An Overview of Dr. Hulda Clark’s Findings

The road to better health can be a long journey for many of us. There is so much information about diet, exercise and lifestyle one can’t help but to end up confused and lost.

The information contained here is designed to help you with your journey. This is an overview and introduction to Dr. Hulda Clark’s findings on the nature of health and disease. As well as tested and proven nutritional guidelines.

The beginning of the story starts with parasites. A parasite is an organism that lives off the host, the host being you. The parasite lives a parallel life inside your body feeding off your energy, your cells and the food you eat. Parasites are even feeding off the health supplements you use, greatly diminishing their effectiveness.

Humans can play “host” to over 100 different kinds of parasites. Contrary to popular belief, parasites are NOT restricted to our colon alone, but can be found in other parts of the body including: lungs, liver, muscles and joints, esophagus, brain, blood and on skin.

Parasites live within us, but how much they thrive depends upon our health. They do not thrive when we are healthy. Poor health and parasite infection go hand in hand. Our lifestyle, our food choices and our environment will decide our health and if we are destined to a life of low energy, frequent colds, pain and disease because of parasite infection and pollutants.

Can you believe that 90% of people will have a problem with parasites at some time in their lives! People become infected with parasites for many reasons – contaminated water, undercooked food, international travel, household pets, antibiotic use, a weak immune system – just to name a few. Mainstream medicine deals largely with the relief or masking of symptoms rather than the elimination of the underlying cause. The present medical profession is simply not knowledgeable or trained to think in terms of a parasitic infection and has little ability to diagnose and treat this condition.

Common symptoms of parasite infection are constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, joint and muscle aches, anemia, allergies, skin conditions, nervousness, sleep disturbances, teeth grinding, an itchy bottom, chronic fatigue, acne, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, migraines, cancer and others.

Some experts are quite cautious about acknowledging a link between parasites and heart disease or cancer. But Dr. Hulda Clark claims that most cancers are caused by the “fasciolopsis buskii” parasite and that every single patient with cancer has parasites. Once Dr. Clark eliminated their parasites, incredibly the tumors also disappeared and the body could repair.

If you suffer from every-day ailments that traditional medicine is not able to address, you should consider doing a parasite cleanse.

Part two of the story is toxins and solvents. It is still not known what came first – the solvents inviting the parasites or the parasites attracting the solvents. One thing is certain; the liver has less ability to detoxify solvents with parasites in the body. Then the solvents are stored in other organs and tissues and parasites can multiply quickly. A vicious cycle is started that accelerates disease.

Toxins and solvents are all around us. From the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use to clean our house, and personal care products. There is no getting away from them. We must try to live as close to nature as we can.

Dr. Clark lists great tips and ideas for cleaning up your body, your diet, your home, your basement, your garage and your dentalware in her books. You may feel some suggestions are outrageous but do what you can – every little bit helps. Some examples are not to use toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, hair spray, hair color, perfumes, colognes, mousse, shaving cream, don’t polish your nails, don’t wear metal jewelry, watches, earrings, glasses with metal stems, etc. Cancer is a metal disease. Even gold is deadly when your body no longer excretes it and salmonellas can take advantage of this. Healthy people have not reached that point yet – but might not be far away.

Dr. Clark uses a “synchrometer” to test products for pollutants. One of the most damaging drinks on the market today is carbonated beverages – pop. The list of solvents in pop is incredible. Pop contains acetone, benzene, propyl alcohol, toluene, xylene, and wood alcohol. Bottled water, commercial fruit juice, and decaffeinated coffee are also polluted.

If the body’s eliminative channels (colon, kidneys, liver, skin, lungs, lymph) become overloaded due to excess intake of toxins and solvents then these eliminative organs can no longer cope with such unreasonable demands and they have no other choice but to first clog up and then shut down. From then on, they are forced to re-route toxins and solvents elsewhere. Some toxins get bottled up by the body in cysts and tumors and others simply accumulate in the organ of their choice. It takes very little overload to prepare an organ as a warm, nutritive nest for a parasite.

One of the most common parasites is pinworm, affecting around 20% of children. The pinworm will crawl out of the child’s colon to lay eggs outside of the body at night. Then the child will scratch their bottom and contaminate their nails and hands with the eggs spreading the infection throughout the entire family.

Hookworm is a parasite that you pick up when walking barefoot. The hookworm will attach to your feet and find their way to your small intestines. Hookworms actually suck your blood – a symptom of hookworm infection is anemia.

