This application is due by 5 PM on Friday, April 6, 2018.

Austin Ed Fund seeks projects that are creative, utilize critical thinking, and/or are a new way of looking at an old problem. Projects should have a clearly stated goal, related activities to support goal achievement, and a budget outlining how requested materials align with project outcomes.

Who can apply?

Individuals or teams of individuals employed by Austin ISD who are involved in the instruction of students or related support services benefiting students may apply. Student input into project proposals is also encouraged.Applications have to be submitted online at

What types of projects will be selected?

Instructional approaches or projects that benefit groups of students are eligible for support. Grants may fund instructional and classroom materials, or an activity or material which supports higher levels of student academic achievement. Austin Ed Fund has identified three priority content areas for projects:

  • Whole Child Every Child (Fine arts & creative learning, cultural proficiency and/or diversity and health & wellness, Social and Emotional Learning)
  • Literacy
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Award Categories:

  • Idea Grants – Grants up to $2,000 will be awarded to individual classrooms.
  • Incubator Grants – Grants up to $10,000 will be awarded to campus, multi-classroom and/or department projects that have the potential to replicate and/or become sustainable.

Selection Criteria:

Both Idea and Incubator grants will be evaluated to find projects that best fulfill the following criteria:

  • Enriching: Enhances student academic performance
  • Innovative: Is a creative approach toward addressing a classroom objective
  • Demonstrated need: Supports District and/or Campus goals and is specifically designed to address an area of need substantiated by data
  • Alignment: Within priority content areas: Whole Child, STEM, or Literacy
  • Evaluation: Has a measurable outcome that will be reported to Austin Ed Fund upon project completion
  • Logical: Proposal is well-written, clear, and transparent, including:
  • Specificity of goals and objectives
  • Clarity of description of instructional procedures/ methods
  • Clarity of how funds awarded will be used, in a realistic, accurate, and appropriate manner
  • Correspondence among evaluative procedures and objectives

Additionally, projects applying for Incubator-level funding will be more competitive if they include some or all of the following criteria:

  • Sustainable: Measurable outcomes have potential for medium- or long-term impact
  • Systemic: Project has potential to be replicable to other schools or classrooms
  • Relevant: Demonstrates real-world applications
  • Collaborative: Demonstrates partnerships across department/ grade level, other disciplines, schools, and/or community organizations

Responsibilities of Grant Recipients

  • Use the awards for the purposes intended.
  • Projects must be fully implemented and funds must be spent by the end of the spring semester immediately following award notification.
  • A final report, including usage of funds, must be submitted to Austin Ed Fund by the end of the school year. The report must be submitted before recipients can submit an application for another grant.
  • Recipients agree to share successful procedures in staff development sessions.
  • All items purchased with grant funds become property of the campus where awarded.
  • All unused grant money is subject to being returned to Austin Ed Fund.

2018 Application Cycle Timeline:

  • February 26, 2018: Application window opens
  • January 30, 2018 @ 3:30- 5:00 pm: Grant Writing Training #1 at Padron Elementary School
  • February 1, 2018 @ 3:30-5:00 pm: Grant Writing Training #2 Wooten Elementary Library
  • March 22, 2018 @ 5:00 – 6:30 pm: Grant Writing Training #3 Travis High School Library
  • March 28, 2018 @ 5:00 – 6:30 pm: Grant Writing Training #4 CAC Board Auditorium
  • April 2, 2018 @ 5 pm: Rough draft deadline- final date to submit application to for feedback
  • April 6, 2018 @ 5 pm: Online application deadline, window closes
  • Late May 2018: Applicants are notified of their status
  • August 2018- May 2019: Project implementation
  • May 17, 2019: Final project evaluations due to Austin Ed Fund

When Applying for a grant, please remember the following:

  • Grants are to be used to fund projects that cannot be provided in the school or district budgets. Expenses that will not be considered for funding include salaries and facility maintenance or construction costs.
  • Give your project a creative and compelling title.
  • All line item expenses must be tied to the overall project idea. Materials will not be funded if not aligned with project goals.
  • Objectives and outcomes should be consistent with the goals of your school and the district.
  • When creating your budget, be realistic. Small grants are just as likely to be awarded as large grants. Partial funding will be considered.

