(Note: Any applicable endpoints noted below must be included in the flowchart in Section B)

  1. EuthanasiaWill you be euthanizing animals on this study? Yes☐ No☐
  • If you are using CO2 or any inhaled anesthetic (e.g. Isoflurane) as a means of euthanasia, you MUST also use a second physical means to ensure death (e.g. bilateral thoracotomy, exsanguination, or harvest of an essential organ, etc.).
  • Guillotining without anesthesia is not acceptable unless scientifically justified and approved by the Committee.
  • Cervical dislocation without anesthesia may ONLY be performed by personnel who have been properly trained.
  • Dry ice is NOT AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD of euthanasia under any circumstances.
  • Any deviation from the AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia must be justified below:

If you answered ‘YES’ above, you must answer the following (copy and paste the table below for each additional species):

Method of euthanasia:
Secondary method of euthanasia if using inhalant overdose as primary method:
Justification for any deviation from AVMA guidelines:
Anesthetic/tranquilizing agent(s), if applicable:
Route of administration:
  1. Transfer

a. INTERNAL TRANSFER – a transfer of animals to another protocol (either one of your own or that of another PI) within the jurisdiction of the HMA IACUC. NOTE: if your animals have had procedures performed, other than genotyping, the protocol on which the animals are being transferred to must be amended to include the animals that have undergone the prior procedure(s).

Will you be transferring any of your animals internally? Yes☐ No☐

If you answered ‘YES’ above, you must contact the HCCM to fill out the appropriate transfer form from the HCCM website.

b.EXTERNAL TRANSFER - a transfer of animals to another institution (outside of the HMA IACUC’s jurisdiction)

Will you be transferring any of your animals externally? Yes☐ No☐

If receiving collaborator information is not yet available, answer “No” above and submit an External Transfer Form to the IACUC office when this information becomes available and at least one week prior to the animal transfer.

If you answered ‘YES’ above, you must complete the following (copy and paste for each collaborator):

  1. Species:

  1. Receiving Investigator:

  1. Receiving Institution:

  1. Transport Method
/ ☐Walking
☐Commercial shipper (list here):
vi.Principal Investigator ASSURANCES:
☐ / I agree to ship ONLY to the Animal Resource Center at the Receiving Institution and NOT to an individual investigator or laboratory.
☐ / I agree that the receiving Investigator has a current approved protocol for these animals.
☐ / I agree to notify the receiving Investigator of any prior genotyping or identification procedures that have been performed on these animals.
☐ / I agree to provide long-term gel-packs or equivalent if the animals will travel for more than 3 hours.
  1. Dual-Assignment (USDA covered species only)

Will any of these animals be concurrently assigned to other protocols? Yes☐ No☐

Approval of a protocol that uses animals assigned to other protocols binds the principal investigator into an agreement to coordinate all animal sampling and procedures with the corresponding investigator to ensure compliance with all guidelines of federal agencies and the IACUC. Please see the Dual Assignment Policy for further information.

NOTE: Dual protocol assignment requires prior approval by the Animal Allocation and Re-use Committee (AARC) via the “Dual–Assignment Request Form.”

Protocol # / Species / # of animals / Pain category (C,D,E)
  1. AdoptionMight any animals on your study by adopted at the end of the study? Yes☐ No☐

If ‘YES,’ you MUST contact and receive permission from the HCCM at the appropriate time to begin the adoption process.