Symptoms will start to appear, with or without pain, and are then interpreted as diseases with as many names as there are body locations. So the rest of the story is simple. Remove the solvents and most of the time the parasites will leave the affected organ on their own because the body will filter out the solvents when the overload stops. Of course a parasite cleanse, kidney cleanse and liver cleanse will aid the body in eliminating parasites and solvents effectively while the body regains health.

It is wise to protect ourselves by exterminating parasites constantly with anti-parasite herbs and cleansing the kidneys and liver. This is inexpensive and well tolerated. The key is prevention. Prevention of disease, not cure or treatment should be our goal. It is much easier to prevent disease before it starts by changing a few habits now.

Here is a summary of what one needs to do to regain and maintain good health:

First cleanse the body of parasites. Dr. Clark uses cloves to kill the eggs, black walnut to kill the larvae and wormwood to kill the adult stage. This intense cleanse will last for 20 days. If possible start your cleanse 5 days before a full moon. Parasites are most active during a full moon and this will increase efficacy. Herbs are best taken on an empty stomach before meals. Most people handle the parasite cleanse well, expect slight headaches and increased bowel movements within the first 6 days. This cleanse will not interrupt your daily lifestyle. When this is done you then go on a maintenance program to avoid being re-infected.

Second cleanse the kidneys by means of a kidney cleanse. This will take you 3 weeks, 6 weeks if you already have kidney problems. This cleanse will unclog the congested tubules by dissolving stones and crystals. Again this cleanse is well tolerated – it will not interrupt your daily lifestyle, once you get use to the program. The herbs and supplements in the kidney cleanse work synergistically to support the body’s natural ability to heal and detoxify itself. To keep your kidneys free from stones you need to stop drinking tea, iced tea and cocoa – they contain oxalic acid that contributes to stone formation. Also foods high in phosphates such as meat, bread, cereal, pasta and carbonated drinks contribute to crystal formation. Increase your fruits, vegetables and milk. It takes a great deal of liquid to “wash” the inside of your body so drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Cleanse your kidneys at least twice a year or as needed.

The Kidney Cleanse Kit includes a 3 week supply for one person – it is almost a 6 week supply. You need an extra 26 capsules of ginger and uva ursi plus 2 extra packages of the kidney herbs. Two people are able to share this kit and cleanse for 3 weeks each by ordering just an extra bottle of ginger capsules, uva ursi caspsules, and the 2 packages of kidney herbs.

The third step is to cleanse the liver/gall bladder. Your liver is your largest organ. It neutralizes toxins and wastes and regular cleansing is a necessity to purge your liver of built-up pollutants. You can’t clean a liver with living parasites in it. You won’t get many stones, and you will feel quite sick. You must do the parasite cleanse before attempting a liver cleanse. Also completing the kidney cleanse before the liver cleanse is recommended. It will only take you 24 hours to reasonably clean out the stones, gravel and crystals. All this is accomplished without invasion, but expect some discomfort. It is not unusual to eliminate more than two cups full of countable stones, gravel and thousands of crystals in one single session!

Cleansing the liver of gallstones improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. It also eliminates allergies and pain and increases energy. It is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body’s health and sense of well being. Expect diarrhea and plan to stay home in the afternoon when you start this cleanse and be able to rest the next day.

You may repeat liver cleanses at two-week intervals until all stones are gone. To rid your body of allergies, bursitis and pain permanently you need to eliminate about 2000 stones. After doing your first cleanse pain and allergies may seem to be gone, but then as stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again.

It is important to stay on the parasite maintenance program so you are not re-infected before starting the liver cleanse. As long as you stay on the parasite maintenance program you are always ready to do a liver cleanse. Cleanse your liver 2-4 times per year, after your initial string of liver cleanses.

How safe is the liver cleanse? Dr. Clark believes it to be very safe. She has based her opinion on over 500 cases, some people even in their seventies and eighties. None went to the hospital or even reported pain. However it can make you feel quite ill if the maintenance parasite program has been neglected. This is why the instructions direct you to do the parasite cleanse and kidney cleanse first, staying on the maintenance dosage of the parasite cleanse while doing the kidney cleanse.