All questions are required to be answered, unless otherwise noted.

Applications have to be submitted online at


Requesting Teacher Name:


Cell Phone:

Please identify collaborating teachers, administrators and/or community organizations and their titles (Required for Incubator, Optional for Idea Grants):


Campus Name:

Requesting Principal Name:

Principal E-mail:

Principal Cell Phone:


Priority Content Area (please select which area most closely aligns with your project goals and activities):

Whole Child Every Child (Fine arts & creative learning, cultural proficiency and/or diversity and health & wellness, Social and Emotional Learning)

Check this box if your project SEL focused

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)


Type of Grant for STEM, WCEC or Literacy

Idea Grant (up to $2,000 per project for an individual classroom)

Incubator Grant (up to $10,000 per project for a campus or team of teachers)

Please do NOT mention the specific name of yourcampus or teachers throughout the rest of the application. Applications have to be submitted online at

Project or Program Title:

Total Number of Students Impacted by the Project:

Grade Level(s) and Subject(s) involved:

Please provide a brief 1-3 sentence project summary, for public display (Max 300 characters):


Target Population (Max 150 words): Describe the demographics of the student population that will benefit from your project.

Statement of Need (Max 150 words): Describe what conditions you want to change and how your target population will benefit from the project.

Project Description (Max 500 words): Describe the project goals and how the project is structured to achieve those goals. This should include specific activities and measurable objectives.

How will this project support integration of SEL skills sets and/or concepts into academic learning or support access to academic learning?: (Max 150 words) REQUIRED ONLY FOR SEL GRANTS*

For Fall 2018 project implementation, list the major activities of your proposed project with approximate target dates (must conclude prior to report due May 17, 2019).

Expected Results (Max 250 words): Expected Results - Describe the student outcomes or changes that will result from your work and the criteria used to evaluate the project's success.

Innovative Aspect (Max 250 words): Describe why the project is a creative, outside-the-box way to work toward achieving student excellence.

Transformative Potential (Max 250 words, required for Incubator, Optional for Idea grants): Describe how this project has the ability to take learning to the next level through collaboration, replication, sustainability, and/or connection to real-world applications.


  1. Add lines as needed. Please secure a vendor bid for any item over $1,000.

Description of Budget Items Requested (e.g. contract services, materials/equipment, transportation, etc.) / Partner/Vendor (e.g. Arts Partner, vendor, supply company, etc. / Cost Amount
Total Project Cost Amount / Add the total budget items from above / $
Total Amount of contributions from other funding sources (provide the list of sources below in section B.) / Sum the total amount of contributions anticipated from other sources, such as PTA, crowdfunding, Title 1, etc., if any
Total amount requested from Austin Ed Fund / List the total amount you are requesting from Austin Ed Fund
Total Cost per Child / Divide the total project cost amount by the number of students served
  1. FUNDING SUSTAINABLITY: List other funding sources you have identified to fund this project, if any (Optional).

Source / Amount of Request / Funding Status (will apply, applied/pending, approved).


Please check each box and type your name below to affirm you are aware of the following conditions should you be awarded funding:

I have read the funding guidelines and FAQs.

I will supply additional program or budget information for this application if needed.

The Principal has approved this application prior to my submission.

Incubator Grants Only: Collaborating teachers, administrators, and/or community partners listed on this application have had the opportunity to provide input and review this application.

I will be responsible for submitting a Final report within 30 days of the project conclusion or by May 17, 2019, whichever comes first.

I am aware that excess funds are subject to being returned to the Austin Ed Fund.

I have secured a vendor bid for any item over $1,000 and will submit upon request.

I will follow my campus policies and procedures to access and utilize award funds, including providing the proper receipts or verification.

(Optional) I am willing to host site visits to my class and/or be featured in promotional materials for Innovation Grants, to help share results with donors and secure additional funding for this program.

(Optional) I am willing to attend 1-2 community events recognizing award recipient projects and promoting Innovation Grants, should my schedule permit.

The decisions of the Austin Ed Fund Board are final.

Requesting Teacher Signature:


We appreciate you applying for an Innovation Grant award and will respond with your status by late May, 2018.

Applications have to be submitted online at