Our Governing Body consists of 12 members and operates with 3 committees.

Full name of Governor / Governor Category / Date of current Appointment or Election / Source of Appointment (where appropriate) / Term
office/Roles within GB / Attendance at full Governing Body Meetings* / Committee membership / Attendance at committee meetings* / Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest / Remarks
Mrs Elizabeth Brown / Parent / 13.07.2014 / n/a / 4 years
Chair of Governors / 2/3 / Curriculum
Finance / 3/3
3/3 / Works for a leisure company used by Slinfold School for swimming lessons
Mr Tim Canham / Parent / 01.09.2014 / n/a / 4 years
Chair of Personnel Committee / 2/3 / Personnel / 3/3 / Nil
Mr Chris Casdagli / Co-opted / 02.03.2016 / n/a / 4 years / 1/2 / Personnel / 1/1 / Nil
Mrs Sarah Elphick / Foundation / 1.11.2013 / Diocesan Board of Education on the recommendation of the Parochial Church Council of the parish of Slinfold / 4 years
Vice Chair of Governors / 2/3 / Curriculum
Personnel / 2/3
2/3 / Nil
Mrs Michelle Evans / Staff / 11.07.2012 / n/a / 4 years / 3/3 / Curriculum / 3/3 / Nil / Date of leaving 10.07.2016
Rev Sandra Hall / Ex officio Foundation / 19.05.2015 / Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Slinfold / n/a / 3/3 / Curriculum / 1/3 / Nil
Mrs Serena Harrison / Parent / 06.02.2013 / n/a / 3/3 / Finance / 2/3 / Nil
Mr Billy Joels / Local Authority / 19.03.2013 / West Sussex local authority nomination / 4 years
Chair of Curriculum & Standards committee / 3/3 / Curriculum / 3/3 / Nil
Miss Laura Phibbs / Headteacher / 03.09.2015 / n/a / n/a / 3/3 / Curriculum
Finance / 3/3
3/3 / Nil
Mr Jason Pitts / Co-opted / 01.09.2013 / n/a / 4 years / 0/2 / Finance / 1/2 / Nil / Date of leaving 15.04.2016
Mrs Vicky Stenning / Parent / 01.09.2013 / n/a / 4 years
Chair of Buildings & Finance committee / 3/3 / Finance / 3/3 / Nil

*Attendance during previous academic year to 31/8/2016