1. Epikeia can only be used against man-made law and discipline, it cannot be used against the Divine Law (Catholic Dogma).
2. Catholic Dogmatic decrees on Jurisdiction and Governance ... cannot be ignored by use of epikeia or man-made Canon Law.
3. The proof that “supplied jurisdiction” is heresy ... it is not Catholic in any way.
4. Catholic citations that ... keeping to the Catholic Dogma comes beforethe sacrifice of the Mass.
5. On keeping the entire Catholic Faith ... including the Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governancein order to save our souls.
6. Canon Law cannot be used to violateCouncil established Divine Law (the Catholic Dogma) on Jurisdiction and Governance.
7. The heresy in the 1917 Code of Canon Law ... the state of the soul of the person who promulgated this Code.
8. God does not command impossibilities ... Catholic teaching on Necessity of Means and Necessity of Precept.
* We are not saying by this packet to participate in the Vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded in 1965 at the Vatican *
(1) Epikeiaonly applies to … man-made law and discipline
Epikeia cannot be used againstDivine Law … the Catholic Dogma … on any subject
According to the Catholic definitions of epikeia ... epikeia can only be used against man-made law and discipline, it cannot be used against the Dogma of God the Holy Ghost which addressesjurisdiction and governance of the Catholic Church. It is illicit and illegal to apply epikeia to any subject which is addressed in the Catholic Dogma … the unchangeableDivine Law.
All of the definitions of epikeiain Catholic Dictionaries and as discussed by Catholic sourcessay that epikeia relates to and is applied toman-made laws not Divine Law. The first definition shown belowspecifically states that epikeia cannot be used regarding Divine Law. Epikeia cannotexcuse anyone from not keeping to the letter of the law when the subject at hand
is addressed by Catholic Dogma.
Currently, epikeia is beingused in illegal ways to set up Catholic looking liturgies that violate the Dogmatic statements on Jurisdiction and Governance ... as work-arounds to the Catholic Church losing its buildings to the Vatican-2 heretic cult in 1965.
The TrueDefinitions of Epikeia
Catholic Encyclopedia, compiled by Robert C. Broderick
"Epikeia: This Greek term, meaning equity, is applied to the interpretation of a law. It is reasonably taken for granted that the
lawgiver does not wish to bind in some particularly difficult case because the exercise of the law would work an unforeseen
hardship; thus there is an examination of the law and a judgment of the intent of the lawgiver in the spirit of the law but against its rigor in application. Epikeia may not be used in the following cases: when the lawgiver may be approached directly foraninterpretationordispensation … in the case of Divine Law, positive or natural; or where the lawgiver could not oblige.”
(Page 190-191, Copyright 1976)
"The History, Nature, & Use of Epikeia in Moral Theology"
"The reasons for the existence of such a concept (epikeia) is to be found in the fact that laws are, of their very nature, universal. Lawmakers legislate for the general run of cases, and not for any particular concrete instance. But particular details and circumstance are almost limitless in number and nature; it is clear that no legislator in the act of framing of a law, can foresee all the variable circumstances which may arise. Taking into account what usually and ordinarily happens, he enacts his law." (Fr. Lawrence Joseph Riley, A.B. S.T.L , 7 May 1948)
Concise Catholic Dictionary
"An interpretation of a law whereby it is considered not to bind in a particular case because of some special circumstances; an interpretation of the law in a particular instance against the letter of the law but in keeping with its spirit; an interpretation of the mind of the lawmaker which reasons that he, knowing the conditions, would not wish his law to bind in this particular case."
(Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1944compiled by Robert Broderick)
Saint Thomas Aquinas, regarding epikeia
When we were treating of laws, since human actions, with which laws are concerned, are composed of contingent singulars and are innumerable in their diversity, it was not possible to lay down rules of law that would apply to every single case. Legislators in framing laws attend to what commonly happens: although if the law be applied to certain cases it will frustrate the equality of justice and be injurious to the common good, which the law has in view.
(Summa, 2ndPart of the 2ndPart, Question 120, Article 1, Answer)
Catholic Encyclopedia
“When the law of the legislator is not in harmony with the dictates of the natural law, equity (æquitas, epikeia) demands that it be set aside or corrected. St. Thomas explains the lawfulness of this procedure. Because human actions, which are the subject of laws are individual and innumerable, it is not possible to establish any law that may not sometimes work out unjustly.”
