Date: 23 September 2014

UREC Sport Club Constitution

(James Madison University Club Rowing)

Article I - Name of Sport Club

The official name of this sport club shall be the James Madison University Club Rowing.

Article II - Purpose of Sport Club

The purpose of the JMU Club Rowing is to provide all members with the opportunity to enjoy the sport of rowing. Members will work together, promoting teamwork and unity throughout competitions (regattas) and practices. The club will always work to represent JMU in a respectful manner both on the water and on land.

Article III - Membership

Membership in this sport club is open to all JMU students and will not be restricted on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, color, religion, veteran status, sexual orientation or political affiliation. As a member, one is required to attend sport club meetings regularly, pay dues, and actively support sport club projects. If there is a surplus of boats after a competitive team has been established, the executive board may vote to create a 2nd membership tier for students unable to attend daily practice or regattas. Dues for 2nd tier members shall be decided by the executive board to cover gas and equipment use. A majority vote of the executive board is required for the creation of the 2nd tier as well as the approval of a dues amount. Membership will be revoked by ½ vote of officers plus ¾ vote from the general membership if actions are deemed inappropriate by the membership.

Article IV - Officers

Election of officers will require a majority vote from the general membership. Members from semesters prior not currently on the team may vote for officers and run for office; granted that they intend on returning to the team in the year the elected will be in office. If acandidate fails to receive a majority of votes, a run off election will be held within the toptwo candidates that received the most votes. The term of office will be one full year (May to May). All officers shall comprise the Executive Committee of the organization. The Executive Committee shall meet in addition to regular organization meetings. The Executive Committee shall appoint such committees that are needed to carry out sport club goals. The officers and individual duties shall be:

A. President

Preside over all meetings

Coach the team during practice

Maintain certifications in first aid and CPR

Ensure that the sport club is operating in conformity with the standards set forth by James Madison University and University Recreation

Cosign sport club checks with Treasurer

Maintain communication with sport club adviser

Confirm practice times and dates

Keep the club informed about upcoming events such as fundraisers, meetings, practices, and race schedules

Primary contact to town of Shenandoah and Gmail account

Handle and conflicts/issues among members of the organization

Administer elections at the end of every school year

Oversee other officers

Cancel practices when necessary

Make sure proper paperwork and dues have been submitted by all members of the team

Make sure proper paperwork has been submitted to James Madison University, Town of Shenandoah, and Stat of Virginia

Confirm the price of dues

Cannot row/cox while president

Does not pay dues

Have a thorough understanding of the launches and motors

Responsible for replying to future interest emails

All those wishing to run for president must attend at least three executive board meetings to be eligible for nomination

B. Vice President

Preside over meetings in the absence of the President

Schedule meetings/events with appropriate University Recreation staff

Coordinate sport club promotion and publicity of events including website, table tents, and weekend updates to UREC

Assist in arranging carpools for members requiring assistance

Purchase apparel and uniforms for the club every year

Represent sport club on campus

Maintain club website (

C. Secretary

Maintain an accurate record of all sport club meetings and post for members

Maintain current roster list and make sure all club members are valid

Make sure paperwork and dues have been collected for every member of the team

Correspond when necessary with University administration and other recognized sport clubs

Make sure email addresses for club members are kept up-to-date

Receive, forward, and reply to incoming emails

Write and send mass for events and recruitment

Take minutes and post minutes of meetings to Google Docs available to club members

Oversee Gmail inbox

D. Treasurer

Maintain accurate record of sport club transactions

Collect dues

Develop sport club budget and present to membership for ¾ vote

Cosign sport club checks with President

Make sure finances section of Gmail account is an accurate reflection of true finances

Maintain receipts for all purchases

Maintain contact information for all purchases made

Affirm finances are kept up-to-date

Purchase insurance in January of every year

Have a third party audit finances every January

E. Fundraising Chair

Research and propose ideas for fundraisers

Organize fundraisers

Communicate fundraising ideas to the rest of the team

Make sure there are enough volunteers for fundraisers

Keep track of all volunteers for fundraisers

Relay success of each fundraiser to the executive board

Work to build and maintain relationships with parents, donors, and other crew clubs for fundraising purposes

F. Equipment Manager

Maintain all necessary equipment (tools, boats, launches, motors)

Research and coordinate building of support materials (dock, boathouse, etc.)

