Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas 66045-2106
Telephone: 785-864-4326 (o) or 785-331-9033 (h)
Fax: 785-864-5321
A. Degrees, with date and source
Bachelor of Arts in Biology, June 1969 University of California, Santa Cruz
Master of Science in Biological Sciences, June 1976 California State University, Sacramento
PhD in Biology (emphasis on Population and Behavioral Ecology) June 1980 Dalhousie
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (studied seabirds and wolves)
B. Chronological List of academic appointments held
1998-Present: Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
and (2004-2011) Indigenous Nations Studies Program, University of Kansas.
19921997: Assistant Professor, Department of Systematics and Ecology
Program in Environmental Studies, University of Kansas.
1992-2001: Adjunct Faculty, Haskell Indian Nations University.
19891992: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
19831984: Visiting Assistant Professor, Institute of Arctic Biology,
University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
19801983: Lecturer, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory.
C. Other experience relevant to nominee's career
1995-1998: Member, USDA Panel on General use of Rabies Vaccine, Washington, D.C.
Expert Witness on Wolf and Dog Behavior and Anatomy, NC, MI, PA, MO, KS
19861988: Research Fellow, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara
19841986: Fellow in Mammalogy, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Teaching Experience and Courses Taught
Moss Landing: Biometry, Animal Behavior, Marine Birds and Mammals, Biogeography
University of Alaska, Fairbanks: Ecology, Evolution, Population Ecology, Community Ecology
University of Arkansas: Evolution, Population Dynamics, Physiological Ecology, Mammalogy
University of Kansas: Evolutionary Ecology, Field Ecology, Principles of Ecology, Ecology of
Hybridization, Native and Western Views of Nature, Environmental Justice, Natural Resource Management, Life History Evolution,
Last 6 Years: Principles of Evolutionary Biology BIOL 412 (2 times)
Evolutionary Ecology BIOL 668 (3 times)
Evolutionary Biology of Marine Mammals BIOL 420 (3 times)
Indigenous Leadership INS 802 (1 time)
Issues facing Indigenous Peoples INS 803 (2 times)
Natural Resource Management from Indigenous Perspective INS 873 (3 times)
Native and Western Views of Nature INS 875/BIOL 420 (5 times)
Environmental Justice INS 874/BIOL 420 (3 times)
Developer and Editor Native American Science Curriculum with support from NSF
Website url:
Courses developed by Pierotti: Native and Western views of nature
Natural resource management from Indigenous Perspective
Upper Division Environmental Justice
Developed Curricular Materials for Kansas City, Kansas KU Summer Academy
2013: Presentation on Evolutionary Behavior of Sleep and led 3 Field trips to KU Museum of Natural History Sleep presentation Accessible at:
2014: Developed Teaching Modules on Evolution and on Genetic variation. Led Field Trips to KU Natural History Museum and Topeka Zoo (3 for each)
Evolution Teaching Module available at:
Genetic Variation Teaching module available at:
Teaching Awards:
Tribal College/University Mentor of the Year 1998 (SACNAS; Society for the Advancement
of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science)
Favorite Professor Biology Class of 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Kemper Excellence in Teaching Award 1996, 1997
1) Doctoral Students whose committee the nominee chaired
University of Arkansas
Jack Mobley (completed PhD May 1994) Environmental Resources Planner, Department of Defense Conservation Compliance Program
University of Kansas (date of completion and next position)
Brett Woods, (completed April 2001) Asst. Professor, Beloit College
David Pennock (completed May 1998) Asst Professor Fort Hays State College, KS
Tom Good (completed May 1998) Biologist, NW Marine Fisheries Center, Seattle, WA
Angela Lindsey-Nunn (started 2012)
2) Masters students whose committees the nominee chaired at University of Kansas
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology:
Kathleen Nuckolls (completed August 1997) Currently Lecturer, Environmental Studies,
University of Kansas
Corey Welch (Northern Cheyenne) (completed July 1998) completed PhD, University of Washington, Currently Minority Coordinator, University of California, Berkeley.
Pamela Wilson (completed October 1998) currently Statistical Analyst, SPRINT Corp.
Deborah Williams (completed Fall 2002) Currently Instructor in Environmental Science and
Law, Johnson County Community College.
Angela Lindsey-Nunn (Muskogee/African American) (completed Spring 2012) Epigenetics and
Historical Trauma. Currently PhD student in American Studies under my supervision
Indigenous Nations Studies Program:
Katherine Humphrey (Cherokee) Gaduwa Oral Tradition and Ethos in Northeast Oklahoma.
