Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38-42
Introduction:Siblings are often very different
My wife: “I can’t believe you and your brothers came from the same parents.”
Bible: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau
What comes to mind in this story. Are you a Mary or are you a Martha?
Let’s start by trying to define what the issues are in this story.
Read from God’s Word paraphrase.
First, we see Mary.Younger sister?
Sitting at Jesus’ feet – listening.
Is this her natural disposition?
Teachers teach all types of students – attention spans differ greatly.
Preachers know some members are a great challenge.
Philip Slate: “He fell asleep while we were talking.”
“Going to church” is a great challenge for some.
Mary seems to have a great attraction to Jesus as her Lord.
John 11:32 – Once again at Jesus’ feet.
John 12 :3 – Mary anoints Jesus’ feet.
Maybe Mary was programmed to love Jesus.
Parents will often tell you that one of their children is attracted to church
more than the others.
illus.: Tucker and Elana – bus driver and teacher
Maybe Mary was a good disciple by design.
Second, Martha – the older sister?
In a tizzy.All the preparations for Jesus’ visit.
Can remember when Christians used to invite others into their homeson Sunday? House cleaning, preparations, cooking.
Mom – in her Sunday clothes! (Restaurants are a better choice!)
Reaches her boiling point – “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work all by myself? Tell her to help me!”
Martha – the practical one. Sizes up the situation. Sees what has to be done.
Not afraid to speak her mind.
John 11:21- “Lord, you should have come sooner.”
vs. 39 – “Lord, you can’t open the tomb. He’s been dead for four days. The smell will be awful.”
Jesus: “Martha, Martha! You worry about a lot of things.”
Martha is focused on all the details.
Until they’re all taken care of there is no time to visit with Jesus!
Jesus teaches a valuable lesson.
“There’s only one thing you need. Mary has made the right choice, and
that one thing will not be taken away from her.”
The great lesson – about priorities
“priority” comes from “prior” – before, in front of other things
Hearing Jesus was more important than fixing dinner.
Jesus is the eternal Bread of Life – Whoever eats of him will never hunger.
Martha’s food that she thought was so important would soon be forgotten.
**Greatest challenge in the disciple’s life.
So many things in life have our attention.
Which is the most important?
Many Christians have never come to Jesus’ feet.
They believe: He is the Son of God.
He is the Savior of the world.
His word is true.
These are facts that they believe, just like Martha.
**They never connect with Christ as their Lord and Friend.
illus.: contest – reading of the 23rd Psalm
First, with voice like James Earl Jones.
Second, farmer with tenderness in his voice.
“The first knew the psalm, the second knew the shepherd.”
Do you know the Shepherd?
Why is church so boring? Why don’t Christians read their Bibles? Why do some quit attending services?
Martha’s answer – we don’t have all the details right
Mary – they don’t know Jesus
My friend, Jesus can make all the difference in your life.
He can change you. He can make your life fulfilling. He can heal your sorrows.
Listen, today you are sitting at His feet because He is here with us.
Can you hear His voice?
Can you feel His love?
Do you have His peace?
At this moment He is looking at you. Are you looking back?
Jesus: Mary was receiving something that couldn’t be taken away from her.
Lesson is “priority.”Christ first.
Second issue – distractions.
1. Dealing with the urgent.Martha – we must get this done quickly!
**What is urgent usually is not what is most important.
illus.: gallon wide-mouthed jar
Teacher puts in dozen good-sized rocks
“Is the jar full?”No.
Next begins putting in gravel.
“Is the jar full?”No
Next puts in sand.
“Is the jar full?”No
Next pours in water
“Now the jar is full.”
What does this story tell us about life?
“You can always fit more things into your life.”
“No. . . . The point is this: if you don’t put the big rocks in first,
you’ll never get them in at all.”
Matt. 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . . .”
***We must fight to make Christ our first priority.
2. Consumed by worries and cares.
Philippians 4:6 “Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.” Notice previous verse: “The Lord is near.”
illus.: God provided a way for me to get health insurance when I moved to Illinois
Put your life in God’s hands and you will have less stress and you will live longer.
We are facing a choice – “Mary has made the right choice . . .”
We are all like Martha and Mary. We are pulled in different directions everyday.
We all must make choices.
The lesson – keep making the right choice. Keep choosing Jesus.