Review by January 2020
Reports to:Headteacher, Senior Leadership Teamand SENCo
Salary RangeCollett Pay Scale: H6, £21,268 to £23,398
Purpose of the job
To ensure that the pupil’s Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are managed and reviewed accurately and effectively.
Job context
The Collett School welcomes staff of high professional standards and shares the responsibility with each member of staff for continual review and the development of expertise.
Main duties
The expectations below are notan exhaustive list of what is required
To assist the SENCo in the management of the pupil’s EHCPs by:
- Making sure that time is spent getting to know the children in the school which will help the whole process run much more smoothly.
- Setting up review reports for each child ready to be completed by the class teacher
- Liaising with the SENCO to set dates for the Annual Reviews which will include deadlines for class teachers etc.,
- Liaising with admin staff to ensure that parents/carers have been invited to the Annual Review
- Printing off copies of EHCPs to give to teachers for highlighting before the annual review.
- Ensuring that teacher have timely reminders for when their reports for Annual Reviews are due and chase any that are overdue.
- Liaising with the SENCO and other professionals (SaLT, OT etc.,) to ensure that reports are completed and ready to be sent out 2 weeks before the review date.
- Ensuring that all relevant paperwork; Section A of the EHCP, the teacher’s report and any other reports, have been sent home to parents/carers at least 2 weeks before the Annual Review.
- Chairing the Annual Review meeting and make careful note of the changes to be made to the EHCP.
- Ensuring that any concerns raised by parents/carers or professionals as well as any important information is reported and passed on to the relevant member/s of staff or other professionals.
- Completing the Herts County Council Annual Review form with all changes clearly indicated and send all paperwork and reports off to Herts County Council SEN team, and home to parents within 2 weeks of the review meeting.
- Updating pupil profiles with new/updated Aims and Outcomes and distribute to class teachers.
- Checking the draft ECHPs when they return from the SEN team to ensure that all changes have been made as requested.
- Ensuring that Final EHCPs, when they arrive from the SEN team are saved on the system, linked on SIMS and filed in the pupil’s personal file.
Review of duties
The specific duties attached to any individual member of staff are subject to annual review and may, after discussion with the member of staff, be changed.
Members of staff may be required to undertake additional, reasonable undertakings requested by the Headteacher.
Reviewed January 2018