighting.
· Additional facilities are uneccessary due to existing facilities at Canford Arena, Hamworthy Club plus others nearby.
· All these problems would get worse if the club rises through leagues.
· Visual intrusion of buildings and enclosures.
· Limited economic value and job creation for local residents.
Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Structure Plan
The delivery of employment space advocated for Poole in this document was exceeded over the life of that document. The policies in this document have been superseded by the adoption of the Poole Core Strategy. The research and evidence gathered in preparation for the Regional Spatial Strategy are more relevant.
Draft Revised S-W Regional Spatial Strategy
Policy ES2 'Providing for Employment Land and Premises' was proposing to encourage Local Authorities to provide a range and choice of available employment land. A 20 year supply of employment land will be identified. Approximately 150Ha of Employment Land was identified as being necessary to deliver the economic prosperity of SE Dorset based on the residential growth of the sub-region.
The SW RSS did not proceed beyond consultation on the Secretary of State's proposed changes. However the studies and evidence used in Draft Revised RSS was used in the preparation of the Poole Core Strategy.
S-W Regional Development Agency, Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Workspace Strategy and Delivery Plan 2008.
The Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Workspace Strategy and Delivery Plan (October 2008), provided a forecast employment land requirement for B1-B8 employment uses to district level, based on a jointly agreed methodology. It identified a forecast employment land requirement for Poole over the period of the Core Strategy of 36.50 hectares. This figure was subsequently adjusted to 39.50 hectares to reflect the historical trend of a higher level of average windfall losses in Poole, than that used in the agreed methodology. This forecast was used to inform the development of Core Strategy employment policies.
Bournemouth and Poole: Sport and Recreation Built Facilities Strategy and Action Plan 2008.
Sets out a vision for the area, over 10 years, in relation to the provision and improvement of built facilities used for sport and recreation. It sets a strategy for meeting needs rather than specific justification for individual projects. It proposes a variety of objectives 3 of which are relevant to this proposal:
· Development of specialist sports facilities.
· Improve distribution of 5-a-side Synthetic Turf Pitches (STP)
· Improve distribution and increase variety of STP surfaces.
Bournemouth and Poole: Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan 2008.
Similar to above, but specific to Playing Pitches, recommending a number of priority actions and framework for meeting need. It includes an objective to:
“drive/accommodate increased participation in sport and physical activity by ensuring that there are sufficient facilities to meet both current and future demand”.
The adoption of the Poole Core Strategy confirmed its conformity with the Draft Revised RSS (Still relevant at the time), and Core Strategy policies reflect the policy framework set out in the Draft Revised RSS and the evidence base on which it is based.
The Core Strategy sets out the vision, broad principles and spatial approach to change in Poole upto 2026. It considers how Poole will meet the Draft RSS requirement to provide for a projected total of 13,700 additional jobs over the plan period, this being set out in the Spatial Strategy and in more detail in the table entitled “New Jobs in Poole: 2006-2026” – p.41.
In his binding report, the Inspector considered employment matters (p.7-11). His deliberations on issues relating to employment land forecasting and Poole's identification of a supply of employment land to meet projected need for B1, B2 or B8 uses over the period of the Core Strategy.