Coach Keener
Web Design

Animal Morph Project

You have discovered a few new species of creatures. Which creatures you ask? Well… the ones you create in this project. Using Photoshop, you will create new species of animals by combining images. Please see the examples prior to starting, have fun, and be creative!

Criteria / Point Value
Create a new folder named “Animal_Morph”. Save all work for this assignment in this folder. / 5
Using Photoshop, create a new document that is 800 pixels wide and 800 pixels high. Set the resolution to 72 DPI and start with a white background. You will be creating 3 separate morphs. / 5
Find a background that would be a realistic place to find you morphed animal. / 5
Be sure your animal morphs are blended together nicely, meaning that your morphs look realistic with color, patterns, etc… / 10
Include the name of your morphs and text with effects on each project. / 10
Professionalism – Be sure all crops are realistic, and that appropriate detail has been but forth to make your morphs look believable. / 10
Save the image in a format that can be used for the web. / 5
Total Value (per project): / 50

Name: ______