Medication Review Process

Please note that this document is not policy. This is just the process we are using for now to ensure compliance with fed/state regs.

A medication review of all medications must be completed on all patients on services. This review must consider prescription, over the counter, herbal and other alternative treatments that could affect drug therapy. This review must include:

  • Effectiveness
  • Drug side effects
  • Actual-potential interactions
  • Duplications
  • Drugs associated with lab monitoring

Medication Record report will be run at:

1. Admission

Interactions Report will be run at:

1. Admission

2. When a new medication is added

Prior to report review:

  • Make certain patient’s EHO profile with drug allergies and diagnosis is complete
  • All medications, regardless of relatedness, must be entered into the patient’s EHO profile. This is done at admission and must be updated when meds are added or discontinued. (Staff will note in the appropriate box which meds are related to the terminal illness)
  • EHO med profile must be complete with name, dose, route, and frequency of drug

“Medication Record” Review:

  • Verify med list to make certain it reflects ALL medications the patient is currently taking. This includes over the counter, prescription, herbal, and other alternative treatments.
  • Allergies, dx, and administration of meds must be addressed.
  • RN case manager and Physician will sign and date after review.
  • Completed and reviewed report should be given to OM to *scan into patient’s electronic medical record.

“Interactions” Report Review:

  • RN must date,document,and sign on the Interactions Report that it has been reviewed and whether or not new orders received from MD.
  • Moderate and/or Severe interactions must be addressed at the time the report is ran. (you may communicate these interactions to the physician by faxing, emailing, texting, or calling him/her with the info). Mild interactions do not have to be addressed with the physician.
  • Documentation noting notification of MD and his/her response to moderate/severe interactions must be noted on the report. Ex: Dr. Jones notified of severe drug interaction of Drug A and Drug B. Orders received. See patient’s EMR. Ex 2: Dr. Smith notified of moderate drug interaction of Drug A and Drug B. Verbalized understanding, no orders received.
  • If new med orders, labs, or other monitoring is needed based on Interaction Report recommendation, note on the Interaction Report your MD notified and whether or not orders received. If orders received, document the orders in the patient’s EMR.
  • After report is reviewed, MD notified (if needed), RN dated and signed, give to OM to *scan into patient’s electronic medical record.

Running the reports:

  • From the EHO home screen, choose “Conditions of Participation” icon
  • Choose “COP IDG Report”
  • Click on the patient you want to review
  • Once patient is pulled up, choose report to run from left side of screen. Reports are under heading “COP reports”.