Maintain support materials

Advise president and vice president on necessary purchases (boats, vehicles, tools)

Work with president, vice president, and regatta coordinator to ensure all equipment has been loaded to and from regattas

Make sure equipment is properly maintained

Secondary contact to town of Shenandoah

Purchase necessary equipment

G. Regatta Coordinator

Research and present to exec board possible regatta venues

Register boats for regattas

Work with president, vice president, and equipment manager to confirm time frames and necessary steps to safely depart and return with all the equipment

Maintain positive relationships with host teams for regattas, encourage sportsmanship and gratitude

Responsible for contacting and keeping good working relationships with other crew clubs

Primary parent contact for regatta and travel information

H. Community Chair

Plan and present to exec board gatherings outside of practice, fundraisers, and community service

Organize and lead social events

Plan community service for town of Shenandoah

Assemble volunteers for community service

I. Assistant Coach

Cannot row the semester they are coaching

Must have 1 ½ years of rowing experience

Position does not have to be filled every semester

Voted on by the team every semester

Ballot will include the person’s name as well as another option that says, “No coach,” if the team feels that the candidate would not make a suitable coach

Will occupy a second launch to allow boats more coaching time

An executive position outside of the core four (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary)

Available during all scheduled practices and regattas (including winter training)

Does not pay dues

Assist president with coaching however both the president and assistant coach see fit

Officers may be removed from office by ½ vote of the other officers and ¾ of the general membership if actions are deemed inappropriate by the membership. The officer is permitted to speak before the Executive Committee and the general membership about the charges made concerning his/her performance. The officer is not permitted to participate in the deliberation of the Executive Committee regarding the charges.

Article V - Adviser

The adviser shall be a full time faculty or staff member at James Madison University. The adviser will assume those responsibilities as outlined in this constitution and/or found in University Policy No. 3101 entitled “Faculty Advisers to Student Organizations.” The adviser will be selected by a ½ vote of the Executive Committee and then presented to the general membership for a ¾ vote. Advisers not fulfilling responsibilities or abiding by the sport club’s purpose may be removed from the position by a ½ vote of the Executive Committee.

Article VI - Meetings

The Executive Board shall hold regular (weekly) meetings during the academic term exceptwhen holidays, examination periods or other events make meeting impractical or unnecessary.Sport Club meeting day/time will be determined in the beginning of each semester by amajority vote of the Executive Board. Attendance at sport club meetings is expected.Aquorum shall consist of a simple majority of the membership plus one officer.

Article VII - Finance

The sport club may establish reasonable dues that must be paid by all members. The amount of the dues will be determined in the beginning of the academic year by the Executive Board. Dues mustbe paid by an established date set by the executive board. The treasurer shall maintain all financial records andshall cosign with the president for all sport club transactions. All members are subject to a full refund of dues (excluding gas money dues) during the following week (Monday-Friday) after dues have been collected. After that period of time, the full amount of dues is the property of the club. This is due to the notion that regattas have already been registered and paid for.

Article VIII - Hazing

JMU Club Rowing, in keeping with JMU’s expectations for a positive academic and social environment, unconditionally opposes hazing. No individual member of our group or the group itself may engage in or plan any activity that may be defined as hazing.

JMU Club Rowing opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule to its members or potential members. In addition, no individual nor recognized sport club may by physical or mental stress or by subtle or covert technique, impair, make captive, or destroy an individuals’ freedom of thought and choice.

Hazing, under Virginia law, is defined as activities for the initiation or induction into an sport club which include calisthenics or other strenuous physical activity; exposure to inclement weather; consumption of food, liquid, beverage, drug or other substance; confinement in any room or compartment; spraying, painting or pelting with any substance; burying in any substance; burning, branding or tattooing or another activity which may result in physical injury or endanger the health or life of the individual being hazed.

J17-101 Section 18.2-56 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, which declares hazing illegal, establishes conditions for civil and criminal liability and outlines the duties of the university when a student has been found guilty of hazing.

It is hereby incorporated as part of this constitution and will serve as a guide for action by the university and JMU Club Rowing if there is an instance of hazing by this sport club or any of the members of this sport club. It will be the duty of the officers of JMU Club Rowing to educate the membership of this policy.

Article IX - Amendments

Amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the sport club. Said amendment(s) will be voted on at a subsequent meeting. In order to adopt the amendment, a majority vote of the executive officers (more than ½) is necessary. The only exception is a change in executive officer duties, in which case a majority vote of all club members is necessary.

Article X - Ratification

This constitution shall become effective upon approval by a ¾ vote of the membership. Ratified constitutions must be submitted to University Recreation within 10 days for final approval.