MA Thesis. University of Kansas, 2003: PhD student University of Alaska
Brenda Brandon (Seneca) Spring 2007 with Honors. Tribal Environmental Justice:
Indigenous Rights and Cultural Risk. Director of Technical OutreachServices for Native
American Communities (TOSNAC). Haskell Indian Nations University
Myron Dewey (Paiute) Spring 2007. Language retention practices and modern technology.
Consultant on Technology to Agua Ducatta Paiute Tribe.
John Ortley (Wambli-Gleska-Waste':Lakota) Spring 2007. Confusing culture for clinic:
Indigenous shaman-healer as psychopathology
Instructor Haskell Indian Nations University
Stan Holder (Wichita/Lakota) Spring 2008, Contaminants in Traditional Subsistence-
based Diets. Tribal outreach specialist, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Heidi Mehl (Cherokee) Spring 2009 with Honors, Water Quality Issues in Indigenous
Peoples in the US and Siberia. PhD Program in Hydrology, Kansas State University
Margaret Stevens (Oneida) Spring 2011. Water and its importance to the Oneida of
Wisconsin.Environmental Specialist, Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin
Kelly Berkson Spring 2011 with Honors. Linguistics for Practitioners of Language
Conservation, Best MA thesis, University of Kansas. PhD Program in Lingusitics.
Brandy Fogg, Spring 2012. The First Domestication: Co-evolution between Homo
sapiens and Canis lupus. Research Scientist, Bartlett and West, Topeka, KS.
Valerie Switzler (Warm Springs) Summer 2012. That is All I Have to Say:An Argument for
Immersion as a Language Revitalization Method in the Warm Springs Community.
Tribal Language Program, Warm Springs tribal Community, Warm Springs, OR
Lois Stevens (Oneida) Fall 2014. With Honors. TRUSTING THE CULTURE
IN OUR FOOD: Overcoming Barriers for Sustainable Indigenous Foodways.
Administrator, Haskell Indian Nations University Foundation
Nasbah Ben (Navajo). Air Quality and the Navajo Nation, and Designing a Native American
Science Curriculum.Computer Education Consultant
Temashio Anderson (Navajo/Pomo)Designing a Native AmericanScience Curriculum.
Environmental Housing Specialist, Pomo Tribe of California
Diana Restrepo-Osorio: Completed Degree in LAS (Spring 2014) Currently PhD student in
Geography, University of Kansas
Served on Graduate student committees of 6 Masters and 9 PhD students at KU
External Examiner on for Canadian and Australian PhD theses
Grant GilchristUniversity of British Columbia
Kevin BrownYork University (Toronto)
Heidi AumanUniversity of Tasmania
1. Pierotti, R., D. G. Ainley, T. J. Lewis, and M.C. Coulter. 1977. The birth of a California sea
lion on Southeast Farallon Island. California Fish and Game 63:6465.
2. Pierotti, R. 1980. Spite and altruism in gulls. American Naturalist 115:290300.
3. Pierotti, R. and D. Pierotti. 1980. Effects of cold climate on the evolution of reproductive
behavior in pinnipeds. Evolution 34:494507.
4. Pierotti, R. 1981. Male and female parental roles in the western gull under different
environmental conditions. Auk 98:532549.
5. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1981. Distribution of potential migratory staging areas for
waterfowl in the Great Basin Desert of Northern California. Report to U.S. Bureau of
Land Management.
6. Pierotti, R. 1982a. Habitat selection and its effect on reproductive output in the herring gull in
Newfoundland. Ecology 63:854868.
7. Pierotti, R. 1982b. Spite, altruism, and semantics. American Naturalist 119:116120.
8. Pierotti, R. 1983. Gullpuffin interactions. Biological Conservation 26:114.
9. Pierotti, R. and D. Pierotti. 1983. Costs of thermoregulation in adult pinnipeds.
Evolution 37:10871091.
10. Annett, C.A. and R. Pierotti. 1984. Laboratory and field investigations of the foraging
behavior of the leather-seastar, Dermasterias imbricata, in Monterey Bay, Calif.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 14:197206.
11. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1985. Breeding biology and nest site selection in western gulls on Alcatraz Island. Report to National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
12. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Bellrose. 1986. Proximate causation and the third chick disadvantage in
gulls. Auk 103:401407.
13. Pierotti, R. 1986. Modeling Nature. Condor 88:544546
14. Pierotti, R. and E.C. Murphy. 1987. Intergenerational conflicts in gulls.
Animal Behaviour 35:435444.
15. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1987a. Reproductive consequences of specialization and
switching in an ecological generalist. pp. 417442 In Foraging Behavior, A.C. Kamil, J.R.
