MINUTES of meeting 23 March 5.30pm - Trelawny Room, New County Hall, Truro

Welcome and Introductions


Julie Flower, Senior Licensing Officer

Duncan McLeod, Licensing Officer

Andrea Carter, Licensing Compliance Officer

Bert Biscoe CC, Portfolio Holder for Transport / Truro Local Ward Member

Syd Arnold

Joy Arnold

Phil Barrett

Jane Barrett

Dan Perryman

Dan McLachlan

Malcolm Slater

David Randall

Rob Ryder

Sam Ryder

Steven Witchell

Doreen Lawrence

John Kemp

David Kendall


Geoff Brown CC, Portfolio for Communities / Newquay Local Ward Member

Inspector Dave Meredith, Devon and Cornwall Police

Viv Bidgood, Highway & Environment Manager, Cormac Solutions (West)

Rachael Tatlow, Highway & Environment Manager, Cormac Solutions (East)

Zoe Hall, Civil Parking Enforcement Manager

Charles Dodds

Paul Smithson A2B Taxis (St Austell)

Donal O’Brien

Ian Pickup

Nick Morris

Newquay Airport Parking

At the last forum, Truro, Falmouth and Newquay Associations each agreed to collect data for their respective areas, of passenger numbers, including the number of pick-ups/drop-offs.

Although it is unlikely taxis will be allocated dedicated spaces, it would be useful to have the data of how many pick-ups and drop-offs take place at certain times.

As a starting point, it was agreed each Association collect figures for the month of December and let Licensing know at beginning of January, in order to collate and report back to forum.

Not heard from Falmouth or Newquay Associations as yet, but Truro Association provided following figures for DECEMBER 2016:-

A2B Truro / 137 taxi pick-ups
11 mini-bus pick-ups
12 coach pick-ups / 74 drop-offs
Spike’s Taxis / 3 pick-ups / 3 drop-offs
Ansum Cabs / 9 pick-ups / 9 drop-offs
Acorn Cabs / 2 pick-ups / 2 drop-offs
Andy’s Cabs* / 1 pick-up / 1 drop-off
Total 175 pick-ups / Total 89 drop-offs

Representatives from Falmouth and Newquay Associations present at the meeting, agreed to provide Licensing with data they have and Licensing will send to Bert Biscoe as soon as possible.

Taxi Rank - Cliff Road, Newquay

Further complaint received last month - rank occupied by private vehicles gets raised repeatedly - taxis cannot access this rank on a Friday or Saturday evening due to the number of private vehicles parked on the rank, many of which park there early evening and stay until late.

Civil Parking Enforcement Manager not able to attend forum, however, has confirmed theynow have Flexible Rota CEOs in placeand they will be patrollingthe Taxi ranks in Newquay in the evenings starting from April.

Taxi Rank – Grove Place, Falmouth

Complaint of non-Taxis parking on rank at Grove Place, Falmouth

Civil Parking Enforcement Manager has previously stated the signage in this rank does not match the legal Order and is also incorrectly placed on the highway and is therefore not legally enforceable.

It has been flagged up as a defect, however, Parking Enforcement do not have any budget to rectify rank defects until 2017/18.

Taxi Ranks – The Moor/Killigrew Street, Falmouth

Various complaints received that some drivers are leaving vehicles unattended on the rank for a considerable length of time to visit Betfred or Wetherspoons. Parking Enforcement state if there is a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in place they can issue a Fixed Penalty Notice. However, if no TRO, the only option is for Compliance to refer drivers to MLC for a review of their licence.

Compliance pointed out they have not witnessed any vehicles unattended when they have visited, but will keep under review.

John Kemp agreed to raise at the next Falmouth Association meeting.

It was also suggested, as part of the unmet demand survey due to take place later this year, that the survey company are asked to report on taxis unattended on ranks.

Town Parking Review / Rank Reviews

Forum members will be aware that a number of taxi rank changes were identified through the town parking review which took place last year.

Bert Biscoe confirmed following formal consultation on the town parking review, the Council have abandoned the on-street pay and display scheme and are considering residents parking orders.

