September 2017
Dear Parents,
Firstly we would like to extend a warm welcome to all the boys starting in Year One. On the attached curriculum sheet you will see details of what we hope to achieve this term. Please note that we will be teaching the subjects of Science, History, Geography and Art/DT through our chosen topic about Pirates. Within this framework we expect every boy to progress in all aspects of learning and fulfil his potential.
The homework this year will be sent home each Friday and will consist of:
- Spelling list, in preparation for a test the following Friday.
- An activity sheet linked to the work covered during the week due the followingFriday.
- A number fact speed test.
We would appreciate it if you could sit down with your son to ensure that he gains as much as possible from set homework. Please return any completed worksheets to school in your son’s folder. Incomplete or incorrect work is occasionally sent home for your son to complete.
Reading books are sent home daily providing the previous book and signed diary have been returned to school in the book bag. Our intention is for reading at home to be a pleasurable experience for the boys, with the instructional reading work done in school. Consequently the texts we send home should be of a level which he can read with little or no assistance.
Boys will have the opportunity to take home library books every Wednesday to be returned as they enter school the following Wednesday.
During this year the boys will develop a cursive style of handwriting. We are sending copies of correct letter formation and joins so that these can be practised at home.
Folders are used to communicate any letters and messages and we would be grateful if they could be checked and returned the following day. In terms of equipment, boys use glue sticks extensively in Year 1, so please ensure your son always has one in school. In addition, pencil cases will be sent home every Friday, so that pencils can be sharpened ready for the following week. Boys will not need an eraser or pencil sharpener, as any rubbing out/sharpening is done by an adult.
If you have any queries do come to contact us after school, but we would be grateful if you could wait until we have seen all the boys out safely first.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Kind regards,
Miss E. Leach (Y1L Class Teacher) Miss H. Taylor (Y1T Class Teacher)
Mrs. G. Maxted (Year 1 Assistant)
Year 1 – Autumn Term
A geographical and historical study of a fictional pirate’s journey around the world. Our topic work this term will incorporate the subjects of English, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology. We look forward to an exciting visit to”The Golden Hinde“ on Thursday 9th November.
The boys will be developing their speaking and listening skills, reading and comprehension skills, basic grammar and punctuation, sentence structure and spelling skills.
The various types of writing will include: creative writing, including planning/writing their own story; recording work, lists; labelling; instructional sequencing and non-fiction writing.
Over the year, the boys will also begin to develop a fluid cursive style of handwriting.
The boys will be learning to recall instantly number bonds to ten, how to add and subtract within 10, shapes and patterns, ordinal numbers and numbers to 20.
Number facts and mental arithmetic strategies will be developed daily.
Environmental Studies
The boys will be regularly utilising the outdoor school environment to enhance the children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural world, through observation of seasonal changes and life cycles. We will also use this as an opportunity to develop self- awareness, risk-taking and independence.
The boys will be learning how to use the mouse and basic keyboard skills, simple word processing and internet based research, as well as basic programming.
The boys will be learning about their family, different faiths, and the various religious celebrations that take place throughout the term.
P.S.H.E. (Personal Social Health Education)
Words of the week for this term, in order: Concentration: attentiveness, self-control, conscientiousness; Perseverance: determination, loyalty, patience, resilience;
Empathy: contentment, kindness, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, humility and compassion.
The boys will be learning about Greetings, Introducing Ourselves and the Alphabet.
The boys will be developing their ability to recognise the difference between pulse and rhythm and to perform with a sense of pulse.
The boys will be developing their gymnastic skills, concentrating on bouncing, jumping and landing. This will be followed by large ball skills, dance, partner work and fundamental movement skills.
Thinking Skills
Our focus this year is to integrate the use of various thinking routines across the curriculum. The skills associated with these routines will encourage the boys to engage in higher order thinking and develop the ability to think independently.