May 28, 2013
Timothy Anderson
Phillip W. Clinger
Lisa E. Eccles
David Huntsman
Clark D. Ivory (Chair)
Michele Mattsson (Vice-Chair)
Sam Ortiz
Taft Price
Keven Rowe
Joyce P. Valdez
Steven AlderPresident–elect for 2013-2014, Academic Senate
Cathy AndersonAssociate Vice President, Budget and Planning
Arnie CombeVice President, Administrative Services
Colleen ConnellyNursing Director, University of Utah Hospital
Jana CunninghamCommunication Specialist, Marketing and Communications
Fred EsplinVice President, Institutional Advancement
Bob FujinamiPresident, Academic Senate
Michael L. HardmanInterim Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs
Paul LarsenPresident-elect, University Staff Council
Vivian LeeSr. Vice President, Health Sciences
Dan LunderganExecutive Director, Facilities and Support Services UUHC
Laura MarksLiaison to the Board of Trustees
John MorrisVice President and General Counsel
Allyson MowerPresident for 2013-2014, Academic Senate
Thomas ParksVice President, Research
Michael PerezAssociate Vice President, Facilities Management
Jason PerryVice President, Government Relations
David W. PershingPresident
Robert PhillipsAccountant, Associated Students of the University of Utah
Annalisa PurserCommunication Specialist, Marketing and Communications
Barb RemsburgDirector, Housing and Residential Education
Trina RichPresident, University Staff Council
Rebecca RileyExecutive Assistant, Board of Trustees
Patricia RossChief Strategy Officer
Jonathan ShearAssociate Vice President, Investment Management
Laura SnowSecretary to the University
Barbara SnyderVice President, Student Affairs
Jacob SorensenBusiness Manager, Student Media Council
Keith SterlingCommunications Director, Marketing and Communications
Ken VerdoiaChair, Student Media Council
William WarrenChief Marketing and Communications Officer
Ruth WatkinsSenior Vice President, Academic Affairs (effective August 1, 2013)
Michael AllanConsultant
Dan CampbellVice Chair, State Board of Regents
Lindsay WhitehurstReporter, Salt Lake Tribune
At 9:00 a.m. the Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees was convened in the Alumni House, Burbidge Board Room, with Chair Clark Ivory conducting the meeting. Chair Ivory welcomed new TrusteeSam Ortiz, President of the Associated Students of the University of Utah. He also welcomedRegentDan Campbell and Dr. Ruth Watkins, the new senior vice president for Academic Affairs, who will beofficially starting in August. Chair Ivory announced that longtime University supporter Beverley Taylor Sorenson recently passed away and acknowledged her philanthropic work and loyalty to the U.
Item 101 -Resolutions of Appreciation
Chair Ivorycalled on Vice Chair Mattsson to present a special Resolution of Appreciation to former Trustee Cleone Eccles who recently passed away.Trustee Mattsson prefaced the presentation of the resolution with the reading of a tribute to Mrs. Eccles written in the recent Red Butte Garden and Arboretum newsletter. Sheadded that Mrs. Eccles was a strong and gracious woman who spent her life indedicated service to the University and the State of Utah.
Chair Ivory presented aResolution of Appreciation to Trustee Timothy Anderson, who has completed two terms and a total of eight years of service. He noted Trustee Anderson’s strong leadership and the important connections in Southern Utah he helped create.Trustee Anderson was acknowledged for his dedication to the Board and the University. Anderson spoke about his family links to the U, discussed the important role“Utah’s University”plays, and stated that he has thoroughly enjoyed his service to the University.
Vice Chair Mattsson presented the Resolution of Appreciation to Laura Snow who is leaving her position as Secretary to the University. Mattsson noted Ms. Snow’s longtime ties and true devotion to the University and thanked her for her service to the Board.
On motion duly made by Trustee Keven Rowe and seconded by TrusteePhil Clinger, it was UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve theResolutions of Appreciation for Cleone Eccles, Timothy Anderson, and Laura Snow.
Copies of the resolutions areincluded as Appendix I with the official minutes of this meeting and are on file in the office of the Secretary to the University.
Item 102 -Current Issues, Announcements and Upcoming Events
Chair Ivory reminded Trustees of the Board’s upcoming summer social.He also noted the State Board of Regents’ meeting with institutional trustees to be held on July 18 and invited Regent Dan Campbell to comment. Regent Campbell noted that the meeting will be held at Southern Utah University and will include representatives from the boards of each of the Utah System of Higher Education institutions. He added that the Regents are eager to collaborate with the trustees from each campus and noted that past meetings have been productive. He cited modifications to themakeup of Resource and Review teams and Presidential Search Committees as examples of outcomes from recent meetings and discussions with trustees. He encouraged the Trustees to participate in the July 18, 2013 meeting and invited their suggestions for topics / issues to be addressedin that forum.
Chair Ivory thanked the Trustees for their participation in Commencement. President Pershing noted the changes in the program format and schedule of the General Commencement convocation this year, adding that these were implemented on a trial basis. He reported that surveys are now being conducted to assess the overall success of the event and whether or not the changes should be adopted permanently.
