Course No: 12/047 Race licence applied for
Sunday 26th February 2017 – 10am Start
Race 3 of the C.R.R.G Grand Prix Series
Firstname: ...... Last Name......
Address:...... Post Code: ......
Telephone Number:...... Email Address:......
Age on race day must be 17 or over:...... Male/Female:......
Date of Birth:...... Affiliated:Yes...... No...... (Please tick )
Club Name:...... UKA Affiliation Number:......
SI Entries ID No……………………………………..(If you have registered with SI previously)
Preferred T shirt size (Please circle) = Small Medium Large XLarge XXLarge
DATA PROTECTION: The information provided by you on this form will be used solely for the purpose of race results, and identification for health and safety reasons. The information will only be available to members of the results team and appropriate race officials and will not be passed to any other person or agency.
Entry Fee: £14Affiliated £16Non-Affiliated (Entry Fees are Non-refundable) Payment: Cheques made payable to: Looe 10 Miler. All entries on the day £2 extra Please send all entry forms with appropriate payment to:“Looe 10 Miler” Mrs Geraldine Bowden, Sycamore Lodge, Meadow Drive, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 1NS. Final postal entries Wednesday 24th February 2017. Remember there is a race limit of 500
Declaration: I understand that while the organisers make every effort to ensure my personal safety, they will not be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage incurred by/to me during the race. I will ensure to the best of my knowledge that I am medically fit to run on race day. I can confirm I am over 17 years of age.
Signed: ...... Date: ...... (Parent or Guardian to sign if under 18 years old)
This year’s race is once again being sponsored by
Please retain this section – Useful Information.
The Course: A very scenic and undulating route, mostly on country roads. For more details of the course please check out our website or use this link
Race HQ Information: The Race HQ is downstairs in the new Millpool Centre.There are pre and post-race massages and refreshments available on the day. Please use the Public Toilets & portaloos in the Car Park adjacent to the HQ. There are NO changing facilities in the Race HQ.
Race numbers: Please collect your race number on the day from the Race HQ. On the day registration starts at 08.30am. Therace starts at 10am. All race results will be posted on our website
Directions: As you enter Looefollow race signage to Millpool Car Park. The race start is here.
Post code for sat nav: PL13 2AF.
Parking: There is ample pay & display parking at the race start, with a charge of £2.30 for all day. As usual at races we would recommend you car share if at all possible, bring some change.
For any other information: Visit or email