New Catholic Dictionary, 1910 Version
"An indulgent and benign interpretation of law, which regards a law as not applying in a particular case because of circumstances unforeseen by the lawmaker. The lawmaker cannot foresee all possible cases that may come under the law, and it is therefore reasonably presumed that were the present circumstances known to the legislator he would permit the act.”
St. Thomas Aquinas, regarding epikeia
"No man is so wise as to be able to take account of every single case; wherefore he is not able sufficiently to express in words all those things that are suitable for the end he has in view." (Summa, 1st Part of the 2ndPart, Question 96, Article 6, R.O. 3)
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Summary of Part 1:
It is clear that “epikeia” addresses not keeping to the letter of the law for man-made legislation … where unforeseen circumstances might introduce an injustice if one were to keep to the letter of the law. Also epikeia covers for exceptions since man-made legislation tries to address what commonly happens, man-made law cannot account for all possible occurrences.
Epikeia has no application whatsoever regarding the Divine Law of the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
The Vatican-2 cult founded in 1965 at the Vatican promotes well over 200 heresies in the Vatican-2 documents and heresy in their many other writings, speeches, and actions.The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult clearly cannot grantCatholic jurisdictionsince they are not the Catholic Church because they are not Catholic in Faith. See Sections 12 through 21 of Immaculata-one.com.
We are mandated by Catholic Dogma to physically leave the Vatican-2 cultsince it is a heretical society which strenuously enforces their heresy on our formerly Catholic properties ... the Vatican-2 group leaders who are dressed like and play act as Catholic priests make certain that the Catholic Dogma is not permitted on our formerly Catholic properties.
Given the loss of our property to the Vatican-2 cult, wecannot have appeals to epikeia to establish Catholic looking liturgies (with valid but illicit and displeasing to God sacraments)which violate the Catholic Dogma on jurisdiction and governance …since this would cause the loss of our soul.
(2) Sources of Catholic Dogma regarding Jurisdictionand Governance
For any group to be a Catholic entity it must satisfy the following Dogmatic citations from the Council of Florence and the Vatican Council of 1870 which address jurisdiction and governance.God knew that the Catholic Church was going to lose its buildings in 1965 at the close of the “Vatican-2 council” of apostasy ... we are under a test of Faith in this regard. The Vatican-2 cult cannot grant jurisdiction to anyone (group or individual) and no other organization meets the below Dogmatic definitions.
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Council of Florence, Laetentur Coeli (Decree of Union), 6 July 1439 >
"We likewise define that the holy Apostolic See, and the Roman Pontiff, hold the primacy throughout the entire world; and that the Roman Pontiff himself is the successor of blessed Peter, the chief of the Apostles, and the true vicar of Christ, and that he is the head of the entire Church, and the father and teacher of all Christians; and that full power was given to him in blessed Peter by our Lord Jesus Christ, to feed, rule, and govern the universal Church.”
Application of this Source of Dogma:
There is no physical group in the world who can meet this dogmatic definition. TheVatican-2 cult does not meet this definition because they are a non-Catholicheretical society …and neither does any other group in the world(SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, Thuc line, other independents, etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they would have to be in the “single governance”, “throughout the entire world”, under the head of the “entire Church”under the See of Peter (which doesn’t exist at this time, it has been lost via heresy).
The followingVatican Council of 1870 Sources of Dogma ... are not in the order that they appear in the Council text:
Vatican Council of 1870, Chapter 3, Part 2: On the power and character of the primacy of the Roman pontiff >
"Wherefore we teach and declare that, by Divine ordinance, the Roman Church possesses a pre-eminence of ordinary power over every other church, and that this jurisdictional powerof the Roman Pontiff is both episcopal and immediate. Both clergy and faithful, of whatever rite and dignity, both singly and collectively, are bound to submit to this power by the duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, and this not only in matters concerning faith and morals, but also in those which regard the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world.”
