Minutes from May 9, 2006

American Red Cross

The May 9th, meeting was called to order by club President Ron Stier, W9ICZ. There were a total of 16 members and guests present, answering the roll call.

Devotions and the Pledge of Allegiance were given.

A motion to approve the secretary’s report for April as printed in the May Newsletter was made by Leon Jobe, KD8BO and was seconded by Charles Philhower, WA9KZC. The motion carried.

Treasurer Don Cook, K9GT, gave the treasurer’s report. Following the addition of $242.11 currently in the VE fund, a motion to accept was made by Charles Philhower, WA9KZC and was seconded by Jason Kirtley, KC9HGD. The motion carried.

Announcements that were made during the meeting:

  1. Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, reported on the May 6th Test Session. Charlie reported that we had 8 people come in for testing, resulting in 2 new hams and 3 upgrades. One of the new hams was Associate Club member Raymond Rice. 2 of the 3 upgrades were Club members, as well. Tracy Nash, KC9HTV, upgrading to General and Leon Jobe, KD8BO, upgrading to Extra.
  2. Ron Stier, W9ICZ, thanked those who helped with the March of Dimes, Walk America Walk-A-Thon. Ron went on to say that the club’s visibility at events like this, is a plus.

Old Business:

  1. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, said that the Incorporation Committee didn’t have anything new to report as of the meeting night.
  2. Herb McAdams, N9XC, reported on the Special Event Station to be held in conjunction with the Richmond Bicentennial, Richmond Celebrates. Herb said that the Special Event call sign of K9R has been obtained. The special event QSL cards have been printed. RP&L will have to set a meter and will help with the erection of an antenna. The Special Event Station will be located on the U.S. Bank employee parking lot, along the South service alley between South 5th & South 6th Streets. This will be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 17th, 18th & 19th. Herb is also going to check and see if we can get donations to help defray the costs associated with the Special Event Station.
  3. Herb McAdams, N9XC, said that the Trailer Committee hasn’t had a chance to check out the Emergency Trailer to determine what should be gotten rid of and what should be kept.
  4. Ron Stier, W9ICZ, commented on the plus and minuses of having a club website. He talked about the expense of having the website registered, the cost of having someone to keep the website updated and the time involved, etc. A discussion followed with the matter being tabled until Committee Chairperson, Mark Lasley, KC9HIS, is able to make his report.
  5. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, reported on the Solicitation Committee. Mike said that Herb McADams, N9XC, would be mailing letters to prospective donors.
  6. Herb McAdams, N9XC, stated that fellow club member Mike Chambers, W1IDX, has obtained Mac’s Shack and the shelter behind, for our use on Field Day. Herb would like for those who plan on operating, to send an E-mail, listing what equipment that they will be able to provide.

New Business:

1. Herb McAdams, N9XC, showed a MFJ, Differential “T” antenna tuner that fellow club member Ron
Showalter, KA9EEA, has for sale. Ron is asking $180.00 for it. Herb made a motion that the club
purchase the antenna tuner for our use in the Red Cross radio room, at Field Day, our Special Event
Station, etc. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, seconded the motion after it was stipulated that the tuner
would become the property of the Whitewater Valley Amateur Radio Club and not the Red Cross.
The motion carried.

The drawing was held with Joe Todd, KB9ICM, winning the pot of $11.00.

A motion to adjourn was made by Charles Philhower, WA9KZC and was seconded by Leon Jobe, KD8BO. The motion carried with the meeting closing at 7:39 PM.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 13, 2006.