Conditions for Hire of Facilities
These conditions accompany the attached scale of charges and the relevant Application for Hire Form. Please note the following:
a) The expression “the Centre” refers to buildings under the control of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Counciland shall include the building and all outside grounds, facilities used and occupied in connection herewith, together with the equipment fixtures and fittings belonging to the premises, but this expression does not imply that the Hirer has the right of all such ground facilities or equipment, but only those which may be allocated to him in accordance with the confirmation of booking.
b) The expression “The Council” means Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council.
c) Island Arts Centre is the Council’s Centre in the City for the Arts. If time and space are available, then the Facility will be made available for other community non-arts activities.
- The Council hereby authorised by him/her, to enter the Centre, or portion thereof, so specified in the agreement for the purpose of the hire and during the time indicated therein. The Council reserves the right to refuse any application for hire and to refuse the entry of any person or persons to all or any part of the Centre.
- The Hirer shall pay to the Council, in advance, the appropriate charge or charges set out in the current scale of charges in force, a copy of which the Hirer acknowledges receipt.
- The Hirer undertakes:
- To manage and conduct the particular event or series of events, the subject of the application for hire, in such manner and form so as not to injure the reputation of the Centre or offend against any statute, statutory regulations or Bye-Laws concerning the management of the Centre which may in any way imperil any licence granted or any insurance effected in respect of the Centre. This shall include the removal from public display, any material, which contravenes the conditions above. The Council reserves the right to remove any work of a sensitive nature.
- To arrange and be responsible for the administration, organisation and running of the particular event or series of events, the subject of such Application for Hire. In the event of specific help, being given by the Council by special arrangement in this regard no responsibility is acceptable to the Council for the running of any event, which remains the responsibility of the Hirer.
- To comply with all instructions given by the Arts Administration Coordinator and his/her Assistants as to the entering and exiting of all vehicles and persons on foot from the Centre. Special instructions may be given depending on the particular booking, which must be complied with by the Hirer.
- Not assign the benefit of the Agreement to Hire or any part thereof without the written consent of the Council.
- To leave the Centre in good repair and condition at the termination of the period of hire or each separate period of hire and sign a Hire Condition Report before and after each hire period.
- To ensure that all users of the facilities in the Centre wear the type of footwear specified by the Council except where normal footwear is permitted.
- To pay to the Council on demand, the cost of repairing or making good any damage to the Centre (fair wear and tear excepted), arising out of, or incidental to, the hiring and the cost of replacing, howsoever lost, any item of equipment included in the hiring.
- To be responsible for, and to indemnify, the Council against all claims, actions, demands, costs and proceedings arising out of, or incidental to, the hiring of the Centre and equipment, or the carrying out by the Hirer of any of the terms of this Agreement or which would not have arisen but for the Hirer’s use thereof.
- If so required by the Council, adequately to insure against Third Party Employer’s and Occupier’s liability on the terms of the foregoing clause in some insurance company approved by the Council and to produce such insurance policy to the Council for inspection.
- Hirers are not to use the Centre for the sale or consumption of intoxicating liquor, or for any purpose except that specified on the Application for Hire.
- If the Hirer cancels the reservations, the subject of the Agreement, all hiring charges paid by the Hirer shall be retained by the Council unless the Hirer has given notice of such cancellation, in writing, to the Council at least 14 days before the date of hire, otherwise the hirer will be liable for the full term of the hire period of the facility.
- If the Hirer is in breach of the Agreement of Hire, the Council reserves the right to retain any monies paid in respect of such hire and/or cancel all periods of hire booked.
- For one off bookings Lisburn & Castlereagh City Councilhas a CHILD PROTECTION POLICY, which you MUST abide by when using its facilities. Anyone intending to take photographs must apply for permission from the centre to do so AND will need to produce proof of identity in order to obtain that permission. Should you have any concerns about a child whilst using the Council’s facilities please contact a member of staff, who will inform the designated Child Protection officer. It is your responsibility to ensure that all members of your group/organisation are made aware of this obligation.
