COMP PROGRAMMING week 04 / 1“New Lifts”

Starting our new cycle this week. Stay light and use this as a bit of deload. You can always make some larger jumps on week 2 and 3.

Heads up: Saturday we’ll be doing another Open workout (and it will be different than what the gym is doing).

Have fun! The Open is coming!


wk 04 / 1 / Monday, January 23, 2017
Auxillary Warm Up: / Press in Clean Sots Press (aka Front Rack Sots Press) 5x3
Grease the Groove Skilled Lift: / 3 position Power Clean 5x1 / 50%
Pull Strength: / 2" Deficit Deadlift 5x1 / 70%
Squat: / High Bar Back Box Squat 7x1 / 40% of BS
Overhead Strength: / Push Press 7x2
Accessory: / After metcon: / 70%
5x8 supine ring row
superset with 5x8 glute ham raises
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Filthy Fifty
50 Box jumps (24/20), 50 Jumping pull-ups,
50 Kettlebell swings (35/26)
Walking Lunge 50 steps,
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45/35)
50 Hip extensions,
50 Wall ball shots (20/10, 14/9)
50 Burpees,
50 Double unders.
Metcon Notes: / Same as gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
wk 04 / 1 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 5 sets of nose to wall handstands, or freestanding HS 30-60s each
Gymnastics Skill: / 3 sets of 3-5 kipping muscle ups / Using as much of a 'glide kip' style as possible (high feet and legs, with a high 'catch' at the top). 2-4 min rest between sets, superset with another movement if desired
Gymnastics Strength: / 3 sets of 4-6 rope pull ups / Alternate which hand is on top each round, use the fattest rope available
Loaded Carry: / OH barbell lunge 20' out and back, 4 sets / Start at approximately 50% bodyweight and go up if needed
Accessory: / Reverse Ring Fly 5x5, 3 sec pause at the top /
5x8 hip thrusts /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / 2 min max power snatch (165/105 or what you can do 10-15 reps with) then immediately after:
5 rounds for time
8 kb hang power cleans (53/35)
8 kb push press (same)
8 round trip 20' forward, 20' backward
Scaling Guide: 6 - 10 min, about 2 min per round.
Metcon Notes: / Same as gym Metcon with buy in
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: /
wk 04 / 1 / Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Auxillary Warm Up: / Weighted Pistol 5x5 each leg
Grease the Groove Skilled Lift: / Snatch Balance 4x3 / 50% of snatch
Pull Strength: / 2" Deficit Deadlift 7x1 / 70%
Squat: / High Bar Back Box Squat 6x2 / 40% of BS
Overhead Strength: / Push Press 6x3 / 70%
Accessory: / Single arm single leg deadlift 3x10 per side
Superset with Seated Reverse Pass Throughs /
Efficiency: / EMOTM for 5 min, 30s of toes to bar
The Lawgiver (last 160121)
Metcon: / Performance & Athletic: 5 rounds, Health: 4 rounds
9 thrusters (115/75*/55)
16 kipping pull ups
15' out and 15' back OH db lunge -one hand- (45/25*/15)
10 burpees with 15' lateral shuffle
1 min rest
Scaling Guide: 15-23 minutes, about 4:00 per round including the rest.
Metcon Notes: / Same as gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
wk 04 / 1 / Friday, January 27, 2017
Auxillary Warm Up: / Single arm db/kb squat snatch 5x3 (each arm)
Grease the Groove Skilled Lift: / 3 position Power Clean 4x2 / 50%
Pull Strength: / 2" Deficit Deadlift 9x1 / 70%
Squat: / Overhead Squat 5x3 / 60% of OHS
Overhead Strength: / Push Press 5x4 / 70%
Accessory: / Ankle mobility (pick at least two mobs)
Work up to at least 120s of hanging on the pull up bar with mixed grips (narrow, wide, supine, un even, fat bar, etc.) Use as few sets as possible but don't go to failure.
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Diane or Heavy Diane
Deadlift (225/155)
Kipping HSPU
Scaling Guide: 4 - 9 minutes. Scale Up: 4/2" deficit HSPU and 275/185 deadlifts.
Metcon Notes: / Same as Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / 3 min row, 3 min airdyne, one 20s sprint on the rower/airdyne 1 min into each interval and sprint the last 10s of each interval. 3 total rounds
Mental Game: / None.
wk 04 / 1 / Saturday, January 28, 2017
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 3 sets of 15-30 GHD sit ups each set for max speed / End set when you start to slow down.
Gymnastics Skill: / 4 sets of 10-15 kipping toes to bar
Gymnastics Strength: / 4 sets of 4-6 rope pull ups / Alternate which hand is on top each round, use the fattest rope available
Loaded Carry: / OH barbell lunge 30' out and back, 4 sets / All at the same weight, choose according to last session's performance
Accessory: / Reverse Ring Fly 5x5, 3 sec pause at the top

Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Open 15.3 MUP, Wall Ball, DU
AMRAP in 14 min
7 Muscle ups
50 Wall ball (20/10,14/9)
100 double unders
(if 7 muscle ups is going to prevent you from getting two rounds or more, do less reps, or do ring dips)
Metcon Notes: / Different than gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: /

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