Erkki Pehkonen: Curriculum VitaeDec 8, 20101/6
Name: PEHKONEN, Erkki Kalevi
Date of Birth: September 29, 1941
Place of Birth: Helsinki, Finland
Education: PhD, Mathematics, University of Jyväskylä, 1976
Thesis Title: Regularität der schwachen Lösungen linearer quasielliptischer Dirichletprobleme
Languages: Finnish, German, English, Swedish
Mathematics teacher at Töölön yhteislyseo -high school in Helsinki 1965–1970
Junior teacher on mathematics at Apollon Yhteiskoulu -high school in Helsinki 1970–1974
Senior teacher on mathematics at Töölön yhteislyseo -high school in Helsinki 1974–1975
Junior lecturer on mathematics at the University of Helsinki 1975–1980
Senior lecturer on mathematics education at the University of Helsinki 1980–1989
Docent on mathematics education (corresponding the German Habilitation) at the University of Helsinki 1986
Senior research fellow at the Finnish Academy three years 1989–1992
Docent on mathematics education (invited) at the University of Joensuu (Finland) 1992
Senior lecturer on mathematics education at the University of Helsinki 1992–
Guest (full) professor (initiated by prof. Günter Törner, Duisburg, and financed by the DAAD) for the summer term 1994 at the University of Duisburg (Germany)
Associate professor on empirical education for four months at the University of Helsinki 1996
Senior research fellow at the Finnish Academy for eight months 1996
Associate professor on mathematics education for five months at the University of Helsinki 1997
Senior research fellow at the Finnish Academy for twelve months 1998
Full professor on mathematics education for the summer term 1999 at the university of Duisburg (Germany)
Full professor on mathematics and science education for the academic years 1999-2003 at the University of Turku
Chair of the Department of Teacher Education 2001–2003 at the University of Turku
Full professor on mathematics and informatics education since 2004 at the University of Helsinki
Suggested for the extraordinary professorship on mathematics education at the University of Helsinki by the Institute of Teacher Education 1994 and 1999
Invited to give a lecture when applying a full professorship in mathematics education at the University of Halle (Germany) 1995
Invited to give a lecture when applying an associate professorship in mathematics education at the University of Magdeburg (Germany) 1996
Invited to give a lecture when applying an associate professorship in mathematics education at the University of Linz (Austria) 1996
Appointment as a full professor in mathematics education at Agder College (Kristiansand, Norway) 1996
Activities on Mathematics Education
Publications: Several scientific papers, also in journals with referees, in the following fields: Assessment, Geometry Teaching, Problem Solving, Creativity, Pupils’ and Teachers’ Beliefs, Gender Issues, Teacher In-service Training, and Understanding. Furthermore, many papers presented at international and national conferences. In addition, there are many books for teachers, as well as papers in international and national teacher periodicals. (See more closely the separate list of publications.)
Current Research Interests:
The improvement of mathematics teaching in middle schools
•The use of open-ended problems in classroom
•International comparison of teachers’ and pupils’ beliefs about mathematics teaching
•Teacher change
On-going research
Research theme “Open-ended problems in mathematics”; financed 1989–92, 1998 by the Academy of Finland.
Research enterprise "Teachers' and Pupils' Mathematical Views": There are several research projects “Pupils’ View of Mathematics: An International Comparison”, MAVI (= Mathematical Views), "Development of Pupils' Mathematical Beliefs", "Comparing Teachers' Mathematical Views in Different Countries"; some of the projects were financed 1996–98 by the Academy of Finland.
Research work “Kasselproject”; financed 1994–97 by the National Board of Education.
Research work “Improving Assessment in Comprehensive School”; financed 1995 by the National Board of Education and the Educational Board of City Helsinki.
Research work "Development of Mathematical Thinking in School Mathematics"; financed 2000 by the Turku University Foundation.
Research project “Understanding and Self-Confidence in School Mathematics”, financed 2001-03 by the Academy of Finland.
Research project “Elementary Teacher Students’ Mathematics”, financed 2003–06 by the Academy of Finland.