Chair Ivory asked Vice President Barb Snyder to give a preview of the fall 2013enrollment andthe anticipated impactof the recent change to the eligibility age for LDS Church mission service. Vice President Snyder projected a slight increase in returning students noting that freshman numbers are down slightly but transfer studentnumbers increased. She added that we have had 358 requests for deferred admission, the majority of those being for missionary service.She noted an 8% increase in ethnic student admissions and added that the institutional commitment toincreasing scholarship funding is manifested in this year’s outstanding class of admitted students.
Item 201 – Honors and Awards to Members of the University Community
President David Pershing noted the written report in the agenda materials.He highlighted the University’s commitment to sustainability as recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Green Power Challenge award.President Pershing added that four U students swept the YouthlincYoung Humanitarian awards this year and noted that these students received scholarships funded by the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation. He also mentioned the $4,500,000 gift from Alternative Visions Fund of the Chicago Community Trust for the new College of Lawbuilding.
A copy of the report is included as Appendix II with the official minutes of this meeting and is on file in the office of the Secretary to the University.
Item 202 - Current Issues
President Pershing reported that the Songdo Global Campus and LassondeLiving Learning Center were approved by the State Board of Regents in their recent meeting. He added that former Commissioner of Higher Education Rich Kendell has been appointedInterim President at Southern Utah University.Sr. Vice Presidents Vivian Lee and Michael Hardman updated the Trustees on the current dean searchesDr. Hardman reported that the Graduate School dean search is internal and a selection is expected in early June. He added that three candidates remain in consideration for the College of Educationdeanship and stated that the search should be completed within the next few weeks. He noted that the Marriott Library search is also in the final phase and the new dean should be announced in June.Dr. Lee announced that Patricia G. Morton was selected as dean of the College of Nursing and Rena D’Souza was selected as the dean of the School of Dentistry.
President Pershing introduced Ruth Watkins, the new Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. He added that she is coming fromUniversity of IllinoisatUrbana-Champaign where she served as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. President Pershing noted that she will be a great addition to the administration and invited Dr. Watkins to comment
Item 301 – Academic Senate Report
Academic Senate President Bob Fujinami introduced Allyson Mower theincoming academic senate president,and Steve Alder the president-elect. He noted that the Academic Senate passed items #502 through 507as listed in the agenda for action by the Trustees. He also reported on the recent meeting of senate leaders from the Pac-12 conference institutions and noted that this group is collaborating to define its purpose, goals and mission statement.Chair Ivory acknowledged that this is Dr. Fujinami’s last meeting with the Board and thanked him for his dedicated service over the past year.
Item 401 – Staff Council Report
Staff Council President Trina Rich stated that her term of office is ending and introduced her successor, Paul Larsen, computersystems analystwith University Health Care.Chair Ivory welcomed Mr. Larsen and thanked Ms. Rich for her service and effective representation of the staff.
Item 501 -Minutes – of the April 9, 2013 Board of Trustees Meeting
Item 502 -Faculty and Staff Matters - Resignations, Retirements, Administrative Appointments, Faculty Appointments, Auxiliary Faculty Appointments, Early Retirement, and Additional Sabbatical Requests for 2013-2014 (Appendix III)
Item 503 -Name Change of Hearing Impairments Program to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program(Appendix IV)
Item 504 -Name Change of MS in Pharmacotherapy Outcome Research and Health Policy to MS in Health System Pharmacy Administration(Appendix V)
Item 505 -Certificate of Occupational Safety and Health(Appendix VI)
Item 506 -Revisions to Policies 6-002: The Academic Senate & 6-300: University Faculty (Re: Senate Representation)(Appendix VII)
Item 507 -Revisions to Policies 7-002: Patents and Inventions & 5-204: Remunerative Consultation and Other Employment Activities (Re: Intellectual Property)(Appendix VIII)
Item 508 -Sponsored Projects Reports – February and March 2013(Appendix IX)
Item 509-Report of Investments Portfolio for the month of March 2013(Appendix X)
Item 510 -Quarterly Report of the Performance of the University’s Cash Management Pool, Endowment Pool and Hinckley Pool for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2013(Appendix XI)
Item 511 -Administrative Reports from the University of Utah to the State Building Board(Appendix XII
Item 512 - Capital Facilities Projects - Approval to Remodel Space in the School of Medicine
(Appendix XIII)
Item 513 -Capital Facilities Projects - Approval to Demolish the Fraser State Health Department Building (Appendix XIV)
Item 514 -Financing Strategy for the University (Appendix XV)
Item 515 -Gifts Report – February and March 2013 (Appendix XVI)
Item 516 -Naming of Facilities for theHuntsman Cancer Institute (Appendix XVII)
Chair Ivory introduced the General Consent Calendar. There were no questions or concerns raised by the Trustees.
On motion duly made by TrusteeDavid Huntsmanand seconded by Trustee Tim Anderson the General Consent Calendar was UNANIMOUSLY approved.
