Fundamentals of Art

Art 1013_105_11033_Fall2014Instructor: Kristal Tomshany

T/TH: 5:30 – 8:20 pm (918) 688-0604

C4C #3008


Art 1013 is a beginning course for all art majors. The classroom course is open to any student with an interest in visual design. Using specific design projects as an entry point, students will accumulate a working knowledge of the elements of art and the principles of design in order to arrive at their own unique design solutions. This course is mostly lab, but also includes lectures, group exercises, class discussions and field trips. Blackboard will be used only for recording project grades.




Demonstrate an understanding of two dimensional composition and design through hands-on studio assignments.

Practice using traditional art media such as pencil, ink, collage, paint, and photography.

Study perspective, proportion, value gradation, and color theory.

Work concretely with the Art Elements of line, shape, value, color, texture, and space in order to create works of art.

Identify the Principles of Design in existing artwork as well as utilize the Principles of Design in the creation of individual artwork.

Develop a more sophisticated level of artistic decision-making

Take part in class critiques, discussions, and field trips.


MUSIC: Self-contained music is allowed during long stretches of designated studio time, not during lectures or group activities. Listen at your own risk of missing valuable information!

STUDIO PROTOCOL: A quiet, focused atmosphere will be maintained during studio time. Students need to refrain from talking while the instructor is addressing the class as a whole.

DEVICES: Please go to the hallway to make or receive calls or texts. Photos are not substitutes for direct observation done in class. Know the difference between research and visual plagiarism.

ATTENDANCE: Any student who is absent from the class 5 timesduring the first eightweekswill be urged to withdraw from the class.

LATE ARRIVAL/EARLY DEPARTURE: Students are expected to stay the whole class period. The instructor is not obligated to repeat lectures, explanations or directions for anyone coming in late or leaving early.

WORK/TRANSPORTATION CONFLICTS: Only students who will be able to attend this class at the scheduled time should enroll. If your transportation or work schedule interferes with this scheduled class, then enroll in another class or wait to take the class at another time.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Late assignments will be docked one point for each class session they are overdue. This can be waived with doctor or psychiatrist documentation.

SUPPLIES: Failure to bring supplies needed for a project will result in one point being deducted off that assignment grade.


INDIVIDUAL FEEDBACK: During class session, the instructor will monitor and discuss the student's progress in a casual, "one on -one" manner.

GROUP FEEDBACK: After the completion of an assignment, the class will view their work and engage in an open discussion/response session.

GRADE SHEETS: Students will receive a grade sheet (including instructor comments) for each class assignment. The grade sheet breaks down the points earned for their work or deducted from their work, helping the student identify areas of strength and areas in need of improvement.


The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed ¾ the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W') grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F”, which may have financial aid consequences for the student.


For information, students may contact the disabled Student Resource Center, 918-595-7115 or the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 918-595-748V. Likewise, any student with medical/psychological//processing/attention deficit disorders, etc. should notify the instructor.


All TCC students receive a designated “MyTCC” email address (ex. ). All communications to you from the instructor about class reminders or concerns will be sent to your My TCC email address (unless you use a personal email which the instructor replies to). In case of extreme weather conditions and school cancellations, check the TCC website.


Ten assignments will be given, each worth ten points, for a total of 100 points. Two Exams will be given, also worth 10 points, for a total of 120 points. A total of 120 points are possible for this class. Mid-term grades will be posted so you know where you stand by mid-semester.

Assignment #1 - #10 (10 points apiece) ______100 pts.

Exam #1 and #2 (10 points apiece)______20 pts.

Total points possible: 120


A...... 108 - 120 points

B...... 96 - 107 points

C...... 84 - 95 points

D...... 72 - 83 points

F...... 71 and below


Sessions may include short lectures, group activities, group discussions, slide shows, demonstrations, short exercises, and field trips to various galleries or museums. No lecture, demonstration, or detailed explanations will be repeated for those coming in late. Individual and group feedback will be given.


Students wanting a locker must pay a 5.00 deposit fee to the Art Assistant on duty. The 5.00 deposit will be returned to the student at the end of the semester ONLY IF the student turns back in their key. All items not cleaned out of the lockers at the end of the semester will become property of TCC.


Intro to the Art ElementsThe Functions of Art

Positive/Negative ShapeForm/Shading/Value

Proportion/SightingDrawing Techniques

Basic Color TheoryPrinciples of Design

Painting TechniquesRealism/Abstraction

Transitions/EdgesArtistic Interpretation

Styles of ArtComposition

Perspective/Space Color Schemes

Creative ThinkingColor mixing

Analyzing Visual ArtArtistic Decision-making


(first half of the semester)

Glue StickWhite charcoal pencil

spiral notebook w/pocketsScissors/Ruler

Box for SuppliesBlack “toothed” drawing paper

Kneaded & white eraserAccess to digital camera

Pencils, 2B and 6BSharpie marker fine point

Drawing Tablet, 18” x 24” (80lb)Sharpie marker extra fine

Black Ink, 2 oz.Bamboo brush (small to medium)

one stick vine charcoalone stick compressed charcoal

plastic baggie for charcoal


(second half of the semester)

Black Poster Board

Paper plates or pallet paper for mixing paint

cheap plastic pallet knife

Brushes, Buy a variety. 3/4" flat, #8 round, #1 for detail

16" x 20" Canvas paper. SHARE A PAD. SAVE $$$

small kitchen sponge

*Acrylic gloss medium, small size (optional)

Plastic container for water

Liquitex BASICS brand Acrylic Paints:

Titanium white

Primary Red (or Alizarin Crimson)

Primary Yellow (or Cadmium Yellow light)

Primary Blue (or Ultramarine Blue)

Ivory Black