College of EducationX Award

College of Education X Award

(X-disciplinary, eXternal Grant Proposal Development Award)

Pilot Year 2013-2014

The goal of the College of Education X Award is to provide support and training for college faculty, faculty associates, and staff to develop competitive external grants. This award supplements the URG External Grant Development Award, which is only open to faculty and is limited to teams of 2 individuals. This grant capitalizes on the diverse expertise present across the college’s departments, schools, and units. In addition, the grant promotes scholarly and professional development in support of the COE 5-year plan.


College of Education tenured and tenure-track faculty, faculty associates, and full-time staff are eligible to apply. Teams must containat least three members; at least one member must work in a different COE unit/department/schoolthan the other two. Faculty and staff in other Illinois State University departments or units outside the COE may participate in the grant and receive the grant-development support, but they may not receive funding for their participation.


  1. Grant topics that support the College 5-year plan
  2. Teams that include both COE department/school/unit and Laboratory School membersif the proposal is related to P12 education area where expertise from both would enhance project
  3. Teams that consist of members across different units, schools, or departments
  4. Teams that include one or more COE members who have not served as PIs in a previously awarded grants

Costs supported

The College has set aside $13,500 for 2013-2014. The award will support salary and/or grant development expenses. Salary is limited to $1,500 per person.

Maximum award amount

  • $4,500per grant team and support from a COE grant mentor. The College may recommend budget adjustments. Funding can cover additional pay (COE members only), travel to visit program officers, stipends for an external reviewer, and other grant development activities. Grant applicants must provide details in the budget justification for all operation costs to develop the grant.


  • Teams participate in grant development training as they write the grants.
  • Year 1 - submission of grant through RSP
  • Year 2 - either evidence of grant award and progress on grant or resubmission of grant


Teams receiving this award must submit a grant proposal for at least$150,000. Recipients who do not submit requested outcomes will not be eligible for future College internal or URG grants.

Due Date

Rolling:The College Research Committee will consider applications four times a year: August 1, and November 1, February 1, and May 1 (as long as funds area available).


Up tothree awards will be distributed each year.

The College will review this award every other year to determine whether it will continue.

For more information, contact Trisha Klass, Associate Dean, at or 309 438-7719.

College of Education X Award

Because of the nature of grant submissions, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as long as funds are available. External grant development applications must contain the following:

Signed cover page
Abstract (no more than 150 words)
Narrative answering required questions (no more than 5 pages)
Reference page
Budget justification (statements linking each budget item to the project activities, including salary)
Summary of grant and copy of funding source’s current or previous year’s RFP
One-page vita for each PI that includes peer-reviewed publications and external grant awards

Evaluation Criteria

The proposals will be evaluated based on

1)the clarity, adequacy, and quality of the responses to the narrative requirements

a)background and objectives of the proposed research project,

b)an outline of the research plan,

c)the form, nature, and percentageof each team member’s involvement in the research project,

d)a plan for achieving successful submission of the external proposal (e.g.,


ii)roles of multiple people writing the proposal,

iii)budget development,



e)a resubmission strategy should the external proposal be declined for funding.

f)Adequate completion of all sections

2)The degree to which grant topics support the College 5-year plan

3)Membership of team (e.g.,Teams that include both COE department/school/unit and Laboratory School membersif the proposal is related to P12 education;at least one member of team is from a different college department/school/unit; one or more COE members who have not served as PIs in previously awarded grants)

4)Demonstration of a record of scholarly productivity of the PI’s and complementary skills/contributions of the grant-writing team members

5)Likelihood of funding based on a match between granting agency priorities, RFP guidelines, team expertise, and project goals and activities.

College of EducationX Award
X if complete / Submission Checklist
Signed cover page by each PI and supervisor
Abstract (no more than 150 words)
Narrative answering required questions (no more than 5 pages)
Grant Development Budget justification (statements linking each budget item to the project activities, including salary)
Budget (this form)
Copy of funding source’s current or previous year’s RFP with award limits
One-page vita from each PI that includes peer-reviewed publications and external grant awards
PI: / Dept/School/Unit:
Position: (faculty, staff, faculty associate) / Prior role as PI? y/n.
PI: / Dept/School/Unit:
Position: (faculty, staff, faculty associate) / Prior role as PI? y/n.
PI: / Dept/School/Unit:
Position: (faculty, staff, faculty associate) / Prior role as PI? y/n.
PI: / Dept/School/Unit:
Position: (faculty, staff, faculty associate) / Prior role as PI? y/n.
Project Title:
Date project will begin: / Submission Date Deadline of RFP
Requested dates of additional $ payments:
Dates cannot be changed without approval of the Associate Dean of Research.
Total Amount Requested: / $

I understand that the required outcomes of the award are:
  1. Evidence of submission through Cayuse form, and notification of status (if received). (within 1 year of award date)
  2. Notification of status of grant, or if declined, evidence of resubmission as proposed in original grant. (within 2 years of award date)

I know if I do not submit requested outcomes will not be eligible for future College internal or URG grants.


Principal Investigator: / Date:
Department Chair/School Director/Unit Supervisor: / Date:
Principal Investigator: / Date:
Department Chair/School Director/Unit Supervisor: / Date:
Principal Investigator: / Date:
Department Chair/School Director/Unit Supervisor: / Date:
Principal Investigator: / Date:
Department Chair/School Director/Unit Supervisor: / Date:

Narrative (5 pages maximum)

The narrative should include the following elements: 1) background and objectives of the proposed research project, 2) an outline of the research plan, 3) the form, nature, and percentage of each team member’s involvement in the research project , 4) a plan for achieving successful submission of the external proposal (e.g., timelines, roles if multiple people are writing the proposal, budget development, submission etc.), 5) a resubmission strategy should the external proposal be declined for funding, 6) the degree to which grant topics support the College 5-year plan and,7) strengths and unique contribution of team members.


Summary of Grant
(submit RFP attachments as well)
Budget for Proposal Development

Project Title:

Personnel Amount

Additional Pay

Name: / Pay Dates: / $
Name: / Pay Dates: / $
Name: / Pay Dates: / $
Name: / Pay Dates: / $
Civil Service
(Hours x rate of pay) / $
Graduate Assistants
(Months x monthly stipend) / $
Student Help
(Hours x rate of pay) / $


Describe services (external reviewer, evaluator, etc.): / $
Destination, purpose, dates of travel: / $
Commodities / $
Printing / $
Postage / $
Equipment / $
Computer Services / $
Telephone / $