Chief’s Citizen Advisory Council April 13, 2016 Meeting Notes

Chief’s Citizen Advisory Council

Minneapolis Police Department

350 South 5th Street, Room 130

Minneapolis, MN 55415


Chief Janeé Harteau / Deputy Chief Medaria Arradondo / Harry Davis, Jr.
Renee Jenson / Don Samuels / Doris Overby
Joanne Kaufman / Mark Anderson / Dominick Bouza
Shane Zahn / Sherman Patterson / Kenya Weathers

Not Attending

Reverend Joan Austin / VJ Smith / Joe Minjares-Senkyr
Pastor Charles Graham / Arnetta Phillips / Claudia Waring
Leo Espinoza / Kate Lee / Eva Wood
Bishop Richard Howell / Robert Lilligren / Dr. Avelino Mills-Novoa
William Means / Rebecca Waggoner / Long Yang
Jana Metge / Dr. Heather Huseby / Michael Rainville

Chief’s Citizen Advisory Council April 13, 2016 - Agenda and Meeting Notes

  1. Welcome
  2. 4th Precinct Update
  3. Chief’s Youth Summit
  4. CCAC Meeting Locations
  5. P3 Appreciation Luncheon/Dinner
  6. Upcoming Project
  7. Roundtable
  8. Adjourn


1.  Welcome

·  Chief Harteau welcomed everyone and introduced new member Kenya Weathers and MPD Employee Glenn Burt who will be assisting today.

2.  4th Precinct Update

·  Possible reoccupation of 4th Precinct and interruption of the Friday, April 15th City Council Meeting scheduled. No current MPD preparation just monitoring situation.

·  Contents of the Precinct’s Free Library were damaged during the gathering after the County Attorney Freeman’s Jamar Clark decision.

·  Public Safety is the determining factor between peaceful protests and police response.

3.  Chief’s Youth Summit

·  1st annual was very successful with over 150 youth and 15 organizations participating. Video featuring the summit was shown.

4.  CCAC Meetings - Location - Attendance – Frequency

·  Downtown location difficult for members. Precincts seem to be preferred as they allow for interaction with the officers. Also discussed was holding them in the community to show visibility for members.

·  Nonattendance. Chief prefers participation and a method of accountability for attendance and participation.

·  Meeting frequency – what should it be? Monthly – Quarterly

5.  P3 Appreciation Luncheon/Dinner

·  Tabled due to members absence.

6.  Upcoming Project

·  Develop an Accountability group to hold MPD accountable for completing their projects i.e. OJP Recommendations.

7.  Roundtable

·  PAL is doing good work in the south side neighborhoods. Thanks for bringing them there.

·  Lake Street beat officers having an impact on crime

·  Are MPD officers attending next week’s National CIT Conference in Chicago?

·  Question regarding the covering of a body at a homicide scene.

·  Creating a crisis response team that would respond to homicides/officer involved shootings as a forward team to deal with community anguish or concerns.

·  How to best define who the community leaders are and how to engage; questions about old guard vs. new guard leadership and their willingness to work with each other and MPD. Should Block Clubs be the basis/foundation of engagement? Northside needs more help in organizing Block Clubs.


4.  CCAC Meeting locations – Mary ask for suggestions when sending out meeting minutes

7.  Roundtable – Develop a Critical Incident Response Team

MAY 11, 2016 MEETING