Student Management Information System (SMIS)
Data Dictionary
The Student Management System (SMS) is a server based application used to facilitate the data collection of students and classes in the community and technical colleges in the state of Washington. Each quarter the colleges run their data through a program which translates the data into the Student Management Information System (SMIS).
The SMIS data is then sent as a quarterly extract by each of the community and technical colleges to the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) during finals as per the MIS Reporting calendar. Students with a fee pay status of 10, 11, 21, 22, 33, 34, 51, 53, 56, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 and enrolled entirely in classes with funding source of 5 are not included in the quarterly extract. SBCTC then engineers the data to add reporting indicators and stores the data in the Data Warehouse. This information is subsequently made available to the community and technical colleges.
The Student table is used primarily as the source for student demographic information. Though the table includes credit and FTE data elements, these data elements are used for analytical purposes only. Official credit and FTE reporting is done through the use of the Stuclass and Transcripts tables.
This data dictionary is meant to assist users in identifying field: format, definition, and values of the SMIS system.
Table of Contents
Student 3
Race-Ethnicity 41
Data Warehouse Student TableEach row in the STUDENT table is uniquely identified by a combination of DW_KEY, COLLEGE, YEAR, and QUARTER. Each row represents an Enrolled Student in a given year and quarter at a particular college. The table contains student demographic information such as gender, race/ethnic origin, and age, plus data about student effort such as FTES.
Cascadia College was added to the Data Warehouse starting in Fall Quarter, 2000. They also are present in Fall Quarter 1999 with student funded enrollments only.
Pierce was split into two colleges, Fort Steilacoom and Puyallup, in the Data Warehouse in Summer Quarter 2001.
DW_KEY (PK) / Data Type: Text
Size: 10
Allow Null: No
Definition: A unique identifier assigned to each student upon first contact with the community and technical college system. The identifier is retained by the person throughout their association with the system and is uniform across all student related tables in the SBCTC Data Warehouse. DW_KEY is based on social security number. If the social security number is not present, then DW_KEY is based on SID.
YEAR (PK) / Data Type: Text
Size: 3
Allow Null: No
Definition: A three-character field identifying the academic year of the enrollment. The academic year begins with Summer Quarter and ends with Spring Quarter.
Examples of Valid Values:
990 / 1999-2000 / A67 / 2006-2007
A01 / 2000-2001 / A78 / 2007-2008
QUARTER (PK) / Data Type: Text
Size: 1
Allow Null: No
Definition: A one-character code identifying the specific quarter of the enrollment.
Valid Values:
1 / Summer / 3 / Winter
2 / Fall / 4 / Spring
COLLEGE (PK) / Data Type: Text
Size: 3
Definition: Definition: A three-digit code used to identify each community or technical college in the state of Washington. College codes begin with the two-digit district code.
Valid Values:
280 / Bates / 090 / Highline / 065 / Seattle Voc Institute
080 / Bellevue / 260 / Lake Washington / 070 / Shoreline
250 / Bellingham / 130 / Lower Columbia / 040 / Skagit Valley
180 / Big Bend / 030 / Olympic / 240 / South Puget Sound
300 / Cascadia / 010 / Peninsula / 171 / Spokane
120 / Centralia / 110 / Pierce District / 170 / Spokane District
140 / Clark / 111 / Pierce Fort Steilacoom / 172 / Spokane Falls
290 / Clover Park / 112 / Pierce Puyallup / 220 / Tacoma
190 / Columbia Basin / 270 / Renton / 200 / Walla Walla
230 / Edmonds / 062 / Seattle Central / 150 / Wenatchee Valley
050 / Everett / 060 / Seattle District / 210 / Whatcom
020 / Grays Harbor / 063 / Seattle North / 160 / Yakima Valley
100 / Green River / 064 / Seattle South
DISAD_IND / Data Type: Text
Size: 1
Definition A one-character code indicating a student’s enrollment in a course designated for students who are academically disadvantaged, i.e., courses in the 32.XXXX or 33.XXXX (basic skills or developmental) CIP code series. Not all cip 32.XXXX or 33.XXXX are designated as academically disadvantaged
Source: Derived in the SMS system. Students are automatically coded if SBCTC approves the course as serving academically disadvantaged students in the Course Coding and Approval process. Colleges may manually code students not in these courses if they are being tutored or require special services and assistance in order to enable them to succeed in vocational programs and meet any one of three requirements listed below for such designation specified in Perkins regulations (These students must be re-coded each year.):
· Failed to attain minimum academic competencies
· Scored at or below the 25th percentile on a standardized achievement test
· Secondary grades were below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Colleges reset all academically disadvantaged indicators at the beginning of each academic year.
