Ongoing Change Indicators for Completed Risk Assessments Questionnaire


Certification Year:______

Risk Assessment:______

Person(s) Responsible:______

To be completed annually for all risk assessments included in the plan

/ Yes: / No:
  1. Has there been any significant change(s) in the operating environment since the risk assessment was last completed/updated?

  1. Has there been any significant change(s) in leadership orpersonnel since the risk assessment was last completed/updated?

  1. Has there been any change(s) in information technology equipment or information systems (e.g. software, operating systems, etc.) since the risk assessment was last completed/updated?

  1. Has there been any expansion or reduction(s) in personnel or funding of the business process area since the risk assessment was last completed/updated?

  1. Has there been any change(s) in service delivery models, legislation, program requirements, products or activities since the risk assessment was last completed/updated?

  1. Has there been any audit findings (Internal, OLA, Federal, External, etc.) associated with business process area since the risk assessment was last completed/updated?

  1. Has there been any indication of failure in control activities since the risk assessment was last completed/updated (e.g. media reports, legal issues, litigation, fraud, customer or public complaints, etc.)?

  1. Have any other issues developed or relevant incidents occurred since the risk assessment was last completed/updated that should be considered or evaluated?

Total (add up the number of “yes” and “no” responses in each column):
  1. Based on the responses to the questions in the changefactors questionnaire above, does this risk assessment area need to be reviewed and updated? (Note: Arisk assessment that scored three or more “yes” responsesmay provide a strong indication of needing review and updating).


  1. If you answered ‘yes’ to question ‘A’ above, what is your plan and timing for updating this risk assessment and the supporting documentation?



