RACE – Roundtable Achievement in Coding Excellence

Coding Roundtable Recognition at the 2013Clinical Coding Community Meeting

October 26, 2013 – Atlanta, GA

In conjunction with the AHIMA Convention and Exhibit, the RACE recognition will be given to those who have met and/or exceeded the Coding Roundtable goals for2012-2013. The winners will be recognized in Atlantaat the annual Clinical Coding Community Meeting.

The RACE categories are:

AHIMA Coding Roundtable Coordinator Recognition for Excellence

Nominations for this award may include information describing how the State, Regional or Local Coding Roundtable Coordinator has demonstrated excellence in organizing and conducting meetings that meet the needs of the “grass roots” coder. S/he provides coding education and opportunities for networking with peers. Innovative methods for hosting meetings will be described. Methodology may consist of face-to-face meetings, an annual coding worship offering a full day training session, online chats in the CSA Community (formerly CoP), or other methods. The RTC uses different methods of hosting meetings including face to face meetings and/or webinars with a variety of speakers that may include physicians, QIO’s, local coding experts, AHIMA audio seminar kits, or other methods. After the meeting, the RTC posts the report of the meeting in the Coding Roundtable Community (formerly CoP) in the News section, and/or sends to AHIMA for inclusion in CodeWrite.

Examples of criteria that will be considered for this recognition:

The roundtable shall have met at least four, and preferably six times per year.

One annual coding workshop was conducted in conjunction with or adjacent to the state’s annual meeting

, separate from the state’s annual meeting or the coordinator participated with an AHIMA Regional meeting.

Successful techniques are shared with other state coordinators. This criterion will be met if the Coordinator posts

resources on the Coding Roundtable Community (formerly CoP).

AHIMA CSA Recognition for Coding Leadership

Nominations for this award may include information describing how the State Coding Roundtable coordinator is selected or elected by the CSA, how the CSA Board communicates to the CSA membership the events sponsored by the State Coding Roundtable, and how the CSA Board supports the Coding Roundtable activities. The support of activities may include examples of financial, marketing, and administrative support. The nominations should include specific examples of the applicable types of support for both the coding roundtable function and the coordinator(s), as well as how the CSA utilizes various communication techniques including the internet to promote coding roundtable activities to the membership. Qualified coding professionals are in high demand, especially as coding is important entry point into the HIM profession. As such, with coding roundtables open to members and nonmembers alike they are an opportunity to attract new members to the coding and HIM profession. The criterion for building coding roundtable loyalty will be met if CSAs have shown support of the Roundtables by responding in a timely manner to any issues brought forth at a state level, promotion of Roundtables and available coding resources at meetings, or the use of other marketing techniques to members/nonmembers for the purpose of increasing membership.

Examples of criteria that will be considered for this recognition:

The CSA appoints or elects a State Coding Roundtable coordinator.

The CSA contact information about Roundtable Coordinators is up-to-date on External Web site and in the Coding Roundtable Community (formerly CoP).

The dates, locations and contact information on Roundtable meetings held in their state on their external Web site are up-to-date.

The CSA utilized the coding roundtable as a way to reach out to and support coding professionals at all expertise levels, practice settings, and geographic locations. The CSA responds to issues brought forth at the state level.

The CSA promotes Roundtables and provides coding resources at meetings. Marketing techniques to members/nonmembers are used to increase membership.

State Roundtable Coordinators are encouraged and supported in attending education, such as the Clinical Coding Community Meeting or Coding Roundtable Coordinators Annual Meeting.

AHIMA CSA Team Recognition for Coding Roundtable Activities

This recognition is for the CSA Team that has worked to facilitate and implement the roundtable philosophy in their state. The recognition for the CSA Team is based upon the roundtable activities that have stayed connected to its members by providing the members with educational opportunities outside of face-to-face meetings, such as online chats. This team will also have served local community needs by supporting the roundtable process in local areas. This includes starting a new roundtable or revitalizing an established roundtable in an area. Additional consideration will be given for teams that have identified local coding/data quality issues and either resolved it or forwarded it to an official coding authority or agency that develops coding policy for payment.

Examples of criteria that will be considered for this recognition:

The roundtable connected with members. This would be considered met through a number of ways such as, the development of webinars for CSA members on coding topics, publication of coding related articles in state newsletter or providing educational opportunities outside of face-to-face meetings.

The roundtable served local community needs. This would be considered met with the start up of new Roundtable in the local/state area, revitalization of a Roundtable, or “regulars” at established Roundtable meetings.

The Coding Roundtable identified a local coding/data quality issue and either resolved it at the state level or forwarded it to an official coding authority such as AHA’s Coding Clinic or the AMA’s CPT Assistant. If it is a coding payment policy related issue, the issue could be sent to the state Medicaid office, Medicare, or other payer for review, analysis, and response.

NEW in 2013!!

AHIMA CSA Recognition for Advancing Coding Knowledge through Codewrite

Nominations for this award would include information describing how the member has demonstrated excellence in article submissions and publications in the AHIMA CodeWrite Newsletter.These articles may address correct coding in ICD-9-CM,ICD-10-CM/PCS CPT, and/or HCPCS by illustrating coding principles and guidelines, the application of pathophysiology, pharmacology or medical terminology concepts as well as practice analysis of information from the health record as the source document. Articles must be high-level, advanced contributions such as complex coding scenarios, research surrounding disease process and/or advanced ICD-10-CM and/or ICD-10-PCS education.

Examples of criteria that will be considered for this recognition:

The member shall have submitted and had published at least two but preferably four times per year.

The articles submitted are clear and concisely written.

The articles address complex coding scenarios, research surrounding disease process and/or advanced ICD-10-CM and/or ICD-10-PCS education.

The articles provide discussion questions that can be used at a coding roundtable event to stimulate discussion.

The number of articles submitted and published.

The above offers examples of criterion that will be used to evaluate nominations. It is not an all-inclusive list, and any description of how a RTC, CSA or team has worked to facilitate and implement the roundtable philosophy in their state, using the posted Policies/Procedures will be considered in the award decision. State, Regional or local roundtable coordinators are eligible for awards. The Awards will be determined by the Coding Community Council and bestowed at the Annual Coding Community meeting prior to the annual convention. Awards will be given during lunch on Saturday, October 26, 2013.

The last day nominations will be accepted isSeptember 15, 2013. Complete the form posted in the State Leader, or Roundtable Coordinator Communities (formerly CoPs). Send completed forms toAngie Comfort – . When submitting your nomination, consideration will be given to those demonstrating how the criteria were met. Any attachments, such as agendas, case studies, etc. are encouraged. All forms must be submitted in electronic format. Attachments will be limited to 6. Information should be condensed into report form.

Awards will be conferred by the Coding Community Council based upon how well the criteria were met. Awards will be announced in the Coding, Coding Roundtable Coordinators, and State Leaders Communities (formerly CoPs) on October 15, 2013.