Research project “Communication in Mathematics Classroom”.
Research project “Looking Beyond the PISA Results”.
Further studies:
Visiting scholar for two months with a DAAD research grant at the University of Dortmund (Germany) 1984
Visiting scholar for one month with a grant of the association of the scientific writers at the Pedagogical University of Freiburg (Germany) 1987
Visiting faculty member for three months with a research scholarship from the Academy of Finland at the University of Georgia (Athens, Ga./ USA) 1991
Conferences (organizer, speaker, etc.):
Organizer of the following conferences: National Conference on Mathematics Education in Helsinki (Finland), September 1985; International Conference on Geometry Teaching in Helsinki (Finland), August 1989; Nordic Conference on Teaching Mathematics (NORMA–94) in Lahti (Finland), September 1994; MAVI-1 meeting in Duisburg (Germany), October 1995; MAVI-2 meeting in Duisburg (Germany), March 1996; MAVI-3 meeting in Helsinki (Finland), August 1996; MAVI-4 meeting in Duisburg (Germany), April 1997; Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-21) conference in Lahti (Finland), July 1997; MAVI-5 meeting in Helsinki (Finland), August 1997; MAVI-6 meeting in Duisburg (Germany), March 1998; MAVI-7 meeting in Hyytiälä (Finland), October 1998; MAVI-8 meeting in Nicosia (Cyprus), March 1999; MAVI-9 meeting in Vienna (Austria), June 2000; MAVI-10 meeting in Kristianstad (Sweden), June 2001; ProMath meeting in Lahti (Finland), June 2004; MAVI-12 meeting in Inari (Finland), May 2006; ProMath meeting in Komarno (Slovakia), July 2007; NORMA-08 in Copenhagen (Denmark), April 2008.
Plenary speaker in the following conferences: Conference of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Teachers (LMFK) in Lappeenranta (Finland), July 1987; Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education in Turku (Finland), August 1993; Annual Conference of German Mathematical Association (Section: Mathematics Education) in Jena (Germany), September 1996; First Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education and Applications in Nicosia (Cyprus), January 1997; International Symposium on Elementary Maths Teaching (SEMT 99) in Prague (the Czech Republic), August 1999; Fourth Panhellenic Conference on Didactics of Mathematics and Informatics in Education in Crete, October 1999; regular lecture at the International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-10) in Copenhagen (Denmark), July 2004; Conference of Mathematics Teachers in Trondheim (Norway), November 2006; Conference of Irish Mathematics Teachers in Dublin (Ireland), November 2008; Baltic Conference on Mathematics Education in Tallinn (Estonia), May 2009.
Initiator and leader of the following activities: the (informal) discussion group in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Helsinki (Finland) 1988–1990; the national Seminar on Constructivism and Mathematics Teaching in Helsinki (Finland), June 1992; the working group (Arbeitskreis) at the German Annual Conference on Mathematics Education in Kassel (Germany), March 1995 and in Regensburg (Germany), March 1996; the PME discussion groups 1993–97, 1999, 2001–04; the MAVI workshops 1995-06; ProMath workshops 1999–07.
Organizising member of the following scientific bodies: a member of the advisory team for the organization of the Working Group 5 (Improving students’ attitudes and motivation) at the ICME-7 conference (International Congress on Mathematical Education) in Quebéc (Canada), August 1992; a member of the Program Committee (EPC) for the European Research Conference On the Psychology of Mathematics Education in Osnabrück (Germany), October 1995; the chief organizer of the Topic Group 7 (The fostering of mathematical creativity) at the ICME-8 conference (International Congress on Mathematical Education) in Sevilla (Spain), July 1996; a member of the advisory board of the journal ZDM, June 1997–05; a member of Program Committee for the Nordic Conference on Teaching Mathematics (NORMA-98) in Kristiansand (Norway), June 1998; a member of the International Program Committee (IPC) for the Creativity and Mathematics Education conference in Münster (Germany), July 1999; a member of the consulting editors of the journal Themes in Education, September 1999-; the chief organizer of the Topic Study Group 11 (Problem Solving in Mathematics Education) at the ICME-9 conference (International Congress on Mathematical Education) in Makuhari (Japan), August 2000; a member of the Nordic Contact Committee for ICME-10 in years 2001–04; a member of the editorial group for the journal ZDM, June 2005–07; a member of Program Committee for the Nordic Conference on Teaching Mathematics (NORMA-08) in Copenhagen (Denmark), April 2008.
