Bolton LPC Meeting
Date: Monday 16th November
Time: 9.30am
Venue: The Manor House, 200 St Helens Rd, Bolton
In attendance: Karen Rice Keith Williams
Joanne Myatt Louise Gatley
Chiman Patel Utam Patel
Mohammed Patel Robert Heaton
David Lees Graeme Kilcross
Asif Adam Gulam Arsiwalla
Item / Subject / Notes1. / Introduction and Apologies
No apologies received.
2. / Action Points and matters arising.
The Chief Officer confirmed that she had:
- Requested a full list of Drug Service Providers from Bolton Council
- Requested a full list of Script Switch items from Bolton CCG
- Added the LPC Strategy to the LPC website / Follow up Script Switch
3. / Minutes of the meeting held on 14th September 2015
Were agreed. JM and MP
4. / Declaration of interest
5. / Meetings attended
a. Meeting with Public Health 28.9.15
LG gave a brief report of this introductory meeting with Bryony O’Connor, Commissioning manager, Bolton Council; Sexual Health and Stop Smoking Services were discussed.
b. Meeting with Makrand Gore 1.10.15 / 9.11.15
· LG reported on-going issues with the repeat ordering process and the steps that were being taken to resolve these locally.
· The CCG are keen to develop the AKI project that has been launched in Salford. The Chief Officer highlighted the audit available to contractors via PharmOutcomes, which may support this work.
· Working is on-going to identify a small number of GP practices who wish to work with community pharmacies to promote the inhaler service.
· The CCG have now employed a dietician to work within their team. It was agreed to send an invite to her for the next LPC meeting.
c. Meeting with Wendy Meredith 5.10.15
JM reported on this meeting that she attended with colleagues from CPGM. The future of commissioning across GM was discussed.
LG reported that Bolton is now sharing the Director of Public Health from Salford, David Herne. David will be attending the HLP Awards Dinner.
d. EPS Project Board 8.10.15
EPS Utilisation figures. LG reported that uptake had improved this month. However the project team are still stalling on further roll out, to ensure that any current issues are addressed.
e. EPS Event 8.10.15
LG reported that the event had proved popular and had evaluated well. During the event Jason Clarke demonstrated a new tool available on the HSCIC website which allows contractors to look at their nomination data.
f. Meeting Working Well 12.10.15
KR gave an overview of progress to date.
g. Healthwatch Engagement Event 21.10.15
KW gave a report of this meeting that he attended. The patient survey of pharmacy had evaluated well, however there is still a lack of understanding about what pharmacy does outside of core dispensing and delivery services.
LG reported that she is due to meet with HW to further discuss how they can support community pharmacy and help inform patients of the services available to them.
h. HLP 27.10.15 / 10.11.15
LG and KW reported on these meetings. The focus has been planning for the awards evening. We now need to consider how HLP will evolve with the national specification being launched soon.
KW gave a brief overview of HLP funding.
i. Public Health Update 28.10.15
LG gave an update on progress with public health services. Key points include:
- All payment issues have now been resolved (Alcohol and Sexual Health).
- There is a new Emergency Contraception module on PharmOutcomes and new paperwork. This will go live on December 1st. For a short time modules will be live to allow staff to upload consultations from November.
- There have been some issues with large volumes of NRT being supplied against vouchers. This has been investigated and guidance will be sent to contractors shortly.
j. Devo Manc Event (LPN) 2.11.15
KR & KW gave a brief report on this meeting. Key areas include:
- Patient safety
- Seamless care
- Service development
The LPN are now mapping on to Devo Manc alongside Pharmacy Voice and PSNC.
k. LPC conference 3.11.15 & 4.11.15
Meeting notes were distributed prior to this meeting.
l. Stop Smoking Service 5.11.15
Training for next year has been discussed with training dates being sent to contractors. LG reminded the committee that this training is a mandatory requirement for all staff who provide stop smoking services.
The focus for 2016 will be consultation skills with participates working through a selection of case studies and scenarios.
m. CCG Falls Meeting 5.11.15
KW gave a report on this meeting. LG is to ask for future dates.
n. Working Well Engagement Event 9.11.15
LG reported that all pharmacies in Farnworth and Kearsley have now agreed to participate. It was agreed that the launch date would be postponed until after Christmas. / Send invite to January meeting
Send link to nomination data to LPC committee.
LG to send regular updates to the LPC committee.
6. / Items for consideration
a. CCG Board Papers
LG gave a brief summary of key issues from the board papers.
b. CPGM Update
KR reported on CPGM work streams and discussed the minutes of the most recent meetings.
LG asked for an LPC member to be put forward for an LPC Director position – Chiman Patel volunteered and was supported by the committee. A volunteer is also required for the scrutiny committee.
c. Safeguarding Document Bolton
It was agreed that both the Bolton and GM documents would be added to the LPC website.
d. SCR
The committee discussed the rollout of SCR across GM. While waiting for further direction it was agreed that a reminder would be sent to contractors regarding the requirement to complete the CPPE module.
e. Consultation – Pricing of Branded Health Service Medicines
The committee agreed not to respond to this consultation.
f. Flu Service
LG asked committee members to feedback any issues with the flu service. The CCG have reported that they had received one issue from a GP practice and they had supported the community pharmacy involved.
g. Minor Ailments Service
The committee agreed that a sub-group would be set up to look at the MAS. AA, KR, MP and JM volunteered.
h. Locality Plan
KR highlighted the inclusion of community pharmacy in the Bolton Locality Plan. / KR to put forward Chiman Patel as an LPC Director.
LG to add to website.
LG to remind contractors to complete CPPE.
LG to set up meeting for the sub-group.
7. / Any other business
KW raised issues around compliance with prescriptions from the podiatrists at the Diabetes Centre. KW will feed back suggestions on how patients can be supported to improve compliance including the use of MAR charts and prompts. / KW to feedback to the diabetes centre.
8. / a. Dates, times and venues of future meetings
18th January 2015 (day)
9th March (evening)
16th May (day)
July (TBC)
September 26th (Day)
November 21st (evening)
9. / Private Matters
a. Application Internet. Rizq Pharma, 311 Blackburn Rd.
This application was discussed. / LG to send response.