Krebs,and H.R. Pulliam, eds. Plenum Press, N.Y.
16. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1987b. Breeding biology and diet of western gulls on Anacapa
Island. Report to National Park Service, Channel Islands National Park.
18. Pierotti, R. 1987a. Isolating mechanisms in seabirds. Evolution 41:559570.
19. Pierotti, R. 1987b. Behavioral consequences of habitat selection in the herring gull.
Studies in Avian Biology 10:119128.
20. Pierotti, R. 1987c. Evolution as entropy. Condor 89:679683.
21. Rothstein, S.I. and R. Pierotti. 1988. Distinctions among reciprocal altruism and kin
selection, and a model for the initial evolution of helping behavior.
Ethology and Sociobiology 9:189210.
22. Pierotti, R. 1988a. Associations between marine birds and marine mammals in the
Northwest Atlantic. pp. 3158 In Seabirds and Other Marine Vertebrates:
commensalism, competition, and predation. J. Burger, ed. Columbia Univ. Press.
23. Pierotti, R. 1988b. Interactions between gulls and otariid pinnipeds: competition,
commensalism, and cooperation. pp 213239 in Seabirds and other Marine
Vertebrates: commensalism, competition, and predation. J. Burger, ed.
Columbia University Press.
24. Pierotti, R., D. Brunton, and E.C. Murphy. 1988. Parentoffspring and siblingsibling
recognition in gulls. Animal Behaviour 36:606608.
25. Rothstein, S.I. and R. Pierotti. 1989. Definitions and the genetic basis of beneficent behavior.
Ethology and Sociobiology 10:453-456.
26. Pierotti, R. 1989a. Intergenerational conflicts in species of birds with precocial offspring.
Proc. XIX International Ornithological Congress: 10241029.
27. Pierotti, R. 1989b. Reproductive success and individual variation. Condor 91:748751.
28. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1989. Management and manipulation of the western gull colony onAlcatraz in relation to the planned Open Island Concept. Report to National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
29. Annett, C.A. and R. Pierotti. 1989. Chick hatching as a trigger for dietary switches in
Western Gulls. Colonial Waterbirds 12:411.
30. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1990. Diet and reproductive performance in seabirds.
Bioscience 40:568574.
31. Schneider, D., R. Pierotti, and W. Threlfall. 1990. Alcid patchiness and flight direction near
colonies in Witless Bay, Newfoundland. Studies in Avian Biology 14:2335.
32. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1991. Diet choice in the herring gull: effects of constraints
imposed by reproduction and ecology. Ecology 72:319328.
33. Pierotti, R. 1991. Adoption vs. infanticide: an intergenerational conflict in birds and
mammals. American Naturalist 138:11401158.
34. Pierotti, R. 1991. Ravens in winter. Condor 93:788790.
35. Pierotti, R. 1991. Individual variation and the costs of reproduction. Condor 93:10391040.
36. McNeil, R. P., P. Drapeau and R. Pierotti. 1993. Nocturnality in colonial waterbirds:
occurrence and special adaptations. Current Ornithology 10:187246.
37. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1993. Hybridization and male parental care in birds.
Condor 95:670679.
38. Pierotti, R. 1993. Larid diets and population biology. Colonial Waterbirds 16:252255.
39. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1994. Patterns of aggression in gulls: asymmetries and tactics in
different roles. Condor 96:590599.
40. Pierotti, R. and T.P. Good. 1994. Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). In The Birds of North
America, #124. (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Wash. D.C.: American Ornithologist's Union.
41. Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 1995. Western Gull (Larus occidentalis). In The Birds of North
America, (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.) Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences,
Wash. D.C.: American Ornithologist's Union.
42. R. Pierotti. 1995. First residents and first nations.
Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 10:96-97
43. Pierotti, R., C.A. Annett, and J.L. Hand. 1996. Male and female perceptions of pair-bond
dynamics: monogamy in the Western Gull. pp. 261-275 In Feminism and Evolutionary Biology, P.A. Gowaty, ed. Chapman and Hall Press.
44. Pierotti, R. 1996. Recruiting Native Americans: adjusting for cultural differences.
Fisheries (Publication of American Fisheries Society) 21: 16-18.
45. Chenault-White, V., M. Necefer, R. Pierotti, and B. Welton. 1996. Comparison of
Native American and European Worldviews. Videotape Haskell Indian Nations University, Environmental Research Studies Center
46. Good, T.P., R. Pierotti, and J.C. Ellis. 1996. Influence of nesting habitat in the
Western/Glaucous-winged Gull hybrid zone. Pacific Seabirds 23:7-10.