If any group/club/individual books more than one session at any one time for an activity that includes children (i.e. any one under the age of 18) they must produce an up-to-date Child Protection Policy, complete and sign a Child Protection Policy Confirmation Booking Form and attach it to this booking form.
A session is ‘any time period in any one day’.
- Lisburn & Castlereagh City Counciladvises that the following minimum child supervision levels must be adhered to:
Age 3-4 years Maximum of 8 children per adult and a minimum of 2 adults
1- 8 children 2 adults required
9-16 children 2 adults required
17-24 children 3 adults required
Age 5-7 years Maximum of 10 children per adult and a minimum of 2 adults
Age >8 years 1 adult per 15 children and a minimum of 2 adults
If you have any concerns about the adult/child ratio whilst using Island Arts Centre's facilities please contact the Arts Administration Coordinator.
- The Applicant agrees to be bound by the Council’s scale of charges a copy of which they have received, and agrees that the delivery of the confirmation of booking shall be a binding acceptance of this offer.
- The Applicant also agrees to the Council’s policy that all electrical equipment used on Lisburn City Council’s premises must be Portable Appliance Tested (PAT tested).
- The Council reserves the right to cancel a reservation period in the event of a facility being required for a special event upon giving 14 days prior notice of its intentions to do so. Such notice will be sufficient if signed by the Arts Administration Coordinator or persons so authorised in that behalf.
- If the Hirer, who has reserved the facility or facilities, over a period, fails to pay any account so furnished in respect of any portion of that period of hire, the Council may terminate that Agreement for Hire forthwith by notice, in writing, to the Hirer.
- The Hirer will only have use of the walls in Gallery 2 for exhibitions for not less than a seven-day period. The charge for holding an exhibition is:
Community/Charity / Commercial
Gallery 2 / Per hour / £12.00 / £26.50
Gallery 2 (part) / Per week / £108.00 / £170.00
Gallery 2 (all) / Per week / £162.00 / £225.00
- The Hirer will oversee all exhibition sales from which no commission will be deducted. Payment to the Hirer for such sales will be subject to the Council’s financial practice and will be payable on the provision of an invoice within a timeframe of 4-6 weeks.
- It is the responsibility of the Hirer to oversee the hanging and dismantling of exhibitions undertaken by the Council. The Council will make available plinths and cases if required and if necessary the Council will adapt art works to enable hanging. Exhibitions will be hung and dismantled on a Monday, unless the Council otherwise instructs.
- The Council will promote the exhibition in the Council’s Season Programme, listings and by press release but it is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that the text and title of the exhibition is made available to the Arts Programme Coordinator or the Arts Programme Assistant by the requested date. The Hirer agrees to undertake all further publicity.
- The Hirer is responsible for the organisation of any exhibition opening and associated arrangements subject to the agreement of the Council.
- The Council will collate and copy exhibition catalogues for the Hirer by forwarding a full list of items on display to the Arts Programme Coordinator or the Arts Programme Assistant no later than 7 days before the opening date and agrees to forward any additions/deletions made during the exhibition.
- The Hirer agrees not to remove any art works from the exhibition during the public viewing dates. This includes work that has been sold. The Hirer also agrees to collect all unsold art works from the exhibition within one week of the exhibition closing date.
- The Hirer will furnish to the Arts Programme Coordinator or the Arts Programme Assistant, at the close of the exhibition, a list of detailed sales obtained during the exhibition.
- The Hirer must provide, in writing, to the Council, a form of indemnity for the Council or adequate insurance for the Council at least 14 days before the opening of the exhibition.
You are strongly advised to carry out ACCESS NI vetting checks on prospective employees/volunteers whose normal duties include caring for, training, advising, counselling, supervising or being in sole charge of children and their managers/supervisors. You will commit an offence if you KNOWINGLY employ a disqualified person to work, etc with children.
For information on the checking procedure please contact: Access Northern Ireland, Brooklyn, 65 Knock Road, Belfast BT5 6LE. Tel 02890 259100. Website