Initiator and organizer of the international discussion group “Using open-ended problems in classrooms”: at the PME-17 conference in Tsukuba (Japan), July 1993; at the PME-NA conference in Asilomar (Ca., USA), October 1993; at the PME-18 conference in Lisbon (Portugal), August 1994; at the PME-19 conference in Recife (Brazil), July 1995; at the PME-20 conference in Valencia (Spain), July 1996; at the PME-21 conference in Lahti (Finland), July 1997. Initiator and organizer of the international discussion group “Teachers' and Pupils' Mathematics-Related Beliefs”: at the PME-23 conference in Haifa (Israel), July 1999. Initiator and organizer of the international discussion group “Conceptual Change in Mathematics”: at the PME-25 conference in Utrecht (the Netherlands), July 2001; at the PME-26 conference in Norwich (UK), July 2002; at the PME-27 conference in Honolulu (USA, HA), July 2003. Initiator and organizer of the international discussion group “Communication in Mathematics Classroom”: at the PME-28 conference in Bergen (Norway), July 2004.
Dissertations etc:
Official opponent of the dissertation of Sinikka Lindgren (University of Tampere) “Using manipulatives in studying mathematics. A mathlab experiment in the second grade” [in Finnish], finished 1990
Official opponent of the dissertation of Pekka Kupari (University of Jyväskylä) “On teachers’ beliefs in mathematics” [in Finnish], finished 1999
Official opponent of the dissertation of Harry Silfverberg (University of Tampere) “Pupils’ conceptual thinking within school geometry” [in Finnish], finished 1999
Member of the assessment committee for Jeppe Skott's (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) dissertation "The images and practice of mathematics teachers", finished 2000
Member of the assessment committee for Edward Charles Smith’s (University of the Western Cape, South Africa) dissertation "Reconceptualising Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Teacher Learning in a Realistic Mathematics Context", finished 2000
Official opponent of the dissertation of Raimo Kaasila (University of Lapland) “The Significance of School Recollections in the Formation of the Conceptions and Teaching Practices of Mathematics for Preservice Teachers” [in Finnish], finished 2000
Supervisor of the dissertation of Sinikka Huhtala (University of Helsinki) “Problems in drug calculation of practical nurses” [in Finnish], finished 2000
Supervisor of the dissertation of Anu Pietilä (University of Helsinki) “Pre-service elementary teachers’ views of mathematics: The role of mathematics experiences in forming the views of mathematics” [in Finnish], finished 2002
Official opponent of the dissertation of Päivi Perkkilä (University of Jyväskylä) “Teachers’ Mathematics Beliefs and Meaning of Mathematics Textbooks in the First and the Second Grade in Primary School” [in Finnish], finished 2002
Member of the assessment committee for Astrid Brinkmann’s (University of Duisburg, Germany) dissertation "Über Vernetzungen im Mathematikunterricht", finished 2002
Supervisor of the dissertation of Riitta Soro (University of Turku) “Teachers’ beliefs about girls, boys and equity in mathematics” [in Finnish], finished 2002
Supervisor of the dissertation of Markku Hannula (University of Turku) “Affect in mathematical thinking and learning”, finished 2004
Official opponent of the dissertation of Jorma Joutsenlahti (University of Tampere) “Characteristics of task-oriented mathematical thinking among students in upper-secondary school”[in Finnish], finished 2005
Official opponent of the dissertation of Kauko Hihnala (University of Jyväskylä) “Transition from the performing of arithmetic tasks to the understanding of concepts” [in Finnish], finished 2005
Supervisor of the dissertation of Iiris Attorps (University of Helsinki) “Teachers’ conceptions on equations”, finished 2006
Official opponent of the dissertation of Pirjo Tikkanen (University of Jyväskylä) “Hungarian mathematics teaching through children’s eyes” [in Finnish], finished 2008
Supervisor of the dissertation of Liisa Näveri (University of Helsinki) “From arithmetic to algebra” [in Finnish], finished 2009
