Once you have completed your details on this form as appropriate in Section 1, please provide to your Head of School or Budget Centre to complete Section 2.
Section 1) To be completed by employee
Name:Payroll No:
Reason for leaving:
i.e. Resignation/End of Fixed Term Contract/Retirement
Future employment - please tick one of the options below as appropriate:
Employment in another UK higher education institution / Employment in a higher education institution in an overseas countryEmployment in another education institution in UK / Employment in another education institution in an overseas country
Research institution in the UK / Research institution overseas
Student in UK / Student in an overseas country
NHS/General medical or general dental practice in UK / Health service in an overseas country
Other public sector in UK / Private industry/commerce in UK
Self-employed in UK / Other employment in UK
Other employment in an overseas country / Not in regular employment
Retirement / Not known
Location after Leaving - please tick one of the options below:
England / WalesScotland / Northern Ireland
UK (not otherwise specified) / Other EU
Non EU / Not known
Prefer not to disclose
Forwarding address:
Employee signature …………………………………….……………………………………..
Section 2) To be completed by/on behalf of the Head of School/Budget Centre
Employee to be paid under his/her contract until / Appointment Expected End DateHoliday Pay (days)*
Account to be Charged
Signed (Head of School/Budget Centre)
Has the employee named in Section 1 returned any property that belongs to the University (for example, Lap-top/ ID Badge/ Keys)
¨ Yes
¨ No (Please confirm items that are outstanding
*Please note by agreeing for holiday pay to be paid in lieu of leave not taken the Head of Budget Centre agrees to a payment over and above the salary due up to the end of employment
Please return this form to: Email: or to Aston Webb, B Block