Examples of Use: This data element is no longer used to monitor Carl Perkins enrollments as of the implementation of Perkins IV.
Valid Values:
Y / Yes
N / No
Blank / Blanks are converted to N in the SBCTC Data Warehouse
AGE / Data Type: Decimal
Precision: 5
Scale: 2
Definition: The age of the student as of the first day of the year and quarter being reported. Age is calculated to the first day of the quarter (ZZ.ZZ format) to accommodate the calculation of median age and calculated to the nearest .25 to accommodate statistics compatible with the U.S. Census.
Source: Calculated during quarterly MIS reporting to SBCTC based on BIRTH_DATE.
Examples of Use: To examine age by two-digit year, you must make choices among alternatives in Access. The function INT truncates the Decimal. That is, it treats everyone who is 18.0 to 18.9 as 18. This is the normal way of thinking about age - you are 18 until your 19th birthday. The function CINT rounds ages to the nearest even whole number (19.5 is rounded to 20, rather than 19).
This data element is used for reporting Worker Retraining and Distance Education enrollment to OFM. It is also used as criteria in determining and reporting Very Recent High School Grad enrollment.
Valid Values:
Ages less than 13 or greater than 85.99 are converted to NULL in the SBCTC Data Warehouse.
PRIMARY / Data Type: Text
Size: 1
Definition: A one-character summary of age data grouped into four categories using the INT function described in AGE. For example, everyone age 20.0 to 29.9 is in Age Group Primary 2.
Source: Derived from AGE during SBCTC Data Warehouse re-engineering.
Valid Values:
1 / Under 20
2 / 20-29
3 / 30-39
4 / 40 or above
Null / Age is blank
SECONDARY / Data Type: Text
Size: 1
Definition: A one-character summary of age data grouped into 11 categories using the INT function described above. For example, everyone age 20.0 to 24.9 is in Age Group Secondary B.
Source: Derived from AGE during SBCTC Data Warehouse re-engineering
Valid Values:
A / Under 20 / G / 45-49
B / 20-24 / H / 50-54
C / 25-29 / I / 55-59
D / 30-34 / J / 60-64
E / 35-39 / K / 65 or above
F / 40-44
DATE / Data Type: Date
Size: 8
Allow Null: Yes
Definition: The student’s date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY date format. If the date is invalid, the field is set to NULL. This is a required data element for State, Contract or Short Contract funding.
Source: Collected from the student at time of Admission and Registration
Examples of Use: Ages are used to compile statistical information consistent with the U.S. Bureau of the Census and are used by OFM and the SBCTC for enrollment forecasting and for ad hoc research to describe the types of students served.
HISP_CD / Data Type: Text
Size: 3
Allow Null: Yes
Definition: A three-character Census Hispanic code. The codes correspond to standard categories used by the federal government in the Census. If the Census Hispanic code is anything other than 999 or blank, the Ethnic Origin code is 4 (Hispanic). This is a required data element for State, Contract or Short Contract funding.
Source: Collected from the student at time of Admission and/or Registration.
Examples of Use: This field is useful for analysis of subgroups of Hispanics. It is used for quarterly reporting of enrollment by race and Hispanic origin to OFM.
Valid Values:
700 – 742 / Hispanic
998 / Did Not Respond
999 / Not Spanish/Hispanic
RACE_CD / Data Type: Text
Size: 3
Allow Null: Yes
Definition: A three-character Census Race code. The codes correspond to standard categories used by the federal government in the Census. This is a required data element for State, Contract or Short Contract funding.
Source: Collected from the student at time of Admission and/or Registration
Examples of use: This field is useful for looking at the race of Hispanic students, international students, or the specific race of Asian/Pacific Islanders. It is used for quarterly reporting of enrollment by race and Hispanic origin to OFM.
