Double-click the flier below to see both pages of the PDF. Sign-up form is page 2

WHO? / All Scouts and Venturers of Troop 789
WHAT? / Mataguay Shooting Sports Weekend
  • Boy Scoutswill have full use of Archery range, .22 Rifles, Shotgun and Muzzle Loading Rifle.
  • Venturers and adults will be able to use the equipment listed above plus Center Fire Rifle and Handguns.

WHEN? / November 16-18, 2012
WHERE? / Mataguay Scout Reservation
Meet at Troop 789 scout hut promptly at 5 pm for 5:30pm departure
COST? / If you did not register early, you need to submit full amount on the attached sheet and get reimbursed by Mark Losack, the troop treasurer, for the $13 subsidy for the scouts)
$20forscouts, includes shooting and two nights camping (after $13 reimbursement through troop treasurer)
$35 for venturers, if you want to shoot rifle and pistol (after $13 reimbursement through troop treasurer)
$48 for shooting adults, $8 for adults who do not shoot
Bring additional funds for lost arrow fees and Sunday lunch
OTHER? / MSR Guns ONLY – NO personal guns allowed! – NO Pets
TO REGISTER? / If you have not pre-registered and received a confirmation email from me, use the attached flyer to register directly with council, you must bring a copy of the form with you.
  1. Meet at the scout hut in Class A uniform at 5:00PM on Friday.
  2. Be prepared. Bring layered clothing. Have your 10 essentials and camping gear. Use the checklist on pages 292-295 in your scout handbook as a guide. Bring fishing gear if you want to fish.
Bring your Class B Troop Red T-Shirt. Bring a few dollars for snacks.
  1. Senior scouts ensure you are ready to teach assigned skills using the EDGE method. New scouts, ensure you bring your scout book to work on advancement.
  2. We should return to the scout hut around 12:30 PM on Sunday afternoon. We will call enroute.
  3. Bring your permission slip and registration/release form copy
and be on time.
  1. My cell # 913-871-5157.
Please contact me if you have questions
Alex Ferda
ASM Troop 789