Background materials are included in the Appendix as noted.
Item 601 -Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) Budget - FY 2013-2014
Vice President Barb Snyder introduced Rob Phillips, ASUU accountant, who reviewed the proposed budget.He clarified that the increase in revenue generated from student feeswas due toenrollment growth as opposed to higher fees being charged.
On motion duly made by Trustee Timothy Andersonand seconded by Trustee Lisa Eccles, it was UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve the Associated Students of the University of Utah Budget for FY 2013-2014.
A copy of the proposed budget is included as Appendix XVIII with the official minutes of this meeting and ison file in the office of the Secretary to the University.
Item 602 - Student Media Council Members and Leadership 2013-2014
Item 603 -Student Media Council Budget FY 2013-2014 Budget
Jacob Sorensen, business manager for the Student Media Council (SMC), presented the proposedslate of new members as recommended by the voting members of the SMC.He stated that, moving forward,Absolute Communications (a student-run public relations firm) will also have a student leader selected by the Council, following the precedent for selection of the Chronicle’s editor-in-chief and the KUTE station manager.
Mr. Sorensen then gave a brief overview of the new advances in media that the Council and its entities have promoted in an effort to offset current economic challenges. He demonstrated the new mobile applications for accessing Chronicle publications and the live streaming applications for KUTE. He also noted that the Media Sales Group has created several new campus revenue streams and increased local and campus sales by growing non-print revenue.
Mr. Sorensen discussed budget challenges includinga significant decline in print revenue and no expectation for national advertisementsales. He added that the proposed budget is conservative to reflect the trend in print media and noted thatexpenses have been cut dramatically. Vice President Fred Esplin commendedSorensen for his oversight and guidanceto the Council and also acknowledged Chair Ken Verdoia for his strong leadership this past year.
On motion duly made by Trustee Michele Mattsson and seconded by Trustee David Huntsman, it was UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve both the 2013-2014 Student Media Councilmembership and 2013-2014 budget as proposed.
Copies of the proposed membership and budget are included as Appendices XIX and Appendix XX, respectively, with the official minutes of this meeting and are on file in the office of the Secretary to the University.
Item 604 -Capital Facilities Projects - Approval to Remodel Existing Space in the University Hospital
Dan Lundergan, executive director of facilities and support services for University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC),reviewed the requested expansion of the emergency trauma center. He noted that the $2,400,000 cost would be for phases two and three, adding thatphase one is currently under construction. He reported that funding has been fully approved by the Hospital Board. Colleen Connelly, nursing director for UUHC, explained that the proposed expansion is the result of patient satisfaction surveys indicating the need for additional space and modernization.She added that health care reform will increase patient load and the expansion will help prepare for that anticipated need. This expansion will create more trauma bays and number of‘fast track” beds tomore efficiently transition patients that need to be admitted. Ms. Connelly noted that the anticipated increase in revenue will help defray the cost.
Dr. Lee stated that this expansion will also allow us to increase the number of residency students and that the investment should pay off in a relatively short time. In answer to Trustees queries, Ms. Connelly explained thatprecautions are being taken to protect patients from adverse environmental conditions during the construction.
On motion duly made by Trustee David Huntsman and seconded by Trustee Tim Anderson, it was UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve the remodel of existing space in the University Hospital.
A copy of the proposed remodel is included as Appendix XXI with the official minutes of this meeting and is on file in the office of the Secretary to the University.
Item 605 - The 2014-2015 Capital Facilities Budget Request and the Projected "5-Year Plan" for Capital Projects
Trustee Lisa Eccles, chair of the Campus Master Planning Committee(CMP) presented information on the budget request.She noted that the committee thoroughly consideredthe various projectsand approved going forward with the request. She recognized committee members David Huntsman, Joyce P. Valdez, and Phil Clinger, and thanked them fortheir efforts. Chair Ivory thanked Ms. Eccles for the committee’s responsibleoversight and theirconsideration in regards to the architectural designs.In response to questions, Trustee Eccles explained that the 2008 Campus Master Plan will not be replaced but will, instead, be updated by region(s) as needed.She added that the committee is currently looking at the feasibility of redesigning and renovating Orson Spencer Hall. Dr. Lee noted that Health Sciences is looking to revisit their campus master plan and will bring the proposals to the CMP.
On motion duly made by Trustee Phil Clinger and seconded by Trustee Keven Rowe, it was UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve the 2014-2015 Capital Facilities Budget Request and the Projected "5-Year Plan" for Capital Projects.
A copy of the proposed Capital Facilities request is included as Appendix XXII with the official minutes of this meeting and is on file in the office of the Secretary to the University.
Item 606 -Naming of Facilities for the Huntsman Cancer Institute
Vice President Fred Esplin introduced the proposal stating that June and Mitchell Morris have been strong supporters of the Huntsman Cancer Institute. It is therefore recommended that the 6th floor be named for Mitchell in recognition of the $1,000,000 donation from the Morris’.Trustee Huntsman added his gratitude for the Morris'generous support.