Unit 5 Vocab

1. acuity- (n.) sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses)

Synonyms: keenness, acuteness

Antonyms: dullness, obtuseness

à The ________ of most people’s hearing diminishes as they grow older

2. delineate- (v.) to portray, sketch or describe in accurate and vivid detail; to represent pictorially

Synonyms: depict, picture, render

à The architects will ________ the main features of their plan at the next client meeting.

3. depraved- (adj.) marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles

Synonyms: degenerate, vicious, corrupt

Antonyms: moral, virtuous, upright, uncorrupted

à Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray is about a ________ man whose portrait reveals his wickedness.

4. enervate- (v.) to weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of; enfeeble, hamstring

Synonyms: impair, cripples, paralyze

Antonyms: invigorate, strengthen

à Unfortunately, the great musician’s mind was _________ by disease in the last decade of her life.

5. esoteric- (adj.) intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret

Synonyms: cryptic, arcane

Antonyms: accessible, comprehensible, intelligible

à The fraternity developed a set of _________ rites that had to be performed by anyone seeking membership.

6. fecund- (adj.) fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive

Synonyms: fertile. Teeming, prolific

Antonyms: infertile, barren, unproductive

à The remarkably _________ mind of Albert Einstein produced theories that revolutionized the science of physics.

7. fiat- (n.) an arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness

Synonyms: edict, dictum

à The ruler instituted several new _________.

8. figment- (n.) a fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion

Synonyms: creation, invention, fancy

à The silhouette of a man on the porch was a mere ________ of your overheated imagination.

9. garner- (v.) to acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away, as for future use

Synonyms: collect, accumulate, accrue

Antonyms: scatter, squander, waste, dissipate

à Over the years, the writer was able to ________ some wisdom that she passed on to others in her books.

10. hallow- (v.) to set apart as holy or sacred, sanctify, consecrate; to honor greatly, revere

Synonyms: venerate, bless

Antonyms: desecrate, defile, profane

à In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln ________ the battlefield on which the Union soldiers fought and died.

11. idiosyncrasy- (n.) a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify

Synonyms: eccentricity, quirk, mannerism

à The fact that the plurals of some nouns are formed irregularly is an ________ of English grammar.

12. ignominy- (n.) shame and disgrace

Synonyms: dishonor, humiliation,

Antonyms: honor, glory, acclaim

à He went from glory to _________.

13. mundane- (adj.) earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary

Synonyms: prosaic, humdrum, routine, sublunary

Antonyms: heavenly, unworldly, spiritual, transcendental

à The painter left all ____________________________ concerns to her sister while she single-mindedly pursued her artistic goals.

14. nuance- (n.) a subtle or slight variation (as in color, meaning, quality) delicate gradation or shade of difference

Synonyms: shade, nicety, refinement

à In his writing, the poet paid close attention to every ___________________ of meaning

In the words he chose.

15. Overweening- (adj.) conceited, presumptuous; excessive, immoderate

Synonyms: arrogant, unbridled, inflated

Antonyms: restrained, understated, modest, meek

à It was the _______________________ confidence of the candidate that prevented her

from acknowledging her weakness.

16. Penchant – (n.) a strong attraction or inclination

Synonyms: proclivity, propensity, predilection

Antonyms: disinclination, aversion

à A teacher with a ____________________ for belaboring the obvious is bound to be boring.

17. Reputed – (adj.) according to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance

and good reputation; (part.) alleged

Synonyms: putative, reputable, supposed

Antonyms: proven, corroborated, authenticated

à Although he is the ___________________ head of a crime syndicate, he has never spent time in jail.

18. Sophistry – ( n.) reasoning that seems plausible but is actually unsound, a fallacy

Synonyms: specious reasoning

àThe couple was beguiled into buying a bigger house than they needed by the clever _______________________ of the broker.

19. Sumptuous – (adj.) costly, rich, magnificent

Synonyms: lavish, munificent, opulent, splendid

Antonyms: skimpy, meager, stingy, niggardly, Spartan

àThe ____________________________ feast honoring the king’s birthday was followed by musical entertainment

20. Ubiquitous – (adj.) present or existing everywhere

Synonyms: omnipresent, persuasive, universal

Antonyms: restricted, limited, rare, scarce

àThe _____________________ eye of the TV camera threatens to rob citizens of any sense of privacy