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society … and neither does any other group in the world (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, Thuc line, other independents, etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be under the “government” in a “hierarchical subordination” ... “throughout the world” under the “immediate jurisdictional power” of the office of the Roman Pontiff (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
Vatican Council of 1870, Chapter 3, Part 9: On the power and character of the primacy of the Roman Pontiff >
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman Pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole Church, and this not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the Church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness, of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema."
Application of this citation:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society … and neither does any other group in the world (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, Thuc line, other independents, etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be in the “jurisdiction over the whole Church” including matters of “government” ... in a group which is “throughout the whole world” under the office of the Roman Pontiff (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
This Source of Dogma has an anathema attached to it ... the anathema is part of this infallible decree, and because of this, the anathema is infallibly applied to all of the souls who are in violation of this dogmatic citation.
Vatican Council of 1870, Chapter 3, Part 1: On the power and character of the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff >
"To him, in Blessed Peter, full power has been given by our Lord Jesus Christ to tend, rule and govern the universal church."
Application of this citation:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society … and neither does any other group in the world (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, Thuc line, other independents, etc.) that offers a Catholic looking liturgy, since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be “governed” within the “universal Church” under the “full power” given to Blessed Peter (the See of Peter has been lost by heresy in these times).
Vatican Council of 1870, Chapter 1, Part 1: On the institution of the Apostolic Primacy in Blessed Peter >
"We teach and declare that, according to the gospel evidence, a primacy of jurisdiction over the whole Church of God was immediately and directly promised to the Blessed Apostle Peter and conferred on him by Christ the Lord."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society… and neither does any other group in the world (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, Thuc line,other independents, etc.) that offers a Catholic looking liturgy because this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be part of the “primacy of jurisdiction over the whole Church” under the successors of Blessed Apostle Peter.
There is no Apostolic Succession at this time (there are only group leaders of heresies) but the Apostolic Faith (the Catholic Dogma) is still in the world, so the gates of Hell have not prevailed against the Church. The term “gates of Hell” was defined at the Second Council of Constantinople (553 A.D.) by Pope Vigilius > “We bear in mind what was promised about the Holy Church and Him who said the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics).”
Vatican Council of 1870, Chapter 1, Part 6: On the institution of the Apostolic Primacy in Blessed Peter >
"Therefore, if anyone says that Blessed Peter the Apostle was not appointed by Christ the Lord as prince of all the Apostles and visible head of the whole church militant; or that it was a primacy of honour only and not one of true and properjurisdiction that he directly and immediately received from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: let him be anathema."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society… and neither does any other group in the world (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, Thuc line, other independents, etc.) that offers a Catholic looking liturgy, since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must part of “the whole church militant” under the “true and proper jurisdiction” under the successors of Blessed Peter the Apostle (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
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Regarding the above Vatican Council of 1870 dogmatic citations ... there must be a very good reason why the Holy Ghost disposed the wills of those who ran this Council to say essentially the same thing five times over. God gave us this clear and repeated Dogmatic teaching on jurisdiction and governance because He knew the actions that different groups were going to engage in to set up Catholic looking liturgies which are valid but: illicit, non-jurisdictional, sinful, and thus not pleasing to God.
Related Citations on Jurisdiction and Governance:
Pope Pius VI, Super Soliditate, 28 Nov 1786 >
“Are so many solemn decrees of the Popes and Councils repeated so many times to be called fanatic, by which those have been condemned who denied that in blessed Peter, the prince of the Apostles, his successor, the Roman Pontiff, was established by God as the visible head of the Church and the vicar of Jesus Christ, that to him has been transmitted full power of ruling the Church, and that true obedience is due him from all who are considered Christians; and that such is the power of the primacy, which he holds by divine right, that he is superior to other bishops not only by his rank of honor but by the plenitude of his supreme power?”
Application of this teaching:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 cult cannot be in accord with this instruction from Pope Pius VI because they are a heretical societyand other groups that offer Catholic looking liturgy are not (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, etc.) because they are in heresy against the Sources of Dogma which address Catholic Jurisdiction and Governance.
Pope Pius IX, Quanta cura, 8 Dec 1864 >
“There is no one who does not see and understand clearly and openly how opposed this is to the Catholic dogma of the plenary (complete in every respect; absolute) power divinely bestowed on the Roman Pontiff by Christ the Lord Himself of feeding, ruling, and governing the universal Church.”
Application of this teaching: