Medieval Times
1. Who was the last Anglo-Saxon King?
2. What is the name of the battle that ends the A-S Time Period?
3. Who was the first king of the Medieval Time Period?
4. List the castes of the feudal system.
5. What was the Domesday Book?
Knights, Chivalry, Armor and Weapons Medieval Period
1. Name the 3 types of fighting men.
2. Who was the wealthiest of the three? Why did he need to be wealthy?
3. Who usually became a knight?
4. Name 3 skills that a knight must have.
5. At what age did a boy begin his training to become a knight?
6. The first step to becoming a knight is to first become a ______to another knight.
7. Give 5 duties that a squire would perform.
8. What is the name of the ceremony that a man goes through to become a knight?
9. Knights believed in the code of ______.
10. Chivalry meant .
11. Name 5 codes of chivalry.
Thomas a Becket, 100 Years War, War of the Roses
1. Originally, most people lived where?
2. Why did people turn to sheep herding instead of farming?
3. A class of people lived in towns and cities. They were the ______.
4. What are miracle plays?
5. Where were miracle plays performed?
6. Describe travel in medieval times.
7. Describe medieval diet.
8. Describe medieval entertainment.
9. Why did King Henry appoint Becket as Chancellor and did King Henry get the results he wanted? Why or why not?
10. What happened to Becket?
11. How did the murder of Becket lead to corruption within the clergy?
12. What countries fought against each other in the Hundred Years War?
13. How long did it last?
14. What role did the Yeoman play in this war?
15. What ended the Middle Ages?
16. What was the Black Death?
17. Black Death ended what?
18. What two houses were warring in the War of the Roses?
19. Who ended these wars by uniting the families through marriage?