Attachment M-6 – Personnel Resume Form

Instructions: Submit one resume form for each resource proposed. Do not submit other resume formats. Fill out each box as instructed. Failure to follow the instructions on the instructions page and as indicated in the RFP may result in the Bidder’s Proposal being considered not susceptible for award.

Bidder Name:

Subcontractor Name (if applicable):

Personnel Resume Form
Resource Name:
Job Title (as listed in RFP):
Relevant Employment History / Work Experience / Describe work experience relevant to the Duties / Responsibilities and Minimum Qualifications described in Section 2.4.1 of the RFP and/or relevant to the scope of the RFP. Start with the most recent experience first; do not include experience not relevant to the scope of this RFP; use Employment History below for full employment history. Enter dates as MM/YY– MM/YY. Add rows as needed.
Recommended: organize work descriptions to address minimum qualifications and other requirements. Do not enter “see resume” as a response.
Title / Role:
Period of Employment / Work (MM/YY – MM/YY):
Work and Project Methodology:
Title / Role:
Period of Employment / Work (MM/YY – MM/YY):
Work and Project Methodology:
Title / Role:
Period of Employment / Work (MM/YY – MM/YY):
Work and Project Methodology:
Education / Training / Start with most recent degree / certificate. Add rows as needed.
Institution Name:
City / State:
Degree / Certification:
Year Completed:
Field of Study:
Institution Name:
City / State:
Degree / Certification:
Year Completed:
Field of Study:
Institution Name:
City / State:
Degree / Certification:
Year Completed:
Field of Study:
References for Proposed Resource / Must include at least two (2) references. List persons the State may contact as employment references. Add rows as needed.
Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact e-mail:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact e-mail:
Certification: The information provided on this form for this labor class is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. (Signatures must be included):
Bidder's Authorized Representative (signature): ______
Typed or Printed Name: Date: Click here to enter a date.
Proposed Individual (signature): ______
Typed or Printed Name: Date: Click here to enter a date.

#V-17 Unemployment Insurance System Solution Page 3 of 3