Source Water Collaborative
Draft List of Potential Actions
Immediate Actions / Proposed Action at Fall SWC Meeting / Post-Meeting ActionsComing Together for Clean Water /
- Steering Committee members will:
- Share their own outreach to their members and with EPA on this issue;
- Identify possible role for national leadership (i.e., Final version could offer overarching discussion on SWP)
- Through discussions with the Steering Committee & invited speakers, SWC will identify potential action steps to leverage the Clean Water Act.
- Each SWC member communicating key information to their members;
- Sharing summary of November meeting with EPA leadership for their reference and consideration;
- Ensuring follow-up and outreach to states;
- Helping states understand roles they might play.
Nutrients /
- ASDWA and other Steering Committee members to present key next steps for action since Draft Action Plan for The Task Force has not been developed.
- SWC to discuss potential SWC actions and priorities on nutrients, and how to leverage Clean Water Act.
- Invited representatives from NACD to attend SWC meeting to participate in discussion.
Ideas might include:
- Learning how to target efforts to get states to adopt numeric criteria for nitrate and phosphorous;
- AWWA to collect information on the cost of nutrient removal; SWC to create summary to post on websites and use to share with their members
EPA’s Drinking Water Strategy /
- Invite select panelists to help inform interactive discussion among SWC members to define key actions.
- If EPA releases their decision on contaminant groupings before the November meeting, could invite Eric Burneson or Wynne Miller to discussion.
- Invited representatives from ASIWPCA to attend SWC meeting to participate in discussion.
Ideas might include:
- Helping EPA share state data information
- Provide feedback on contaminant grouping chosen by EPA
Short Term / Potential Action at Future SWC Meeting
Source Water Protection Project (with TPL, ASDWA, SGLI)
- Provide feedback on how to share lessons learned
- Other?
- After hearing a detailed update on the project, the SWC might help TPL/SGLI/ASDWA to consider the most effective ways to extract lessons learned and share with appropriate audiences.
Water Research Foundation Report – Developing a Vision and Roadmap for SWP for U.S. Drinking Water Utilities
- Obtain report and start dialogue with WRF
- Share information at meeting
- Engage Stakeholders on Strategy in report that promotes SWP
- Could be part of SWC reference materials for future SWP clearinghouse
AWWA’s G-300 Standard /
- AWWA could provide SWC with an update. Could SWC promote to localities?
- Build on concepts outlined in report
- Could be part of SWC reference materials for future SWP clearinghouse
Longer Term (Or when more immediate need arises) / Potential Action at Future SWC Meeting / Post-Meeting Actions
Chesapeake Bay /
- The BMPs developed for nonpoint sources for the Cheasapeake Bay could be promoted nationally (
- If members have strength in a specific geographic area, there may be an opportunity to use the new tools.
- Depending on our actions around the nutrients issue, there could be a parallel.
Urban Waters /
- If specific city is proposed, SWC may choose to align efforts to participate
- SWC may want to discuss EPA Strategy, which will be available for stakeholder review soon
Climate Change /
- Climate Ready Utilities Work Group presenting recommendations to Council in late-July. Could SWC distribute these recommendations or help make these more accessible to other groups?
- Stay on the forefront of climate change issues by gathering relevant resources and collaborating with leaders in the field to be able to provide a clearinghouse for information related to source water issues related to climate change
Healthy Watersheds Initiative /
- Promote the conservation of healthy watersheds in SWC reference materials and through local models, such as the local strategic forums
From Forest to Faucet /
- Review national assessment recently completed by the Forest Service prioritizing HUC-12 watersheds across the country in terms of relative importance to drinking water supply and projected future risks to water quality due to changes in land condition.
- Examine and discuss strategies for use of this information in addressing threats
- Identify opportunities for fostering Payment for Watershed Services (PWS) approaches for future protection.
Complete Forest to Faucet (Your Water, Your Decision) brochure.
Work with members to promote PWS approaches
- SWC Workshops/Pilots
- Identify other unique ways to promote Source Water Protection on a local and regional scale (i.e., marketing campaigns).
- Compile and synthesize an online SWP reference library/clearinghouse
- New SWC website that enables social networking or other online interaction
Page 1 Draft as of 10/23/18