47. Pierotti, R. and D.Wildcat. 1997a. The science of Ecology and Native American traditions.
Winds of Change (Journal Amer. Indian Science and Engineering Society) 12(4): 94-98.
48. Pierotti, R. and D.Wildcat. 1997b. Evolution, creation and Native American traditions.
Winds of Change (Journal of AISES) 12(2): 70-73.
49. Tiger, G., D. House, H. Mann, R. Pierotti, and C. Smith. 1997. All things are
connected: Native American Views of Biology. Videotape Haskell Environmental
Research Studies Center
50. Kamler, J., D.S. Pennock, C. Welch, and R. Pierotti. 1998. Comparative morphology of
Peromyscus maniculatus and P. leucopus under conditions of allotopy and syntopy. American Midland Naturalist 140:170-179.
51. C.A. Annett and Pierotti, R. 1999. Longterm reproductive output and recruitment
in western gulls: consequences of alternate foraging tactics. Ecology 80:288-297.
52. C.A. Annett, R. Pierotti, and J.R. Baylis.1999. Male and female parental roles in a
biparental cichlid, Tilapia mariae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 54:283-293.
53. Pierotti, R. and D. Wildcat. 1999. Connectedness of Predators and Prey: Native
Americans and fisheries management. Fisheries (J. Amer. Fisheries Soc.) 24 (4): 22-23.
54. Schweiger E. W., R. Holt, R. Pierotti and J. Diffendorfer. 1999. The relative importance of
small-scale and landscape-level heterogeneity in structuring small mammal distributions.
Pp. 175-207 in Landscape Ecology of Small Mammals. G. Barrett and J. Peles, editors. Springer-Verlag Press.
55. Pierotti, R. and D. Wildcat. 1999. Traditional knowledge, culturally based worldviews and
Western science. Pp 192-199 in Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity. D. Posey,
ed. U.N. Environment Program Intermediate Technology Publications, London.
56. Pierotti, R. and D. Wildcat. 1999. Traditional ecological knowledge: synthesizing
rationalism and belief. Pp 36-46 in Conference proceedings: Bridging traditional
ecological knowledge and ecosystem science. Northern Arizona University Press.
57. Wildcat, D. and R. Pierotti. 2000. Finding the indigenous in indigenous studies.
Indigenous Nations Studies Journal 1:61-70.
58. Pierotti, R. and D. Wildcat.2000. Traditional ecological knowledge: the third alternative.
Ecological Applications 10:1333-1340.
59. Schweiger, E.W., J. Diffendorfer, R. D. Holt, and R. Pierotti. 2000. Interaction between
habitat fragmentation, plant and small mammal succession in an old-field community.
Ecological Monographs 70:383-400.
60. Good, T.P., J. Ellis, C.A. Annett and R. Pierotti. 2000. Bounded hybrid superiority:
effects of mate choice, habitat selection, and diet in an avian hybrid zone.
Evolution 54:1774-1783.
61. Greenberg, M. and R. Pierotti. 2000. Conflict and resolution in primates—all too human.
Science 290:1095-1096.
62.Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 2001. The ecology of Western Gulls in habitats varying in
degree of urban influence. pp. 307-329 In J. Marzluff and R. Donnelly, eds. Avian ecology and conservation in an urbanizing world. Kluwer Press, The Netherlands.
63. Pierotti, R. and D. Wildcat. 2001. Being native to this place. In American Indians
in History, 1870-2000. Sterling Evans, ed. Greenwood Publishing, Westport, CT.
64.Pierotti, R. 2002. Campus Morale Under Corporate Models: the University of Kansas.
Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor 4.2. Special Issue: Financing the Corporate University.
65. Pierotti, R. 2002. Connected to the Land: Nature and Spirit in the Novels of Louis Owens.
Indigenous Nations Studies Journal 3: 77-94.
66. Pierotti, R. 2002. Dogs and Wolves (Video). Pawlitcally Incorrect Symposium on Dog
Behavior. Tawzer Dog Videos, Nampa, Idaho.
67. Calhoon, J.A., D. Wildcat, C. Annett, R. Pierotti, and W. Griswold. 2003. Creating
meaningful study abroad programs for American Indian postsecondary students.
Journal of American Indian Education 42:46-57.
68. Pierotti, R. 2004. Animal disease as an environmental factor. Encyclopedia of World
Environmental History. S. Krech and C. Merchant, eds.
Berkshire, Publishing. New York.
69. Pierotti, R. 2004. Herring Gull. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History.
S. Krech and C. Merchant, eds. Berkshire, Publishing. New York.
70. Pierotti, R. 2005. Hunting, Religious Restrictions and Implications. Pp. 391-400.
Encyclopedia of Native American Religious Practices. ABC CLIO Press,
Broomfield, CO.
