Hemingway Short Stories Essay Assignment

Assignment: Write a well-developed 2 or 3 page essay(5-8 paragraphs) on one or both of the following questions:

  1. How does a particular Hemingway short story reflect Hemingway’s life experiences?
  2. How does a particular Hemingway short story reflect Hemingway’s signature style?

Sample Ideas for Topics:

  • “Old Man at the Bridge” has a Spartan, journalistic style with simple quotes and straightforward sentences, which is a style Hemingway would have learned as a journalist for the Kansas City Star. Additionally, the scene that is depicted in the story is a scene that Hemingway would have witnessed during the Spanish Civil War.
  • “Up in Michigan” is set in Michigan and features a dominant male personality. This is probably reflective of the fact that Hemingway spent his summers in Michigan with his dad, and it was the only time he was allowed to dress as a boy. In addition to the strong male character, the story is also reflective of his writing style because of its simple, rather abrupt style.
  • “Hills Like White Elephants” is a quintessential Hemingway short story, because of the symbolism and dialogue, and the way that the word “abortion” is never explicitly spoken.
  • Nick Adams represents Ernest Hemingway, as depicted in stories like “Indian Camp” and “Ten Indians.” Nick Adams is a character that Hemingway based on himself, so there should be a lot of options here. You could focus on Nick’s coming-of-age, his relationship with his dad, or the way that the war has affected his character.
  • A Moveable Feast, Hemingway’s nonfiction memoir about his days in Paris, describes in great detail how the instruction of Gertrude Stein, the friendship of Scott Fitzgerald, and the warm ambience of the cafes influenced his writing style.
  • Select another story and discuss how it is emblematic of “the Lost Generation.” You could potentially incorporate topics studied in your history class in this discussion.

You should be sure to include the following important elements in your essay:

  • Interesting Grabber Title
  • Informative and Well-Constructed Subtitle
  • Clear and Coherent Thesis Statement
  • A Strong Introduction which Previews your Argument
  • Solid Paragraph Structure
  • Good Progression of Ideas
  • Elevated Language and Tone
  • Quotes from Primary Source (i.e. the short story)
  • Quotes from Two Secondary Sources (use internet)
  • Works Cited Page

Working Draft Due: Thursday, April 30, 2015Final Draft Due: Friday, May 1, 2015

English 11: American LiteratureMr. Ambrose