Bert also stated meetings have taken place in each of the towns with local representatives to consider the options. The reports of each meeting are available at the following link. Here is the link to the reports:-

Amended proposals are likely to be re-submitted to Cabinet to consider and Bert suggested the forum write to Hannah Harris (copying in Bert) to enquire about the decision making process and to ensure the recommended taxi ranks changes put forward by Parsons Brinckerhoff are appropriately considered.

Here is link to information on Council’s website in relation to Town Parking Reviews:-

Trade & Police communication

Concerns have been raised from Newquay Taxi & Private Hire Association (NTPHA) regarding lack of communication between the Police and taxi trade in Newquay.

This was demonstrated on New Year's Eve, where the Police closed roads which prevented taxis accessing the main rank in Fore Street.

Many of the trade feel disconnected from the Police and would like to create a proactive way in which taxi drivers can communicate with the police

Inspector Meredith not able to attend forum this evening but he is happy to meet up at Newquay Police Station with representatives of Newquay Association to discuss concerns.

It was agreed, Licensing would contact Inspector Meredith to arrange meeting with Licensing, Compliance and representative from NTPHA.

Hackney Carriage Fare Tariffs

Licensing referred to a previous request received from Mr Morris of NTPHA for the Restormel Zone change in tariff. Steve Witchell on behalf of NTPHA confirmed the request is now withdrawn.

Members of the trade expressed an interest in the fare tariff being unified across all the zones in Cornwall.

Fares were discussed generally and Mr Kemp pointed out several valid points for raising fares.

Licensing Compliance Team – Updates

Andrea Carter raised the issue of Tremough Campus as complaints had been received of Carrick taxis plying for hire at Tremough, which was in fact in the Kerrier zone.

Also complaints of private hires plying for hire.

Andrea explained that Compliance had recently visited on student night and there was no evidence of illegal activity.

Andrea mentioned a recent successful prosecution which Compliance had brought against unlicensed vehicles.

Passenger Transport Unit

No issues raised and no representation from PTU at this forum.

However, Bert Biscoe took the opportunity to update the forum on the bus and rail integration project which was moving ahead. Bert pointed out that taxis are an important part of the public transport network and the forum should be briefed on progress as there may be opportunities for taxis. Bert therefore suggested a meeting with Glyn Williams and a representative from each Association – Licensing will arrange.

Bus Lanes/Bus Gate

Bert Biscoe recommended that Licensing, on behalf of the forum, write to the new Director requesting that taxis be allowed to use the bus lanes/bus gates throughout Cornwall. Licensing asked for a copy of Mike Cowley’s report and Nigel Blackler’s letter which was referred to for reference/background information and will then write to the new Director (with Bert and forum members being copied in) on behalf of the forum as suggested. It was suggested perhaps Highways would at least allow a 6 month trial for taxis to use the bus lanes/gates.

Vehicle Specification/Conditions amendments/update

On 10 February, the Miscellaneous Licensing Committee(MLC) considered further amendments to the specification and conditions of licence.

The Committee agenda and minutes are available at the following link:-

Additions and amendments have been made, which will be attached to licence on next renewal, including:-

  • Pushchairs, buggies or similar carried within vehicles must be collapsed and children carried in accordance with the law in relation to seat belts / restraints.
  • Pushchairs, buggies or similar must be stowed away securely in the boot or in another suitable location within the vehicle so as not to cause an obstruction or danger to passengers.
  • Proprietors must be aware of legislation in relation to carrying children / seat-belts etc.
  • Child-locks may be used when carrying unsupervised children and/or vulnerable adults where it is considered necessary for the safety of passengers and provided the hirer of the vehicle has been informed in advance.
  • Interim Test – wording has been clarified – if the vehicle is 3 or more years old on the date the licence is granted, must have interim test 6 months from last MOT.
  • Tinted windows – condition changed to “All vehicle windows shall be transparent. Any tint (including manufacturer’s tint) in opinion of officer inspecting, obstructs visibility into the vehicle, is not permitted.”

Licensing explained that they were exploring ways that this can be measured accurately, which would make it clear to the trade what was acceptable, for example, the percentage of minimum light transmission measured through a light metre or other device.

The following was also discussed by the MLC for future consideration:-

  • Age of Vehicles – in accordance with the Council’s Clean Air for Cornwall Strategy, Licensing are being asked to look at whether air quality should be a consideration in setting licence standards.