71. Pierotti. R. 2005. Religious Overtones in the writings of Louis Owens. Pp. 723-730.
Encyclopedia of Native American Religious Practices. ABC CLIO Press, CO.
72. Pierotti, R. 2005. Communities as social and ecological entities. in Being Native:
Native Being. Oklahoma State University Press, Durant, OK
73. Pierotti, R. 2006. The Role of Animal Disease in History. Encyclopedia of World History.
Berkshire, Publishing. New York.
74. Pierotti, R.; Muklaeva, Y.; Ostanina M. 2008. Scientific exchange programs in
environmental and social science: the importance of indigenous perspectives. Pp. 172-177InInternational Conference Proceedings: Biodiversity, ecological issues of Gorno Altai and its neighboring regions: present, past, and future (Биоразнообразие, проблемы экологии Горного Алтая и сопредельных регионов: ностоящее, прошлое, будущее).Gorno-Altaisk: RIO GASU.
75. Pierotti, R. 2009. Birds of the Kaw.
76. Pierotti, R. 2009. The Winged Ones: How birds are like us and how they differ from us in their daily lives.
77. Pierotti, R. 2010a. Sustainability of natural populations: Lessons from IndigenousKnowledge. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15: 274-287.
78. Pierotti, R. 2010b et seq. A Native American Science Curriculum. Professional Website http:/
As of December 2013 Since going online in July 2010 the website has had 31,471 pageviews from 10,193 unique visitors in 140 countries.
79. Pierotti, R. 2011a. Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, New York & London. 264pp.
80. Pierotti, R. 2011b. The World According to Is'a: Combining Empiricism and Spiritual
Understanding in Indigenous Ways of Knowing. In Anderson, E.N., D.M. Pearsall, E.S. Hunn, and N.J. Turner (Editors), 2011, Ethnobiology, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, 399p.
81. Pierotti, R. 2011c.Animal Diseases.In Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History.
Berkshire Press, Great Barrington, MA
82. Pierotti, R. 2011d. Paradise Found: Nature in America at the Time of Discovery.
Ethnobiology Letters 2:.
83. Pierotti, R. 2012a. Forms of Becoming: Evo-Devo for Ethnobiologists.
Ethnobiology Letters 3: 35-38.
84. Pierotti, R. 2012b. Name That Frog.
85. Pierotti, R. 2012c. Human Impacts on Seals, Sea Lions, and Sea Otters: Integrating Archaeology and Ecology of the Northeast Pacific. Ethnobiology Letters 4: 32-36
86.Pierotti, R. 2012d. The Process of Domestication; Why Domestic Forms are not Species.
Wolfdog 2:22-27
87. Pierotti, R. 2012e. All dogs are wolves. Wolfdog 2:8-11
88. Pierotti, R. 2012e. The Beginning Law meets Constructal Law: Indigenous Insights into the
Nature of Life. in Brown Fest: a symposium in honor of the retirement of James Brown,
Professor and member of National Academy of Sciences, UNM, Albuquerque
89. Pierotti, R. 2013 et seq. Saturday Academy visit to the Kansas City Zoo.
90. Pierotti, R. 2013. Visiting the Subconscious: Behavioral and Evolutionary Aspects of Sleep. KU/Kansas City Kansas Public Schools Summer Academy.
90, Aucott, J. (and R. Pierotti advisor). 2013. Effects of paedomorphosis on signaling behaviors
in dyadic encounters of the domestic dog. Journal of Undergraduate Research: 66-74.
91, Pierotti, R. and C.A. Annett. 2014. We probably thought that would be true: Perceiving
complex emotional states in nonhumans.Ethnobiology Letters 5: 15-21.
92. Pierotti, R. 2014. A Tapestry, not a Tree. Science Online comments.
93. Benedict, M., K. Kindscher, and R. Pierotti. 2014. Learning From the Land:
Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives into the Plant Sciences. Pp. 135-154 In C. Quave
(Editor) Strategies for Teaching in the Plant Sciences, Springer Publications, NY, NY.
94. Pierotti, R. 2014. Explorations in Ethnobiology: The Legacy of Amadeo Rea.
Ethnobiology Letters 5: 126-128..
95. Pierotti, R., C.A. Annett, D. Restrepo-Osorio, and L. McCray. 2014. Evolution Course
materials for Secondary School Students. KU/Kansas City Kansas Public Schools Summer Academy.
96. Pierotti, R. C.A. Annett, and B. Lau. 2014. Genetic variation Course materials for Secondary