Add a Copy Record for Digital Content/eBook

  1. Change the Fixed Characters in your Barcode symbology to 3DIGTL

  1. Find the MARC record for the eBook you want
  1. Looking at the MARC record for the eBook

  1. Add a copy record to this eBook MARC record

5. Go Back to Step 1, and change the Fixed Characters in your barcode symbology back to the usual characters.

LiLI-D eBooks (purchased by the ICFL; available to all schools for no cost)

* These titles already have MARC records in our JSD2 database. All these MARC records have a hypertext link: “Online Access for K-12 – Gale Virtual reference Library”
* If you add a copy, you will have access to the eBook through your school’s catalog.
* If you do not choose to add a copy, you still have access through the link in the database section on your home page to Gale Virtual Reference Library.

  1. Alternative Energy, 2007
  2. American Decades , 10v, 2001
  3. American Decades Primary sources, 2004
  4. Americans at War, 2005
  5. Arts and Humanities through the Eras, 2005
  6. Beacham’s Guide to the Endangered Species of North America, 2001
  7. Biology, 2002
  8. Cities of the United States , 5th ed., 4v, 2006
  9. The College Blue Book , 34th ed., 6v, 2007
  10. Complete Human Diseases and Conditions, 2008
  11. Contemporary Novelists , 7th ed., 2001
  12. Contemporary Poets , 7th ed., 2001
  13. Drugs and Controlled Substances: Information for Students, 2003
  14. Encyclopedia of Food and Culture , 3v, 2003
  15. Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America, 2004
  16. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, 2005
  17. Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2002
  18. Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa , 2nd ed., 4v, 2004
  19. Encyclopedia of the New American Nation, 2006
  20. Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages, 2004
  21. Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, 2nd ed., 2005
  22. Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer, 2nd ed., 2006
  23. Gale Encyclopedia of Diets: a Guide to Health and Nutrition, 2008
  24. Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2006
  25. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 2006
  26. Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America, 2000
  27. Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained , 3v, 2003
  28. Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, 1999
  29. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia , 2nd ed., 17v, 2003
  30. Literary Themes for Students: Race and Prejudice , 2v, 2007
  31. Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream , 2v, 2007
  32. Literary Themes for Students: War and Peace , 2v, 2006
  33. Notable Sports Figures , 4v, 2003
  34. Nutrition and Well-Being A to Z , 2v, 2004
  35. Political Theories for Students , 2002
  36. Real Life Math (Lerner & Lerner), 2006
  37. Real-Life Math: Everyday use of Mathematical Concepts (Glazer), 2002
  38. Scientific Thought: In Context, 2009 (added March, 2013)
  39. Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans , 25th ed., 2009
  40. Shakespeare for Students: Critical Interpretations of Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry., 3v, 2007
  41. St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture, 2000
  42. Television in American Society Reference Library , 4v, 2007
  43. UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes, 4 v, 2008
  44. UXL Encyclopedia of Science, 2002
  45. UXL Encyclopedia of Weather and Natural Disasters, 2008
  46. UXL Encyclopedia of World Mythology , 5v, 2009
  47. VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 2008 , 2008 ed., 2007
  48. Westward Expansion Reference Library
  49. World of Earth Science, 2003

Adding other eBooks(How to edit a MARC record for ebooks that are not Follett ebooks)

-Editing the hypertext link to your eBook (in the MARC record)

  • In Easy Editor, use the Resources tab to edit the 856 tag: indicate which schools have rights, and the vendor (so home users know what password to use).
  • For a district-wide license, please use “Online access for K-12.”
  • For your individually purchased titles, each library that owns that eBook needs a unique link where both the description AND the URL are unique. For an example, see this title: World of forensic science

  • In MARC Editor view, edit thecall number in the 082 tag.
    eBook E, eBook Fiction or eBook 938 (eBook Dewey #)
  • In MARC Editor view, check the020 tag to see that the ISBN is noted as an ebook and that no other ISBNs are in the record: e.g., 0761442006 (e-book). Please do not include ISBNs for any print versions in an eBook MARC record. If someone purchases a print version, they would attach that copy to a different MARC record, one that has the print version ISBNs. And yes, that means that we will have 2 MARC records in the database for that title: one for the eBook version, and one for the print version.
  • In Easy Editor view - Series/Notes tab-, edit interest level, and Lexile.
  • Add an image for the cover if possible.