If you feel you are not able to do this liver cleanse don’t just do nothing. Cleansing the liver should not be neglected. The liver has a remarkable ability to regenerate itself under the right conditions. There are several herbs and liver tonics that will strengthen and purify the liver. You won’t get stones out but you will aid the liver in detoxifying pollutants.

The fourth step is to eliminate or reduce toxins and pollutants consumed by the body. This may take several months to accomplish but is vital in the journey for optimal health. This is a conscious effort to eliminate the toxic overload in your environment. This includes the metal in your teeth. This will be challenging and takes your devotion and determination.

The fifth and final step is diet and supplements. Eliminate foods that add to the toxic overload and include foods and supplements that rebuild and nourish the body.

Dr. Clark has her own scientific findings regarding what food to avoid and what to eat, too numerous to mention. You must refer to her books and do what you can.

Most of us have a low immune system. We need to focus on getting our immunity back! Then our healthy body can kill the parasites and bacteria that make us sick. Then our elimination organs can excrete toxins and pollutants. The five immunity destroyers are PCBs, benzene, asbestos, food dyes, and heavy metals in food and water.

Dr. Clark talks about using different herbs and amino acids for strengthening the immune system. She mentions slippery elm for sensitive stomachs when nothing wants to stay down and burdock root to fight E. coli.

We believe one of the best tonics for building up your immune system is a special tea. It is a blend of four herbs – slippery elm, burdock root, turkey rhubarb and sheep sorrel. This tea was made famous by a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse in the 1920’s. Rene Caisse uncovered many benefits of this tea during her clinical trials. She found it to be a strong preventative, normalizes the thyroid gland, heals stomach ulcers, regulates the pancreas, increase energy and prevents the common cold or flu.

Dr. Gary Glum found that this tea elevates the enzyme system, it elevates the hormone system, which elevates the immune system, so the body can cure its own disease. The herbs work synergistically to purify the liver, kidneys, lungs and blood. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is a gentle laxative and purges the body of waste and toxic matter. It also is believed to dissolve mucous deposits in tissue, glands and nerve channels.

This tea will enhance the benefits you get from doing a parasite, kidney and liver cleanse. It can be taken with the parasite cleanse or right after the liver cleanse to keep the elimination organs and immune system functioning properly.

E. coli, salmonella and shigella are intestinal bacteria. If you suffer with indigestion, burping, bloating, weight gain and loss of energy your body is telling you that these intestinal bacteria have escaped into your body; implying that your immune system is low or deteriorated. Your body is teeming with these lower life forms that have managed to gain a foothold even away from the intestinal tract. Soon you cannot function without antacids, laxatives, pain medication, stomach soothers and sleep potions.

Dr. Clark’s Bowel Program should be followed. It can be done at anytime. One of the best times to do it is when doing the Parasite Cleanse. You need to incorporate turmeric and fennel capsules as well as digestive enzymes(Quench Essentials ). Take cascara if constipated. The bowel cleanse should be done for a minimum of 16 days. You will know you have succeeded when your tummy feels flat with no gurgling and your mood has improved. Another successful protocol is to schedule at least 5 Colonic Irrigations. (call Quench Essentials for a recommendation)

This health journey wouldn’t be complete without mentioning zappers. A zapper is a little electronic device that kills parasites, bacteria and viruses. It kills large and small invaders: flukes, roundworms, mites, and fungi. It kills them all at once in three, seven minute sessions. But the current does have to reach them. The eyes, the appendix, the testes, inner ear bones and most of the intestines or bowel content are hard to reach places. The herbal parasite program must still be used in order to reach all of the places parasites could be.

Dr. Clark has never seen any harmful effects from the zapper. It does not affect blood pressure, mental alertness or body temperature. It has never produced pain, although it has stopped pain.

The zapper current is most effective for blood and lymph. As stated earlier it does not reach everywhere. To reach deeper the herbal parasite program must be added to the zapper treatment. The zapper enhances the results of the parasite cleanse. Do not zap if you are pregnant or wearing a pace maker. These situations have not been tested.

The zapper is energized by a 9-volt battery. This is too small a voltage to harm you or even feel. Although some people claim they feel a slight tingling sensation. Most of the current is flowing through the blood in your arteries and veins, but a fraction of it reaches every organ and tissue in your body. The zapper produces a positive, offset square wave. This doesn’t mean much to most people, but to parasites and bacteria it means death. White blood cells are actually super-charged and go on an all-out attack on these enemies. A zapper destroys parasites by turning on immune power at least temporarily.