wKREDA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Scott City, Kansas
Present: Scott Sproul, Chad Bontrager, Kim Goodnight, Lona Duvall, Dee Chandler, Ralph Goodnight, Neal Gillespie, J.J. Jones, Bob Wetmore, Randy Hrabe, Bob Muirhead, Corey Mohn, Richard Boeckman, Kara Jecha, Roger Hrabe, Karla Dimitt, Tom Keller, Lea Ann Seiler, Janae Talbott, Susan Nickerson, Rodger DeGarmo, Linette Miller, Simone Cahoj, Christy Hopkins, Nikki Pfannenstiel, Aaron Cannon, Helen Dobbs, Aaron White, Jeff Hofaker, Mike O’Kane, Pat Veesart, Tucky Allen, Mendi Alexander, Katie Eisenhour, Carol Meyer, JoAnn Knight, Dan Steffen, Keith Herrington, and Michael Soloman. Also present was Scott Von Cannon of Journal Communications.
Prior to the official business meeting, Scott Von Cannon of Journal Communications provided an update on the magazine initiative.
1. Call to Order
- President Jeff Hofaker called the meeting to order.
2. Approval of Minutes
- Secretary Christy Hopkins presented the minutes from the June quarterly meeting. Bob Wetmore moved and Janae Talbott seconded to approve the minutes from the June 6 business meeting as written. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s Report.
- Treasurer Nikki Pfannenstiel presented the treasurer’s report stating that the organization had $59,337.45 in its checking account and $30,571.81 in its savings account. Helen Dobbs moved and Simone Cahoj seconded to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
4. Committee Reports
- Business Development
- Agriculture Dairy Committee
- Neal Gillespie, chairman, shared information regarding the rebranding of the Dairy in Kansas initiative and new logo and promotional information designed by an intern at Sunflower Electric. Also discussed were upcoming events, which include the Madison Dairy Expo and the McCarty Dairy Virtual Tour, the Dairy Summit, held in conjunction with the Garden City Farm Show, and the World Dairy Expo in Tulare.
- Workforce/WHJ Committee
- Lea Ann Seiler, chairman, encouraged members to sign up to work career fairs. The WHJ committee is preparing to order promotional supplies and would like any feedback regarding desired products. Roger Hrabe touched upon the website and procedures for relisting available jobs. Tucky Allen shared information about an upcoming survey coming out from Kansas Workforce WIA.
- Value-Added Agriculture
- Katie Eisenhour stated that the committee is inactive right now. If others have ideas to pursue, please contact one of the committee members.
- Task Forces
- Housing
- Aaron White indicated that there was little to report. Overland Properties Group is still looking at communities to help put in multi-family housing, which would feature market-rate apartments.
- Magazine
- Jeff Hofaker reported that progress is being made on the magazine. He encouraged members to visit with Scott Von Cannon if they haven’t yet had the opportunity to do so.
- Energy Committee
- No report was given.
- Education Committee
- Roger Hrabe, education chair, expressed his appreciation to all who took part in Wednesday’s CD101 and to Katie Eisenhour for all her work in making the arrangements.
- Legislative Committee
- At the request of the legislative committee candidates for senate and house of representatives were invited to take part in a conversation with wKREDA. Senator Allen Schmidt, and candidates Dennis McKinney, Travis Couture-Lovelady, and Sue Boldra, attended and took part in a panel discussion concerning current issues. Legislative committee chairwoman Clare Gustin moderated the conversation. After each individual provided some introductory comments, the following topics were discussed: Rural Opportunity Zones, a lack of incentives for businesses, the Rural Business Tax Credit Program, the Community Service Tax Credit Program, and Enterprise Zones. Legislators and candidates agreed that clarity in information is key and encouraged those testifying to provide information prior to presenting their testimony, which allows two people to be speaking with the same information.
- The Legislative Mission has been set for January 29-30, 2013 at the Capitol Plaza. This will be a joint mission with KLPG.
- Public Relations Committee
- Nikki Pfannenstiel discussed the need to update the existing wKREDA website. She would appreciate feedback from members as to importance of features for website.
5. Door prizes, provided by Scott City Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development and local business donors, were given to those randomly drawn. Special thanks go out to Katie and the Scott City Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development for their work in hosting the meetings.
6. Old Business
- There was no old business to discuss.
7. New Business
- Venture Kansas
- Mendi Alexander presented information on the Venture Kansas program which will support entrepreneurs in 18 NW Kansas counties (for the first year) through a partnership with the E-Ship Center. Discussion ensued. The topic was tabled with no action taken until after a strategic planning discussion has occurred.
- Student Internship Format
- Susan Nickerson will send out the student internship format over the listserv for wKREDA members to review.
- Executive Board Nomination
- Katie Eisenhour was nominated by President Jeff Hofaker to fulfill the unexpired term of John Kennedy.
- Legislative Actions
- The Legislative Committee will begin work to craft the policy paper and plan the legislative mission now, which will include developing language for a stand-alone bill or an amendment on some form of Enterprise Zone. To make progress, members should begin talking to people now, and reaching out to Kansas Commerce, Governor Brownback, the Kansas Chamber. Additionally, we will look at other rural regions that could collaborate with us and share with our other community partners what we’re working towards, too.
- Members were encouraged to attend the Empowerment Tour and to take business owners impacted by new legislation with them.
- Tax Workshops
- wKREDA members were encouraged to spread the word about the upcoming tax workshops on October 2-3. Last year’s tax workshops were not widely attended.
- Keith Herrington, Kansas BioScience Authority
- Keith Herrington with the Kansas BioScience Authority reported that the KBA is interested in working in western Kansas more.
8. Adjournment
- With no further business to discuss, Roger Hrabe moved to the adjourn meeting at 2:02 p.m. Karla Dimitt seconded. Motion carried.