4 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007
Phone: 258-6484 FAX: 258-0301
Physical Science
Grade 8
William J. Bechtel
, 258-6484 ex. 4208
SMSD Mission Statement: / The mission of the South Middleton School District is to provide an education that empowers all students to achieve their potential and to become productive, responsible citizensCourse Title: / Physical Science.
Course Description: / The 8th grade Physical Science course introduces the basic and important concepts of both physics and chemistry.
Text(s): / Physical Science; Concepts in Action, Wysession, et. al, Prentice Hall, 2009.
Supplies Needed: / Notebooks, calculator, pens, pencils, ruler, markers
Statement of Purpose: / The purpose of eighth grade physical science is to introduce the basic and important concepts of both physics and chemistry. This course is integrated with the mathematics course so that students may apply math concepts to various physical problems and chemical equations.
Learning Objectives: / The students in this course will:
- Actively use the scientific method to solve scientific and real-life problems
- Design and safely conduct scientific experiments.
- Integrate math with science to solve practical problems.
- Develop an understanding as to how forces in nature affect mechanisms throughout our daily lives.
- Use the Periodic Table of Elements to understand the nature of the elements and to write and predict balanced chemical equations.
- Discover how the properties of matter determine the principles of physics and chemistry.
Course Outline: /
- Motion
- Metric system
- Laws of Motion
- Forces
- Gravity
- Energy
- Work,
- Power
- Machines
- The Structure of Matter
- Phases
- Properties
- The Atom
- Changes in Matter
- Compounds
- Mixtures
- Chemical Bonding
- Chemical Reactions
- Nuclear Energy
Grading: / Grades are calculated based on total points. That means that I add all the points that you earn on all of the assignments and divide by the total possible points for those assignments.
Tests will always be announced. Tests will focus on Problem solving and application of information rather than the memorization of facts. Tests are usually around 50 points. Each test may contain questions from previous tests.
Quizzes will usually be announced, but not always. Quizzes are usually on basic knowledge of topics recently covered. Quizzes will range from 10 to 20 points.
Homework will be graded. The number of points will depend on the number of questions on the homework.
Labs and other in class assignments will also be graded based on the number and type of questions on the assignment. Often, the group will complete only one lab sheet of lab report and will receive the same grade. It is important for all members of a group to do their share of the work. If I observe a group member not participating, Their grade may be lower than the rest of the group.
Late work will be penalized. Any work turned in late will receive only half of the points earned on the assignment. Work turned in after the test for that unit will receive a zero.
Extra Credit is a possibility, but it must be extra. You must have completed all required work before you can do extra credit. There is a maximum of 10 points of extra credit per marking period. I do not hand out extra credit work. If you need extra credit, you will need to find an experiment that you can do at home. You should ask me about it first. Then do the activity at home. Write a description of the activity, what you observed, and a conclusion. Then, have a parent/guardian sign the paper to attest to the fact that you did the work. All extra credit is due at least one week before the end of the marking period for which you wish to use it.
Learning Resources / During the year, we will be using various web pages that will be listed on my links page.
Note: / Necessary adaptations and accommodations will be made for special Education students as detailed in the student’s IEP.
9th Grade Prerequisite / Students who wish to take Honors Earth Science in 9th Grade will need to earn a 93% in both 7th and 8th grade science and receive the permission of their 8th grade science teacher.