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Blog: To be determined Twitter: @Kuli_English
/ My Schedule:
1st :English 11-Rm.204A 5th: English 10-Rm. 202
2nd: Study Hall-Rm. 203 6th:English 10-Rm. 202
3rd :Planning/Ask me! 7th: English 11-Rm. 204A
4th : English 11-Rm. 202 8th : Planning/Rm. 204A
Welcome Students and Parents!
What you will need for class:
/ Semester 1 – Topics* / Semester 2 – Topics*The Hero’s Journey-Beowulf, nonfiction selections; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. / Writing: Research Essay/MLA Format.
Literary devices, conventions of poetry/lyrics as poetry; relevant vocabulary; reading strategies. / Independent Reading/Lit Circles: YA lit fiction/nonfiction selections.
Writing: Grammar/sentence structure; the writing process/essay structure; diagnostic writing. / Writing: Grammar/conventions, sentence variety, parallel structure, the writing process/thesis statements.
Canterbury Tales, Shakespeare selections (Macbethor Hamlet), conventions of drama; nonfiction selections. / Dystopian society selections – Animal Farm and YA lit selections (The Hunger Games/Divergent): nonfiction selections.
Writing: Grammar/conventions, sentence variety, parallel structure, the writing process/thesis statements. / Poetry – ongoing – various period authors/forms.
Sherlock Holmes/science fiction selections. / Satire – Jonathan Swift, various topical selections/nonfiction selections.
Writing: Research Essay/MLA Format. / *order/selections flexible
*order/selections flexible
General Grading/Absences:
Other Classroom Routines
Daily Warm Ups/Exit Activities
- Journal Entry or Grammar/Literary Term Warm Ups
- Exit Ticket Activity/Independent Reading
Note Taking
- Noteworthy material will be provided via PowerPoint, Prezi, written material, and lecture. Students will be provided with written note-taking strategies and resources.
- Students are responsible for taking their own handwritten or typed notes.
- Notes will be checked at times via graded notebook checks.
- Copies of noteworthy material will be posted/made available electronically and/or in print; however, students’ notes MUST be in their own format and in their own notebook.
Eating and Drinking
- Both are permitted, provided neither interrupts nor impedes instruction.
- Students are responsible for clean-up and may not leave the room to get or pick up food from other locations.
Cell Phone Use
- Use is restricted to relevant academic activity with permission of instructor; no other use is permitted.
- Phones should be in backpack and muted in class; they may not be charged in outlets.
- Students will receive 1 warning for unauthorized use; with a 2nd infraction, student will place phone in phone caddy until the end of class. Visual warning procedure will be demonstrated in class.
Absences/Work Submission
- This class is rigorous; consistent attendance will lead to optimal performance. If you are absent, youshould make every attempt to contact me in a timely manner, either via text or email to my school address, to learn what was missed and make a plan for completion/submission.
- All work is to be submitted on time. Work submitted the next class after the due date will receive a maximum of 50% of the original points. Work submitted later than this will not be accepted (see modifications for absence).
- If you are absent on a dayHW is ASSIGNED: See absence policy in bullet #1. Info re: assigned HW, including a due date, is best relayed during that student/teacher communication. Work submitted past the agreed upon due date is late; see the Work Submission policy as indicated above.
- If you are absent on a dayHW is DUE: See absence policy in bullet #1. HW must be submitted by the next class after the absence; it can be turned in personally or via scan/email earlier as well. HW submitted after that will be late; see the Work Submission policy as indicated above.