Some of the most commonly used CENSUS_RACE codes are:
605 / Chinese/Tibetan / 612 / Korean / 900 / Black, Tahitian
608 / Filipino / 619 / Vietnamese / 935 / Eskimo
611 / Japanese / 872 / African American / 941 / Aleut
RACE_CD2 / Data Type: Text
Size: 3
Allow Null: Yes
Definition: The three-digit race codes used by the federal government in the Census. This data element is used to capture the census race code if a student reports themselves as more than one race.
Source: Collected from the student at time of Admission and/or Registration
Examples of use: Used to derive the race_code 9 Multi-Racial. Will be used for IPEDS reporting.
Valid Values:
The most commonly used codes are listed below. For a complete listing codes see TBL3.
History: Added to the Data Warehouse Summer Quarter, 2003. Not collected prior to that time.
CITZ_STAT / Data Type: Text
Size: 2
Allow Null: Yes
Definition: A two-character code that indicates whether a student is a U.S. citizen, immigrant, refugee or living in the country on a visa. This is a required data element for State or Contract funding.
Source: Collected from the student at time of Admission and/or Registration
Valid Values:
Valid Values:
A1 / Diplomat / G1 / Rep Rec Gov&Stf/I Fm / L1 / Intra Company Trnsfr
A2 / Oth Gov Emp & Im Fam / G2 / Oth G1 Rep & Im Fam / L2 / Dep Intra Comp Trnsf
A3 / A1/A2 Emp+Own Im Fam / G3 / G1/Nonrec Gov&Im Fam / M1 / Vocational
AS / Asylee / G4 / Intl Org Empl&Im Fam / M2 / Vocational Dependant
B1 / Temp Visitr Business / G5 / G1234 Svt/Emp&Im Fam / O1 / Unique Talent
B2 / Temp Visitr Pleasure / H1 / Tem Wkr/Merit&Abilty / O2 / Unique Talent Assist
C1 / Alien In Transit / H2 / Entertainment / O3 / Unique Talent Family
C2 / C1 To Un Hdqtrs Dist / H3 / Temp Train-Med Grads / PP / Public Int Parole
C3 / C1 Official & Im Fam / H4 / Dep Temp Work/Train / Q1 / Intl Cultural Exchng
D / Alien Crewmn Sea/Air / I / Media Rep & Sps/Chld / R / Religious Worker
E1 / Trty Trdr/Sps/Chldrn / IE / Intl eLearning / R2 / R-1 Child/Spouse
E2 / Trty Invstr/Sps/Chld / IM / Permnt Res/Immigrant / RF / Refugee
E3 / Trty Prof/Sps/Chldrn / J1 / Exchange Visitor / T / Tempory Residents
F1 / Student / TD / Dep Of Can/Mex Nafta
F2 / Student Spouse/Child / J2 / Exchng Vstr Sps/Chld / TN / Canada/Mex Bus-Nafta
K1 / Fiancee Of Us Citizn
K2 / Chld Of Ctzn's Fncee / Y / Us Citizen
ZZ / Other
Blank / Not Reported
History: Prior to Summer Quarter 1994, “contracted international students” were excluded from the SMIS database (even though they were included in the college’s SMS database). This means that they are not in the Warehouse prior to Summer Quarter 1994. The jump in international students between 1993-94 and 1994-95 results from the addition of contract international enrollments to the database, not because of a change in program offerings.
(use with caution) / Data Type: Text
Size: 1
Allow Null: Yes
Definition: A one-digit code indicating the level of cumulative college credits or hours earned prior to enrollment in the year and quarter being reported.
Source: Derived during quarterly MIS reporting to SBCTC based on
CLVL_CR_EARN or CUM_HR_EARN data elements in the SM database, which are updated through the grading process. Often a college may not be finished entering grades by the time they fun finals so these fields may not be updated with the most current quarter’s credits. Technical colleges are not accurately reflected by this data element because they are clock hour based. When doing analysis or reporting based on credits earned, SBCTC uses the Transcripts table.
Valid Values:
0 / First time, first year student (zero cumulative college level credits earned or cumulative clock hours)
1 / All other first year students (greater than 0 credits but less than 45 cumulative college level credits earned or greater than 0 hours but less than 900 cumulative hours)
2 / All other college-level students
Blank / Students who were previously enrolled exclusively in courses numbered under the 100 level.