2017AAMVA Region IV Conference
Travel Grant Application
Region IV DMV or law enforcement attendees whodo not have access to jurisdictional funding and wish to receive financial assistance to attend the 2017Region IV conferencein Seattle should complete the grant application and return it by email to r by fax to 480-393-8988no later than March 24, 2017.
Please review the grant criteria on the following page before submitting anapplication. Please provideALL requested information by filling in or checking the appropriate boxes. Utilize a separate form for additional applicants.
Applicant InformationAgency Name
Name and Title of Person Making Request / Email & Phone # for Person Making Request
Name of Applicant #1 / Title of Applicant #1 / Email of Applicant #1 / Phone # of Applicant #1
Name of Applicant #2 / Title of Applicant #2 / email of Applicant #2 / Phone # of Applicant #1
Reason for Travel Funds Request
Is your agency sending other attendees to the Region IV conference? Yes No
Please provide the names of the other attendees:
Please confirm that travel approval has been received from the appropriate manager/director prior to submission of this travel grant request. Yes No Name and title of approving individual:
Before providing cost estimates, please review the travel and award criteria on the following page.
The following expenses are anticipated for 2017Region IV conference travel for the person(s) listed above.
airfare –estimated airfare cost of $ (PLEASE VERIFY ESTIMATED AIRFARE COST on an airline or travel website
prior to submitting application. Travel dates are May 20 departure and May 24return.
hotel – # of nights: (4 max)
conference registration fee of $300. IF POSSIBLE, THE AGENCY IS REQUESTED TO PAY THE INDIVIDUAL’S CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE. Your agency covering the registration fee helps travel grant funding to support more attendees.
Please provide any additional information that would be helpful in evaluating the grant application.
2017Region IV Conference Travel Grant Funding Award Criteria
- Applicant must be from a jurisdictional driver licensing, motor vehicle or law enforcement agency.
- In order to be eligible for travel grant monies, all AAMVA dues must be paid in full.
- Applicants must have a genuine need for travel assistance, e.g., full or partial jurisdictional funding is not available.
- Applicants are requested to cover the cost of the conference registration fee if possible.
- Priority consideration / approval will be given to those agencies that will not be able send anyone to the Regionalwithout grant funding.
- If submitting more than one application per jurisdiction, ideally multiple disciplines should be represented (e.g., driverrepresentative, vehicle representative, law enforcement representative, etc.)
- All of the hotel room charges for those approved for travel grant funding will be placed on the master account and billed directly to AAMVA Region IV.
- If an individual(s) opts to drive to the conference, mileage reimbursement cannot exceed what would have been spent on airfare. Travel recipient will be advised of travel budget for those driving.
- Appropriate jurisdictional / agency travel approvals (e.g., Director, Secretary, etc.) must be received by the applicant PRIOR to submission of the travel grant request.
- Individuals receiving travel grant funding must attend the full conference. Early departure is not acceptable.
- Individuals receiving travel fundingmust complete a post-conference report/survey.
- Funding does not include per diem or miscellaneous travel costs. The applicant’s agency is asked to cover such costs. If the agency is unable to cover miscellaneous costs, Regional reimbursement is possible.