Parent and Community Survey

Parents and Community Members will answer the following questions using the Likert Scale of: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

Fine Arts

1)The fine arts program at this school meets my child’s needs.

2)Students are given opportunities during the school day and/or after school to participate in fine arts.

Wellness and Physical Education

1)The school provides a fitness program, facilities and equipmentto meet my child’s needs in physical education.

2)The school provides appropriate nursing and health services to meet my child’s needs.

3)The school provides appropriate counseling services to meet my child’s emotional and social well being.

Community and Parent Involvement

1)Parents are encouraged to actively participate in school events and meetings.

2)Teacher and Administrator lines of communication with parents and community are effective.

3)I feel welcomed when I visit this school.

21st Century Workforce Development Program


1)The school provides activities that promote college and career readiness. (e.g. character education, people skills, college week, career fair, etc)

2)Students at this school are learning skills that will help them be successful in the next grade level or after graduation.


1)Career and Technology Education (CTE) courses offered at this school provide my child with appropriate opportunities to explore career pathways and career certification opportunities. (CTE Courses include but at not limited to, Animal Science, Floral Design, Information Technologies, Digital Interactive Media, Video Game Design, Human Resource Management, Business Law, Culinary Arts, Business Information Systems, Principals of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural, Mechanics and Metal Technologies, Restaurant Management, Manufacturing Technology Academy, Information Technology and Security Academy, and Computer Programming.)

2)The school has made me aware of career pathways available to meet my child’s post secondary needs.

3)Students get the support they need at this school for academic and career planning.

4)Students at this school are learning what they need to know to be successful in the next grade level or after graduation.

Second Language Acquisition Program – Elementary

1)This school offers multi-cultural activities that celebrate various cultures and people to meet my child’s needs.

Second Language Acquisition Program - Secondary

1)This school offers language acquisition opportunities to meet my child’s needs.

2)The school provides multi-cultural activities that celebrate various cultures and people to meet my child’s needs.

Digital Learning Environment – Elementary

1)The school uses technology resources to support the learning needs of my child.

2)Parents and community are provided opportunities to utilize school technologies

3)Digital learning enhances my child’s education – learningto use technology to be a more efficient learner.

Digital Learning Environment – Secondary

1)The school provides appropriate technology to support my child’s learning needs.

2)Digital learning in the classroom enhances my child’s ability to be a more efficient learner.

3)The school provides technology education and resources to help my child be successful at the next level of their education.

4)Parents and Community are provided opportunities to utilize school technologies.

Dropout Prevention Strategies – Elementary

1)The school provides attendance incentives and extra-curricular or club activities that encourage my child to come to school.

2)The school recognizes student achievements in a positive way.

Dropout Prevention Strategies – Secondary

1) The school provides a variety of extra-curricular activities to support my child’s interests and needs.

2)The school provides alternative credit opportunities to assist my child in obtaining course credits toward graduation. (to include but not limited to credit recovery, shortened schedule, online learning, etc)

3)The school recognizes student achievements in a positive way.

Educational Program for GT Students

1)The school provides advanced academic/Gifted and Talented programs to support my child.

2)The school provides opportunities through activities, competitions, and parent/community events to highlight the talents of the GT student.

Based on your experiences this year, please rate the quality of the program or service provided by the school. – This grouping of questions will be a grid style question that will ask the community to rate the programs according to: Excellent (Exemplary) , Above Average (Recognized), Average (Acceptable), Below Average (Needs Improvement), Very Poor (Unacceptable).

1)PE and Wellness

2)GT Program

3)Technology Program

4)Parent/Community involvement

5)Fine Arts

6)Character Education

7)College and Career Readiness

8)Career and Technology

The final question of the survey will be for any additional comments.