Understanding the new GCSEs: “Science for the pub or the
21st Century?”
There has been a lot of talk about the new GCSEs. They were introduced with the support of the science education community but they have been variously criticised as being too easy (“dumbed-down science”), non-academic (“science for the pub”) and as too difficult (“inaccessible for the less able”).
The Science Learning Centre network have put together a suite of professional development courses for teachers to help provide the skills necessary to teach the new courses effectively. I am writing to offer you an unprecedented opportunity to experience a taster day of activities taken from these courses to allow you to make up your own mind about the changes. The day is aimed at colleagues from industry and the SETPOINTs, journalists, politicians and policy-makers. Assuming that all who attend will have the best interests of the nation’s learners at heart, the day will also include space for you to consider how you could contribute to supporting schools in educating future generations of scientists.
WHEN: 31st January 2007,
9.30am to 4.00pm (coffee available from 9am). Lunch included.
WHERE: Science Learning Centre East of England, University of
HertfordshireBayfordbury Campus, Hertfordshire, SG13 8LD
(see map enclosed)
HOW MUCH: No charge; event sponsored by SETNET.
[Optional extra! If it is a clear night, then there will be an opportunity after the day has finished, for you to observe the night sky at the University observatory on site. If it is cloudy, we can offer a planetarium show as an alternative.]
Please could you reply to this invitation either by email or by returning the reply form overleaf as soon as possible. Numbers are limited to 24 places but if there is sufficient demand we can arrange further dates later in the term.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Science Learning Centre on 31st January.
Alison Redmore
Centre Director
Understanding the new GCSEs: “Science for the pub or the 21st Century?”
31st January 2007,
9.30am to 4.00pm (coffee available from 9am).
Science Learning Centre East of England,
University of Hertfordshire Bayfordbury CampusNear Hertford, SG13 8LD
I would like to attend this event
I am also interested in staying for the observatory/planetarium show
I am unable to attend on this occasion but please notify me of future dates
I am not interested in attending. (please delete as applicable)
Name: ______
Organisation: ______
Address: ______
______Post code: ______
Telephone: ______
Email: ______
Any dietary requirements? ______
REPLY TO: FAX: 01992 537805