Organizer and leader (with Dr. Maija Ahtee) of the Graduate School Program for mathematics and science teachers at the University of Helsinki, since 1995
Organizer and leader of the Graduate School Program for mathematics and science teachers at the University of Turku, in 2000–03
Responsible chair of the Finnish graduate school of mathematics, physics, and chemistry education, in 2003–06
Organizer and leader (with prof. emer. Maija Ahtee) of the Graduate School Program for mathematics and science teachers at the University of Tallinn (Estonia), in 2004–05
Leader of the Finnish PISA implementation group in mathematics in Helsinki, in 2005–08
Supervisor of numerous minor studies (master thesis, seminar papers, etc.) in mathematics education
Committee memberships etc.:
Member of the following bodies: the committee (set by the General Board of Education) for developing the mathematics curriculum for grade 10 of the comprehensive school 1984; the committee (set by the General Board of Education) for developing mathematics teaching in schools 1990–1992; the council for the Finnish Association of Mathematics and Science Education Research 1993–95; the international committee (IC) for the international group of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), since 1995–99; the International Reviews on Mathematical Education (= ZDM), Advisory Board (Germany), since 1996–05; the evaluation committee for the research program MALU 2002, 1997; Themes in Education, Consulting Editors (Greece), since 1999; Nordic Contact Committee for ICME-10 in 2001–04; the International Reviews on Mathematical Education (= ZDM), Editorial Board (Germany), since 2005–07.
Duties as chair and secretary: Secretary of the Finnish National ICMI-Committee 1982–90; Chair of the Finnish Association of Mathematics and Science Education Research 1995–02; Secretary of the Finnish Graduate School for Teachers of Mathematics and Science 1996–01; Chair of the Finnish graduate school of mathematics, physics, and chemistry education 2003–06.
Guest editor for Analyses of the International Reviews on Mathematical Education (IRME = ZDM): with the theme “Problem solving in mathematics” 1991; Part 1. IRME 23 (1), 1–19; Part 2. IRME 23 (2), 32–50; with the theme “Using open-ended problems in classrooms” 1995; IRME 27 (2), 55–72; with the theme “Mathematical beliefs” 1996; IRME 28 (4), 99–126 (with Prof. Günter Törner); with the theme “Fostering of mathematical creativity” 1997; IRME 29 (3).
Reviewing regularly papers in the following journals: Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Educational Studies in Education, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Finnish Journal of Education, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Themes in Education, as well as in: Psychology of Mathematics Education (both international and the North-American chapter).
Teaching at university
Lectures on the first and second year mathematics (pure mathematics)
Lectures on mathematics education, including education of computer science
Lectures on pedagogy (statistics, methodology, belief research)
Graduate School Program for mathematics and science teachers (with prof. Maija Ahtee), seminars for postgraduate students
Seminars for undergraduates (dealing with master thesis and seminar papers) on mathematics education, including education of computer science
Teacher in-service training:
Plenty of papers in international and national teacher periodicals, and many books for teachers, since 1978 (see more closely the separate list of publications).
Organizer, leader and chief teacher for a variety of teacher in-service courses in Finland with various length (from one to five days), since 1985.
Invited to be the organizer and chief teacher for some teacher in-service courses abroad: in Germany 1994, in Estonia 1995, 1998.
Address at Work:
Department of Applied Sciences of Education
University of Helsinki
Siltavuorenpenger 5 A, room 308aTel.: +358-9-191-29808
FIN-00014 HelsinkiFax: +358-9-191-29611
Siltavoudintie 13 ATel.: +358 40 777 4911
FIN-00640 Helsinki
Helsinki Dec 8, 2010