Options could include:-

  • Setting an age limit & minimum Euro standard requirement for licensed vehicles.
  • Licence fee reduction for fully electric vehicles and petrol/electric hybrids.

MLC have asked for a report back with options prior to consultation with the trade.

Hackney Carriage Numerical Limit Policies/Unmet Demand Surveys

On 10 February, the Miscellaneous Licensing Committee (MLC), considered a report in relation to the numerical limit policies.

The Committee agenda and minutes are available at the following link:-

There are numerical limit policies in 3 of Cornwall’s Taxi Zones (Restormel, Carrick and Penwith) in respect of Hackney Carriages.

The MLC agreed that further unmet demand surveys be undertaken and policies to be reviewed in the 3 areas where limits apply and also review other 3 areas where there no current limits.

The MLC also agreed that any new applications for HCVs in the 3 zones which are limited, be deferred until after the Committee have considered the survey results.

It was agreed that taxis should be involved in the process and Licensing agreed that the officers responsible would liaise as appropriate with the taxi trade throughout the process.

Driver Policy Review

On 10 March, the Miscellaneous Licensing Committee (MLC), considered all the consultation responses in relation to the driver review.

The Committee agenda and minutes are available at the following link once published:-

The MLC determined that applicants for new driver licences will not be required to pass a knowledge test or driver assessment.

The existing knowledge tests and driver assessments in the zones requiring them will therefore be discontinued.

In addition, the MLC agreed:-

  • all drivers should undertake safeguarding training.
  • the updated and unified HC driver byelaws will be implemented for all 6 zones
  • the Statement of Practices, Procedures and Guidance document, subject to amendments
  • that applicants must have the ability to speak English and understand spoken English
  • that temporary licences will no longer be issued
  • medicals no longer required annually for those drivers aged over 65 – medicals required every 3 years unless Doctor or Council stipulates a lesser period is required
  • the Code of Conduct which has been updated to include basic standards (with regards to general behaviour), professional standards (dress code) and unacceptable standards (clothing, footwear etc).

Licensing Fees & Charges

The fees and charges payable for drivers, operators and vehicles have been reviewed.

The fees are generally increasing by between 2% and 3% from 1 April.

This is based on the Retail Price Index currently running at 2.5% and the Consumer Price Index at 1.6%.

The increase is considered reasonable in order to recover the costs associated with delivering the service.

The increase in fees for operators and vehicles have been advertised and no objections received.

Any Other Business

Signage on PHV when no longer licensed - following last forum, Licensing have looked into suggestion that “when a PH vehicle is no longer licensed, the signage ‘Private Hire – Advanced Bookings Only’ should be removed as it is misleading.”

Legal have advised the Misrepresentation Act 1967 would only be relevant where someone is using the unlicensed vehicle after a misrepresentation has been made to them that the vehicle was licensed when it was not.

In the circumstances where someone has simply failed to remove the signage, licensing have been advised to contact the proprietor to point out that there is a risk that they are putting themselves forward as using a licensed vehicle, when, in fact, they are not licensed and that if this is the case, then they may be committing an offence.

If they hold a drivers licence, or an Operator’s licence, then there is also a risk in terms of whether they are a fit and proper person and therefore a risk that they may be taken to committee for their drivers licence, or Operator’s licence, to be reviewed.

Private hire Signage Waiver

A query was raised of a private hire vehicle with signage waiver but had the words Executive on the vehicle which seemed to conflict with the reason requesting a waiver.

Licensed vehicles operating outside Cornwall

A query was raised why Kerrier licensed vehicles are operating in Birmingham. Licensing explained why this sometimes happens, there were loopholes in the legislation but that conditions were now included on all HC vehicle licences that the vehicle must operate primarily in the zone in which they are issued.

Cabinet Member attendance at Forums

Bert Biscoe stated this would be his last forum in his capacity as Cabinet Member as he would not be Cabinet Member following the elections. Bert suggested the new Cabinet Member be invited to forums.

Bert was thanked by all for his interest and all his input.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held in June 2017 (date to be confirmed) at 5.30pm in the Trelawny Room, New County Hall, Truro.